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RSS[CS:GO] Spy exact players - send messages to discord

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  • RSSy
This plugin allows you to target someone and see all their messages, when they connect or leave in discord room that you choose, you can make xxx channels for xxx players, it is connected with mysql (You can't use it without mysql)

Commands :
/addtarget "steam64" "webhook entry name" "description"
/removetarget "steam64" //if you want to use command.
/targets //menu where you can remove and see every targeted player.

video showcase of plugin (sorry for my bad english, but its mainly so you can see what it can do also good if you didnt understand how it works and what it does from this text)

instructions :
1. put targets.smx into your plugins folder

2. You need to make myql entry in databases.cfg called "target" instructions :

go to csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs and open databases.cfg

Then at the bottom you need to paste this and fill in the information :

PHP Code:

"driver"            "mysql"
    "host"            "your mysql host"    
// The host where your mysql server is located
"database"            "database"    // The name of the database
"user"            "user (most likely same as database)"        // The name of the user that the plugin should use to connect
"pass"            "database password"    // The password for this user
        //"timeout"                     "0"
        //"port"                        "3306"

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (lTargets.sp - 6.4 KB)

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