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RSS[ZR] Health balance

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Plugin will balance health of zeds everytime someone gets infected.

This includes:

1. Player has infected Player.
2. Player was infected as Motherzombie.
3. Was infected (turned) by Admin.
4. Respawned/spawned.

The formula for calculation is as follows:
PHP Code:

AliveHumans AliveZombies Health (where Health is retrieved via ZR Tools from playerclass.txt). 

Questions that might rise with this plugin:
Q: Why no knockback balancing?
A: Generally, playing with knockback is not challenging and should not exist.

Q: Why no speed balancing?
A: Speed should be based on map size.

SourceMod 1.11+

Put all files from release folder in your game root folder ("csgo" and/or "cstrike").
yada yada

Note that it might lag on a 48+ server when respawning occurs multiple times within 1-2 seconds.
I couldn't test it myself.

Also: I couldn't think of a better method achieving the desired results. If you are interested, you are welcome.

A Member of the AMX(X) Mod Community, I cannot find at the moment.

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File Type: zip (6.3 KB)

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