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RSSenv_wind manipulator

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This plugin let you change wind setting during game play.

Attachment 192733

Install KeyValue file in ...addons/sourcemod/configs/env_wind_settings.txt and you can make own wind settings.


Server console command:
sm_env_wind default
sm_env_wind stop

sm_env_wind normal
sm_env_wind windy
sm_env_wind hurricane

- I first made this for fix client side bug.
Happens when previous map have env_wind entity in use and next map do not have, wind effect stay enabled in client own game.
Here example from csgo Wind - Valve pls fix ?
This plugin will create missing env_wind entity and set wind effect off.

- There are few "fix" plugins already, but one those plugins just remove wind entity and another reset entity settings if entity exist on events. :(
[CS:GO] fix bug with floating trees

- You will see glitching foliage in game, because those are model poorly... I don't know. Have no weight ?
- This plugin will not manipulate wind entity if it exist on map by default on map start.
- To set own wind effect to specific map, try find map configure plugin which execute cfg file for example on round_start. Use server command there.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg wind.jpg (28.4 KB)
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (env_wind manipulator.sp - 4.9 KB)
File Type: txt env_wind_settings.txt (714 Bytes)

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