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[Any] tVip (1.0 | 31-12-16) - The simplest to use Vip Manager

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Today I'm going to present a Plugin to you that is available in other forms but not with this featureset.

This Plugin allows you to add Vips on the fly to your Server, extend their Status or Remove them.
You can also lookup the details of Vips in a simple to use Menu.

The Plugin was designed for Large Communities that run a big amount of servers.
This is why it has a live MySQL Sync. This means no data is stored locally and everything is instantly synced to the database to allow a seamless workflow.

Let's get to the details.

I'm not providing you a config since you should be able to compile this Plugin yourself.

The default MySQL config is tVip which needs to be added to your database.cfg.
If you want another name, change line 13 in the .sp

The default flag is Custom5 (19). This is editable in the .sp in line 21

The following commands are available:


sm_tvip - Root Flag - Opens the tVip Admin menu
sm_addvip "<SteamID>" <Duration in Month> "<Name>" - Root Flag - Add a Vip manually (offline)
sm_vips - no flag - Shows all VIPs
That's about it.
I hope it's usefull for some of you.

If you are interested in other Plugins, checkout my Website




Attached Files
File Type: smx tVip.smx (29.6 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (tVip.sp - 17.3 KB)

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