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[TF2] Stamina Sprinting v.1.0 [2/4/2017]

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[TF2] Stamina Sprinting
Version: 1.0


Allows players to sprint using a stamina meter by double tapping w (forward button).
You can set how fast the stamina meter drains/regenerate and which class can use the sprint feature.

1. Download and drag files to correct directories
2. smx files goes to addons/sourcemod/plugins folder and .cfg files goes to cfg/sourcemod
3. Set up your configuration in cfg/sourcemod
4. Double tap w(forward key) and hold to sprint
5. Profit!

1. Sourcemod 1.8+
2. Metamod 1.10+
3. Morecolors to compile

sm_stamina_enabled (default: 1) - Enables/Disables stamina sprinting.
sm_stamina_speed (default: 1.75) - Speed increase value when sprinting. (1.0 is normal speed)
sm_stamina_drain (default: 0.1) - How fast to drain stamina, 0.1 is fastest.
sm_stamina_regen (default: 0.5) - How fast to regenerate stamina, 0.1 is fastest.
sm_stamina_hudx (default: 0.0) - X coordinate of HUD display.
sm_stamina_hudy (default: 1.0) - Y coordinate of HUD display.
sm_stamina_class (default: 511) - Bit-Wise operation to determine which class can sprint.
Class Type Bit-Wise:


Scout =                1
Sniper =        2
Soldier =        4
Demoman =        8
Medic =                16
Heavy =                32
Pyro =                64
Spy =                128
Engineer =        256

To use sm_stamina_class, add the values of whatever class you want stamina sprinting to work for
For example if i wanted only pyro and medic to have stamina sprinting, i would add 64 + 16 = 80
I would then set sm_stamina_class 80
511 will enable all class to use stamina sprinting

This plugin is enabled for all clients who joins the server, if you want to limit this to an admin flag then set your admin overrides to

Plugin must be reloaded if you change the override.

1.0 - Released

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