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[CS:GO] Player Skin

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hi guys! there is already a plugin like this but it's way more simpler.
How it work?
very simple , all you need to do is install the plugin and config the skins list so they can be used.
sm_pskin in console or !pskin in chat!
well, let's get started!
there is a file attacked called skins.ini and you must set your skins into this file that might look like this:
PHP Code:

"Name"        "Get Default Skin"
        "u_id"        "def"
        "Skin"        "MODEL PATH"
        "Arms"        "ARMS MODEL PATH"
        "Team"        "TEAM WHICH THE SKIN IS FOR"
        "u_id"        "SKIN UNIQUE ID (this must be unique per skin)"
"Name"        "Santa Girl [T]"
        "Skin"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie.mdl"
        "Arms"        "models/player/custom_player/kuristaja/cso2/natalie_santagirl/natalie_arms.mdl"
        "Team"        "2"
        "u_id"        "skin_santagirl"

let's explain but first you might asking your self what's that default option?
That's a predefined menu item that is used to set a player's skins and arms to default models so you might want to remove it at all but i recommand that leaving it alone!
ok let's get back to configs, i'll explain the keys:
Name : Is the name of the skin that will be shown into skin menu.
Skin : The skin model path that is requeired for model changing (careful about that!).
Arms : It's your model's arm's path BUT if your model does not have arms just leave it empty like this:

Arms    ""
Team : you must set skin's team so to do that you might set it to 2 for Terrorists and 3 for Counter-Terrorist (I will add support to make a skins for both teams in future.).
u_id : Is very important ! it must be unique for each skin you set so that menu can detect which skin is this.
NOTE : Use SM File Downloader/Precacher to make your models available for download in your server.
NOTE: This Plugin Is Using The Arm's fix and another fix included by my self you can turn my fix off by setting the convar sm_ps_fix to 0 , my fix removes player's weapon on round end and give a knife on round start so it might be a little bad! so if there is anyone can help me making it right, just tell me!
The Arm's Fix to use might be this:
Thanks to everyone.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (20.2 KB)
File Type: ini skin.ini (564 Bytes)

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