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RSS[ANY?] SLAYER-Advance Stats

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[ANY?] SLAYER-Advance Stats

Description :
This plugin shows round stats at the end of the map. Also, Show Map Stats at the End of the Map.
It shows the winning team, MVP player with kills, damage, and hits. Also, show the most knife kills by which player. Also Show Most Headshot, grenade kills. The plugin also shows the noob of the Round/Map at the end of Round/Map. Also shows the text in the chat when someone kills somebody by headshot, grenade, and knife. Also, show the first blooder in the chat.

Note : This Plugin is Tested in CSGO and CSS.

Features :
  1. Shows Winning Team
  2. Shows Mvp with how many kills, damage and damage
  3. Shows Most Headshot kills by which player and how many headshot kills
  4. Shows Most Knife kills by which player and how many knife kills
  5. Shows Most Grenade kills by which player and how many grenade kills
  6. Shows Noob player of the Round/Map
  7. Shows Stats at the End of Round/Map
  8. Shows Map Stats by Timeleft, Maxrounds, Winlimit
  9. Shows Text in chat when someone kills somebody by headshot, grenade, and knife.
  10. Shows First blooder in the Chat
  11. Colorful Chat Messages

Requirements :

Sourcemod 1.8+

Installation :
1. Download and Extract the file.
2. Copy and paste SMX and SP files to your Server.
3. Change Map OR Restart Server.

ConVars :

Coming Soon...

Attached Files
File Type: zip SLAYER-Advance Stats (21.7 KB)

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