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RSS[TF2] PvP Opt-In

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PvP Opt In
By default no pvp and pass through enemy team players.
This plugin was written as alternative to /friendly plugins as players usually forgot to enable it or were unhappy with how collision groups mess up certain things like elevators. So hopefully by putting all that on it's head, there wont ever be the need to report for RDM again!

- Global PvP toggle
- Pair PvP via invites, player can disable invites
- Walk through enemies base on pvp state
- Color players based on pvp state
- Sentries and bots ignore non-pvp players
- Fully translatable
- Blocks various conditions between non-pvp players
- Prevent players pushing eachother with e.g. loose cannon outside of pvp
- Generates a config at cfg/sourcemod/plugin.pvpoptin.cfg

pvp_joinoverride "0"
Define global PvP State when player joins.
0 = Load player choice, 1 = Force out of PvP, -1 = Force enable PvP

pvp_nocollide "1"
Can be used to disable player collision between enemies.
0 = Don't change, 1 = with global pvp disabled, 2 = never collied

pvp_notarget "0"
Add NOTARGET to players outside global pvp. The NOTARGET flag is not used by this plugin and will break other things such as dispensers, so turning on is not recommended.

pvp_gamestates "all"
The game states when this plugin should be active or all if it should always run. Following states are possible: all, waiting, pregame, running, overtime, suddendeath, gameover

pvp_playertaint_enable "1"
Can be used to disable player tainting based on pvp state

pvp_playertaint_bluoff "255 255 225"
Color for players on BLU with global PvP disabled.

pvp_playertaint_bluon "255 125 125"
Color for players on BLU with global PvP enabled.

pvp_playertaint_redoff "255 255 225"
Color for players on RED with global PvP disabled.

pvp_playertaint_redon "125 125 255"
Color for players on RED with global PvP enabled.

For all colors for format is R G B A from 0 to 255 or web color #RRGGBBAA. Alpha is optional.

Toggle global PvP on or off

/pvp player
Invite to, accept and end pair PvP with another player.
If the player was not found, get a menu.

End pair PvP with all players.
If no pair PvP running, toggle ignore state.

/forcepvp <target|'map'> <0|1>
Override the targets global pvp choice. If you use 'map' it will apply to all players joining the server. Non persistent (will reset on map change). Requires admin flag Slay.

New Target Selectors:
- @pvp Select all players with global PvP enabled
- @!pvp Select all players with global PvP enabled

There's also a settings menu to toggle global PvP and pair PvP.

Install the following required plugins:
- DHooks
- CollisionHook
- TF Utils

Note: DHooks was added to SM 1.11, you might not need to download it in the future.

The CollisionHook branch I linked is prebuilt, but the gamedata might be outdate.
Check this file, it should be up to date.

If you want to compile the plugin you will need SMLib's transitional syntax branch and MoreColors

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