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[ANY] Would You Rather.. v1.0

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Would You Rather
A Simple would you rather game that shows in the in game radio menu. Currently there is no tracking of stats, so if a player leaves the server he/she may be answering questions that he has already seen in a previous session. If a client closes the menu then they will have the chance to restart their questions from the beginning, or continue where they left off, if a player restarts they may see questions that were already shown.



The config for the questions is setup to be as simple as adding lines to a file or adding an additional file for a new category.

To add a new category just start an empty file within the sourcemod/configs/WouldYouRather. The name of the file is the name of the category.

To add questions and options to your category just follow the format of


The delimiter is the '|' character. If you do not have two of the delimiter characters the plugin will unload and tell you what line it is on.


ConVars are auto generated into the /cfg/WouldYouRather.cfg


sm_wouldyourather_random - Default to 1 - When displaying questions to players it will pick a random question from their collection. Set to 0 to go through numerically.

sm_wouldyourather_menuspacer - Default 1 - The menu spacer which is printed as 'Or...', this can be disabled and will show as a normal menu.


To contribute to the plugin or it's questions please see the contribution guidelines

Future Plans

I'm planning on adding a webserver (perferably java) that will communicate through Http requests. This will allow the webserver to hold the stats per player, instead of having the server save all the stats. If I do actually get around to finishing the webserver then it would be in a different destination, as I want to keep them separate.




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