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RSS[TF2] Gimme

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

  • RSSy
This plugin allows players to give themselves any weapon or cosmetic item. The item is lost when they die or touch a locker. Admins can give any weapon or item to target players. Existing cosmetics will only be removed if they conflict with the new cosmetic given.

By default all commands are limited to players with the SLAY flag. Use admin overrides to change the flag to your liking. To do this, edit your amin_overrides.cfg file located in the configs folder. If you want any player to use the gimme command add this line:

"sm_gimme" " "
By default the players will only be able to equip weapons and cosmetics for their current class. Server operators can remove those restrictions with the ConVars listed below.

Plugin Dependencies:
Econ Data by nosoop. Here's a link:
TF2Attributes by FlaminSarge. Here's a link:

sm_gimme_effects_enabled 0 - (default) weapons given will not have unusual effects
sm_gimme_effects_enabled 1 - weapons will always have unusual effects if weapon allows.
sm_gimme_enforce_class_weapons 0 - players can equip any weapon, even if for another class
sm_gimme_enforce_class_weapons 1 - (default) players can only equip weapons for their current class
sm_gimme_enforce_class_cosmetics 0 - players can equip any cosmetic, even if for another class
sm_gimme_enforce_class_cosmetics 1 - (default) players can only equip cosmetics for their current class

Player Commands:
!gimme <item index number> - will equip the item
!gimme <warpaintable weapon index number> <warpaint id> - will equip the weapon with warpaint
!index - will display the web address for the TF2 item definition index wiki

!gimme 18 - will give player a rocket launcher
!gimme 666 - will give player the B.M.O.C. (santa hat)
!gimme 205 300 - will give player rocket launcher with Yeti warpaint skin
!gimme 199 232 - will give player a shotgun with Alien Tech warpaint skin
!index - will show the url for the item index wiki
note: warpainted weapons require the renamed/strange variant of the weapon. ie., 199 for shotgun

Admin Commands:
!giveitem <target player> <item index number>
!giveitem <target player> <warpaintable weapon index number> <item index number>

Video of Gimme Plugin:

Put gimme.smx into the folder: /sourcemod/plugins/
Change map

1.0 - 20Dec2021: Initial release.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (gimme.sp - 18.1 KB)
File Type: smx gimme.smx (10.9 KB)

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