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[L4D2] Anti Safe Room Breach ( Anti Spawn Near Door )

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Before I start explaining, I must say that I'm generally a bad scripter but I made this plugin and no bugs were found in the tests.

The plugin when the cvar is set to 1 sends any player that spawns near safe room door to ghost, preventing him from exploiting a bug that allows him to "teleport" to inside.

There is only one cvar, which is "l4d2_anti_breach".
When the cvar is set to 0, the plugin is disabled.
When the cvar is set to 1, the plugin is enabled.
When the cvar is set to 2, the plugin kills any player infected that spawn from 150 units to the safe room door without attempting to send them to ghost state.

If you don't add the game data, the cvar set to 1 acts as if it were set to 2.

Other than tutorials, I took some of the code from these locations:
1. InfectedForceGhost from InfectedAPI ( )
2. Locating all entities that exist from Silvers' response to my question. ( )
3. The classname of the safe room door from l4d_loading. ( )

Please comment if you find any problems with the plugin.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (AntiBreach.sp - 3.8 KB)
File Type: txt l4d2_anti_breach.txt (685 Bytes)

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