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RSS[CS:GO] SLAYER_RES Round End Sounds

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[CS:GO]SLAYER-RES Round End Sound

This plugin plays the sounds at the end of the round. Convert from CSS to CSGO.

1. Display song name which is playing.
2. It has its own menu by typing !res.
3. It has an Announcement feature at every round end or at every round start.
4. Sound Can be played in Queue or Random (Change in Convar)
5. Players Can Turn On or Off the RoundEndSounds and also can change the volume.

Plugin Installation:
1. Download zip and extract file.
2. Copy all files and Paste them into your server.
3. Change Map or Restart Server.
4. Config File will be auto-generated on the first Run.

Sounds Installation:
1. Go to addons/sourcemod/configs and open file SLAYER_RoundEndSounds.txt
2. Edit the File by Given syntax:
PHP Code:

        "Acharuli Popuri - Gandagana" // Sound Name Which Display when sound play
"file"        "slayer/mvp/Acharuli Popuri - Gandagana.mp3" // Sound Location

sm_res or !res - To open RES settings Menu (For All players)
sm_res_refresh or !res_refresh - To reload RES Config File (Only for Admin with RCON (m) Flag)

Attached Files
File Type: zip SLAYER_RES (48.5 KB)

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