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[CS:GO] BetterBan (v1.0 1/6/17)

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Hey guys this is my first plugin ever so I'm sure the code isn't 100% optimised and might be a few bugs, so if you could check it out and give me some feedback that would be great!

BetterBan will SteamId ban a user when they are IP rejected from the server. Banning a Steam client using a generic method will just allow the user to change account and continue playing on the server. BetterBan will ban the client and also (for a specified amount of time bb_ip_banlength) will ban every user that attempt to connect using the same IP address.

You might be thinking, why dont I just ban their IP? Well this will work but wouldn't you like to ban their second account or third account (and so on) that try to connect but are IP rejected? This is the functionality of this plugin.

The only case that this plugin is inneffective is if the client changes their IP address before connecting with a new account.

Drag betterban.smx into your Sourcemod plugins folder and restart your server or type "sm plugins load betterban" into the server console.

How To Use
betterban <clientid> [Message to user]
  • The clientid can be retrieved by typing status and using the second userid digit, as highlighted in this image
  • Message is optional and needs to be quoted. Example: betterban 1 "You have been banned for wallhacking"
  • Each entry of IP addresses (along with a EPOCH timestamp) are stored line by line in addons/sourcemod/configs/iplist.cfg
bb_ip_banlength - determines the time (in seconds) that the IP addresses will ban a client, after this time the IP addresses will be removed from the iplist.cfg file. The default time is 432000 (5 days).

Attached Files
File Type: smx betterban.smx (7.0 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (betterban.sp - 4.9 KB)

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