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[CS:GO] Extended Paintball (Gamemode) [1.0.0-BETA]

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Extended Paintball
A simple paintball gamemode that can be easily enabled and disabled based on the map.

(copied from the

sm_paintball_enable <0/1> will disable/enable the painball gamemode.

sm_paintball_halt <0/1> will temporarily disable/enable the paintball gamemode, usefull for map makers.

sm_paintball_damage <0.0-X.X> will multiply the damage done by the configured weapon's damage.

sm_paintball_firerate <0.0-X.X> Fire rate multiplier. WARNING Do not set too low, server may lag or crash.

sm_paintball_speed <0.0-X.X> Velocity multiplier, the way this works may change later on.

sm_paintball_hsdistance <0.0-X.X> Cheap way of detecting if the bullet hit the player in the head, set to 0.0 to disable.

sm_paintball_gravity_override <0/1> Overrides the configed weapon's gravity.

sm_paintball_gravity <0.0-X.X> Gravity for the paint ball

sm_paintball_nodrop <0/1> Determines if the paintball should fly through the air (MOVETYPE_FLY)

The weapons can each be configured within the paintball_weapons.cfg, more info can be found in the github

Required Plugins
WeaponAttachmentAPI - This will allow the paintballs to originate from the player's weapon barrel, instead of the eyes. Later this will become optional.

Github Project
The source and the compiled version can be found here:
A development build, which can be unstable is here:

(right-click -> save-as)

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