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[CS:GO] Layer Strike (1.0 2017-02-23)

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Layer Strike

A brand new competitive game mode for CS:GO.

How it works
Layer Strike plays the same as the original CS:GO, except for the fact, that you can switch between three different layers (or dimensions, if you will).
To switch between the layers, you have to equip the specific layer-weapon. Your primary weapon brings you to layer 1. Your secondary weapon brings you to layer 2. Your knife brings you to layer 3. Your equipment (grenades, zeus and the bomb) keeps you on your current layer.
You can only see your enemies, when they are on the same layer as you are. The same goes for your enemies.
Bulles run through every layer. So even if you cannot see your enemies, you could still hit them.
Switching between layers creates a sound, which everyone near to you can hear. Further, you are visible to all layers for 0.1 seconds.
When the bomb is planted, all players are visible for all layers after 15 seconds.
Disclaiumer: If you are admin, you can type !layerstrike in the chat to get a menu for easy access to the ConVars

layerstrike_allsee_ct_knife - CTs see everything with knife if 1
layerstrike_allsee_t_knife - Ts see everything with knife if 1
layerstrike_enabled - Enable Layer Strike mode with 1
layerstrike_time_after_plant_visible - Time after bomb is planted that all players get visible
layerstrike_layer_switch_sound - Performs a sound when switching layers if 1


1.0 Initial release
Installation instructions
You need to add the *.mp3 files into your csgo/sound/misc/ folder.
The .smx file simply goes into the csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins folder.

If you want to alter the code, you need to include EmitSoundAny:

This is my first plugin I made. So if I did anything wrong, please tell me and I will fix it. :)
Also I do not know, if it is allowed to post links to the Facebook page and Steam Group of the plugin, therefor I will not. But if you search for it, you will find it.


Attached Files
File Type: smx LayerStrike.smx (11.3 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (LayerStrike.sp - 12.1 KB)
File Type: zip (64.4 KB)

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