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RSSZombie:Reloaded Waves

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Zombie:Reloaded Waves is an adaption of Greyscale's Zombie:Riot Days as a PVP alternative for ZR.

Waves changes Zombie:Reloaded into an intense Player VS. Player expierence where teamplay is a must.

Previously unsuited default game maps (like de_aztec, cs_office, ...) become a highlight.

And like in Zombie Escape, Bossfights are now present. But PVP!

SourceMod 1.11+
[ZR] Class Attribute Respawn.

[ZR] Addons Package.
- As they were made intentionally for Zombie:Reloaded Waves.

- Drag & Drop all files from the release package in your game root folder ("csgo" or "css").
- reload map.

If the plugin is not working as intended, check error logs in addons/sourcemod/logs and post them here.
If error logs are not available, report nevertheless.

1.1. CVARs:
Plugin will generate a config file in cfg/sourcemod:

PHP Code:

// Should players be allowed to vote for which wave to play?
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
zr_waves_allow_voting "1"

// Should the server name include current wave of max waves? [1: Yes, 0: No]
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
zr_waves_update_hostname "1" 

1.2. Config:
Example config available in addons/sourcemod/configs/zombiereloaded:
PHP Code:

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Zombie:Reloaded Revolution"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "1"        // 1 = "infect" (Stabbing to death); 0 = "none" (instant infection)
"infect_ratio"        "4"        // Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "dynamic"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "5"        // For how long the humans need to survive?
"bossfight"        "0"        // Is bossfight (1: Yes, 0: No)?
"bossfight_model"    ""        // Model path to use. "" = disabled.

        // ZM Attributes:
"health"    "3250"    // Health ZMs have this wave.
"speed"        "300"    // Speed ZMs have this wave.

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Difficulty: Normal"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "0"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "4"        
// Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "dynamic"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "5"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_class"    ""

// ZM Attributes:
"health"    "3250"
        "speed"        "300"

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Difficulty: Hard"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "4"        
// Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "dynamic"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "5"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_class"    ""

// ZM Attributes:
"health"    "6500"
        "speed"        "305"

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Difficulty: Expert"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "0"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "1"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "0"
        "infect_ratio"        "3"        
// Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "dynamic"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "10"
        "bossfight"        "0"
        "bossfight_class"    ""

// ZM Attributes:
"health"    "6500"
        "speed"        "305"

// Wave description. "" = disabled
"description"        "Bossfight: Normal"

// Game Settings:
"respawn_humans"    "0"        // Is respawn enabled for humans?
"respawn_zombies"    "0"        // Is respawn enabled for zombies?
"immunity_mode"        "1"
        "infect_ratio"        "1"        
// Infect every n player (2 = infect every second player). If infect_mode absolute, it means how many zombies to infect or negative number for how many humans remain.
"infect_mode"        "absolute"    // Dynamic: (infect every n player), Absolute: (infect the amount specified above).
"roundtime"        "10"
        "bossfight"        "1"
        "bossfight_class"    ""

// ZM Attributes:
"health"    "50000"
        "speed"        "390"
// 32 entries (waves) possible. 

Currently available commands:
PHP Code:

!setwave <int value> - Change to a specific wave (Admins onlyADMFLAG_GENERIC).
votewave vote for a desired wave.
waveshud toggle on/off the HUD display

Zombie:Reloaded Waves includes natives as well:
PHP Code:

 * Whether the current wave is a bossfight.
 * If you want to use this function to do something with the client(s),
 * use function on ZR_OnClientInfected forward.
 * else you can use it for whatever and whenever you want.
 * @noparams
 * @return        True if it is, false otherwise
 * @noerror
native bool ZR_IsBossfight();

 * Returns current wave count
 * @noparams
 * @return        Current Wave Count
 * @noerror
native int ZR_GetCurrentWave();

 * Returns if client is Boss
 * @noparams
 * @return        True if client is, false otherwise
 * @noerror
native bool ZR_IsClientBoss(int iClient); 

- All (human) playerclasses need to have immunity_mode 1
- Respawn is forcefully disabled on Bossfights.
- Infection is forcefully disabled on Bossfights.

A proper implementation into ZR is currently not interesting for me since ZR seems to be a sinking ship.
Feature requests are affected by this as well.

This might change when there is a real interest in ZR Waves.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (20.3 KB)

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