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[CS:S] [CS:GO] [VIP] Very Important Person [Beta] 0.0.5rc25 Russian Version

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I will give you VIP Plugin - Russian language ( Who is the hero who can translate the Plug )

Plugin (Version 0.0.5)
  1. VIP Chat f1d820b89453.jpg
  2. Player models, skins.
  3. Immunity from plugins: antikamp, ​​voteban and so on.
  4. Endurance
  5. Money
  6. Automatic installation of weapons.
  7. The show damage.
  8. Antiflesh team.
  9. Full antiflesh.
  10. Disable team damage.
  11. BunnyHop
  12. Always spawn C4.
  13. Increased damage.
  14. Regeneration.
  15. Medic team.
  16. Block damage from their grenades.
  17. HP Installation.
  18. Speed ​​setting.
  19. Installation gravity.
  20. The tail of the grenade.
  21. Revival.
  22. Reduced damage.
  23. Free movement between the teams.
  24. The sound of the heartbeat.
  25. Clan Tag.
  26. Block damage if dropped from a height.
  27. Installing weapons.
  28. Endless ammo.
  29. Drop grenades and a knife.
  30. Dissolve the corpse was killed.
  31. Automatic installation of the silencer.
  32. The ability to kick a player from the server.
  33. The ability to throw any weapon players.
  34. The ability to turn on / off the flashlight players.
  35. The ability to draw a spray from the players faces.
  36. Immunity from weapons ban.
  37. Colored weapons in the hands of the player.
  38. Color effect in killing the head, or with a knife or a grenade.
  39. Changed world models when throwing grenades.
  40. Fire grenade when throwing.
  41. Ignites a grenade explosion at a distance of 1.5 meters of possession.
  42. Acceleration time player when taking damage.

small thumbs


plug-in settings:
  1. users_admins.ini list of administrators who access add or remove VIP players will be allowed.
  2. downloads.ini - Downloadable files skins, and other resources.
  3. users. the ini - players the VIP List.
  4. users_chat_ignore_commands.ini - Triggers, which are passed in the chat.
  5. users_groups.ini - the VIP group.
  6. users_models.txt - VIP skin for both CT and the T
  7. users_not_give_on_maplist.ini - Which maps disable automatic issue of weapons of VIP players.
  8. users_settings. the ini - Saved settings VIP players.
  9. users_player_commands_kickreason.ini - Causes kick players.
  10. users_advert_vip_access.ini - Advertising for players who do not have access to the command vip
  11. users_activation_keys.ini - Activation Keys VIP access.
  12. users_chat_tags.ini - Base tag chat.
  13. users_clan_tags.ini - Base clan tags.
  14. users_weapon_restrict.ini - weapons ban list for a specific card, together with works Weapon Restrict.
  15. users_weapon_colors.ini - arms leaf colors vip player.

At the moment, the plugin will work with the keys in the .ini files
All data is stored in UTF-8 without BOM editor notepad++

List VIP Team:
  1. vip or vipmenu or vip_menu or vip_settings plugin settings menu.
  2. vip_say write a message VIP players.
  3. vip_cash issuing money.
  4. vip_weapon or vip_giveweapon or vip_give issue weapons.
  5. vip_health or vip_hp installing HP vip_health 100 or 100 vip_hp
  6. vip_speed speed setting. (Maximum 3.0)
  7. vip_add_users Adding a new VIP player.
  8. vip_groups_users Show group for VIP players.
  9. vip_del_users Delete VIP player from the database.
  10. vip_chat_tag Installing a new VIP tag.

List of server commands:
  1. vip_ the users _damage amplifier damage (How to multiply the damage) for players with the 'n' flag.
  2. vip_users_max_health maximum amount for HP vip players.
  3. vip_users_max_speed Maximum travel speed for vip players.
  4. vip_users_clan_tag Clan for the Tag vip players with the 'd' flag.
  5. vip_users_max_cash maximum amount of money for vip players.

Flags VIP access

0a the VIP Chat.
0b player models, skins.
0c Immunity from plugins: weapons ban, antikamp, voteban enabled and so on.
0d Endurance
0e Money
0f Automatic installation of weapons.
0g show damage.
0h Antiflesh team.
0i Full antiflesh.
0j Disable team damage.
0k BunnyHop
0l always spawn with C4.
0m Increased damage.
0n Regeneration.
0o Medic team.
0p Block damage from their grenades.
0q Installing HP.
0r speed setting.
0s Installation gravity.
0t tail of the grenade.
0u Revival.
0v Reduced damage.
0w free movement between the teams.
0y sound heart.
0x clan tag.
0z unit damage if dropped from a height.
1a Set weapons.
1b Infinite Ammo.
1c Drop grenades and a knife.
1d Dissolve corpse was killed.
1e Automatic installation of the silencer.
1f immunity from weapons ban.
1g Colors weapons.
1h Color effect in the murder of the head, or with a knife or a grenade.
1i Changed world models when throwing grenades.
1j Fire grenade when throwing.
1k ignites a grenade explosion at a distance of 1.5 meters of possession.
1l acceleration time player when taking damage.
1m Voice patponov low level to play CS: S v.34 and CS: S in CSGO game
2a The ability to kick a player from the server.
2d The ability to throw any weapon players.
2e The ability to turn on / off the flashlight players.
2f The ability to draw players from the spray face.

The requirement to work:

SourceMod 1.5.1 or higher.
Socket 3.0.1 above.


Attached Files
File Type: zip (2.77 MB)
File Type: zip (220.0 KB)

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