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[CS:GO/CS:S] CountryTags (1.0, 17-02-2017)

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CountryTags 1.0
Made by Potatoz

I've been searching myself for a simple plugin that would put the 2-length country code on the scoreboard but every single one i've stumbled across tends to spew out those pesky errors all over my console :cry:

But hey, knowing Sourcemod Scripting i decided to not complain and just do it myself, this plugin gives clan-tags to players/admins/bot in the following ways:

If a player does not have a tag they automatically get the tag "NA" (Not Available) just to make sure it still fits in to the ever so beautiful scheme.

If you want a tag that applies for you and only you there is also a "DEVELOPER" tag available inside the source-code (this can obviously be changed to anything), all you would need to do is exchange my SteamID with yours and change the tag with whatever you see fit. (Keep in mind SourceMod has a weird way of picking up SteamID's so most SteamID Lookups may not work properly)


Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (country_clantag.sp - 3.3 KB)

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