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RSS[L4D2] Vulnerable Passing Bots

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funny plugin does a hacky
fakes a system to make the l4d1 bots as seen in The Passing vulnerable to damage.

they can get incapped and die.
so go out there and shoot zoey francis and louis, that's the furthest extent this plugin can do for normal players by itself.
fun stuff...
though it does pair well with Spawn Survivor Bots on second thought

It calculates and manually sets both the health and temporary health of the bots whenever they receive damage from OnTakeDamagePost, as well as other stuff like forcing them to suicide on the killing blow.

It's obviously not perfect.
The bots will not react to the fake damage, and as such they'll never move away from hazards like Spitter spit, fire, etc.
There's also no blood nor any indication that you hit them apart from their responses, their low-health animation state, their incapacitation, and their death.

was originally released in this post.


Version 1.0.7
- Cleanup of code.
- Initial release as a separate plugin thread.
Version 1.0.6
- Passing team bots can now yell out in pain.
Version 1.0.5
- Passing team bots now yell out 'I'm down!' response lines when they get incapped.
- Passing team bots also now react to spitter spit, but only their dialogue; they still won't move away from spit.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.

-= covnars =-

sm_l4d1_td_bot_enable 1.0 [0.0/1.0] = Enable the Vulnerable Passing Bots plugin.
sm_l4d1_td_bot_debug 1.0 [0.0/1.0] = Enable Vulnerable Passing Bots debugging messages.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2_Passing_Bot_Vulnerable.sp - 18.5 KB)

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