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RSSHeal Beacon

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The plugin will allow you to set Heal Beacon to 1-5 random players depending on a cvar.


sm_healbeacon -> Displays the heal beacon menu to do actions on the beacon'd players and change settings.
sm_beacon_distance -> Change the beacon radius/distance of the beacon'd player
sm_replacebeacon -> Replace someone with the specified beacon'd player.
sm_addnewbeacon -> Add a new heal beacon player.
sm_healbeaconhud -> Disable/Enable the hud that displays the names of the beacon'd players on the screen
sm_checkdistance -> Checks distance between you and a player.


sm_enable_healbeacon --- Default Value: "0" \ 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
sm_beacon_timer ---- Default Value: "20.0" The time after the round starts in seconds where the first pick random should start.
sm_beacon_damage ---- Default Value: "5" Change the damage that the players will take when they are far from the beacon'd players.
sm_healbeacon_randoms ---- Default Value: "2" How many players will get randomly picked after the round starts.

Attached Files
File Type: inc (576 Bytes)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (HealBeacon.sp - 61.7 KB)
File Type: smx HealBeacon.smx (32.8 KB)

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