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RSS[L4D1(2)] Statistics

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Good day, I present to your attention a plugin for keeping statistics of some actions of players on your game server.
Modular system support.
Plugin supports multilanguage, so far there is a translation into ru and en.
The plugin keeps track of actions such as:
1) The number of kills of ordinary infected.
2) Number of tank kills.
3) The number of killings of witches.
4) The total number of special infected killed.
5) Counter of the elapsed time on the server.
6) Keeping track of killed allies.
7) The number of shots from a firearm.
8 ) Number of hits from firearms.
9) Accounting for the total damage done.
10) A separate table for recording hits in body parts of infected people and people.

In future versions:
1) The number of bombs thrown.
2) The total amount of health restored with the help of medications.
3) The number of melee strikes.
4) Statistics on the use of each weapon.

In-game chat commands:
!st - display your statistics (you can go to the top list)
!rank - display your statistics (you can go to the top list)
!top - Opens a menu where you can select different directions in the top positions. For example, top tank kills.
!hit - Shows the body part hit menu.
!hits - Shows a menu of body parts hits.
!resetmyrank - reset my your stats.

sm_st_print_chat "1" // "Displaying a greeting in the chat"
sm_st_tabl_base "st_base_new // "The name of the statistics table in the database"
sm_st_basic_view_top "InfectedKills" // "Basic statistics view at the top (gametime or finalewin or InfectedKills or TankKills or WitchKills or MutantsKills or PlayerDead)"
sm_st_count_players "2" // "Number of players to run statistics"
sm_st_hits_tabl_base "st_base_hits" //"Name of the hit table in the database".

Add to database.cfg

"driver" "mysql"
"host" "hostname"
"database" "database_name"
"user" "user"
"pass" "password"
"port" "3306"

Plugin Installation:
Place the l4d_statistic.smx file in the plugins folder along the path /addons/sourcemod/
Place the translation file l4d_statistic.phrases.txt in the translations folder.
The folder in which the rank setting is located, move to the folder along the path /addons/soucemod/configs

Attached Files
File Type: txt l4d_statistic.phrases.txt (3.3 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_statistic.sp - 36.3 KB)
File Type: zip (31.8 KB)
File Type: inc (3.3 KB)

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