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[TF2] Classic Movement (Bunnyhop, Wallstrafing, ...) (v1.0, 2017-02-28)

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Classic Movement

This plugin brings back movement as it was in Quake or Half Life 1 based games.
It feels and behaves almost exactly like the original.

  • Wallstrafing
  • (Proper) Strafe jumps
  • Bunnyhopping
  • Jumping while being fully crouched
  • Double ducking
  • Small speedboosts when changing direction
  • Whatever movement results by combining any of these above

This thread only contains a short overview. The full documentation is on GitHub.
If you plan to use it, I highly recommend reading the full documentation.

Place classicmovement.smx into your "addons/sourcemod/plugins" folder.


User commands:


See here


This plugin uses interpolation to simulate higher tickrates. This is important because you need at least 100 fps for proper bunnyhopping, but TF2 servers are locked at a tickrate of 66.66666, which makes you mostly lose speed rather than gaining speed. This is also what makes existing bunnyhop plugins feel "not right".
Down in the video section you can find a comparison video of bunnyhopping with and without interpolation.

You can control the simulated tickrate by specifying a frametime using the cm_frametime cvar.
The frametime is calculated like this:

For example, for tickrate 100:

Note that it doesn't feel 100% like a real server at this tickrate. Sometimes you have to tweak the frametime a bit to get closer to the original. For example, a frametime of 0.009 feels more like tickrate 100 than the actual frametime of 0.01.
To deactivate this functionality (why would you?) set cm_frametime to 0.
Frametimes higher than 0.015 (66.66666) don't make sense because that's the same frametime the server runs at. Doing this anyway or setting a negative frametime will disable interpolation.

See here for a more in-depth explanation and usage instructions.

Further notes:
  • See here
  • I only tested the plugin with TF2, it might work with other games, too

None (for now).


The following videos demonstrate the features of this plugin in comparison to the original Half-Life

1.0.0 (2017-02-28)
* Initial release

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (classicmovement.sp - 26.3 KB)

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