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RSS[Any] Simple HealthBars

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

  • RSSy
This plugin is an example.
It is not configurable since the objective is simply to make a proof of concept.
It is easy to reprogram so you can easily use it as a base or simply copypaste the parts you want into your plugin.

It will display a helthbar above every play's head (except yourself).

Since the Beams can only be displayed for a minimun of 0.1 second, the bar will only update on a 0.1 second timer.
This results in a laggy movement of the bar.
There are a few solutions:
1 - Render the bar once per freme. This will look great if the bar is not moving, but will create a ghosting effect since the bar still takes 0.1 seconds to disapear.
2 - use laser beam attached to another entity. It gives the best looking results, but the objective of this plugin is just to shocase the maths.

Fell free to ask for help about the plugin and to make your own better version of it.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (simpleHealthbarTimer.sp - 3.7 KB)

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