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[Levels Ranks] Core v2.3.1

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Description :
Levels Ranks is an excellent plugin, which has in its arsenal 3 modes of counting ranks and 2 types of ranks (the type of ranks is selected automatically depending on the games). The essence of the plug-in is that as the points of experience increase or decrease, players will receive appropriate ranks (ranking system). The display of ranks in TAB is supported.

In the plugin there is a VIP-system, which allows you to give the player a certain rank.

For ELO-system (one of the modes of counting ranks) a special system is used and it is called "Calibration". It allows you to quickly move the player to the desired rank at the end of the "Calibration".

It is also possible to use plug-ins that give players some opportunities when they have the appropriate rank.

Features :

- support of ranks in TAB (FakeRank) (ban of token is possible)
- support for VIP status (VIP groups are present)
- modular system
- supported database types:
- SQLite
- supported statistics modes:
1) the usual accumulation of experience points
2) ELO system
3) synchronization modules with other statisticians (look for the list below)
- supported types of ranks:
1) CS: GO ranks
2) TF2 ranks
- for each action gives / subtracts the unit of account:
1) murder / death / suicide
2) Assist / Headshot
3) team actions
4) interaction with the bomb
5) interaction with hostages
6) additional bonus system
7) other actions included in the modules
Change Log :


[27.11.2014] - Creating a plug-in
[12.04.2015] - (v1.0.0) Release plug-in
[29.09.2016] - (v2.0.0) Global Update
[08.07.2017] - (v2.3.1)
- сode optimization
- added forward LR_OnCheckSync
- fixed bug with FakeRank

Supported Games :
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Source
Team Fortress 2
Requirements :
SourceMod and higher (only stable)
Commands :
sm_lvl_reset - full reset statistic
How to install :

1) Read the complete description
2) Uninstall the previous version of the plug-in, if available
3) Extract the contents of the archive into folders:
- addons (plugin and its settings)
- FastDL Server (plug-in files for Web Hosting)
- Game Server (plug-in files for the server itself)
4) Configure the files:
- addons / sourcemod / configs / databases.cfg
- addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / downloads.ini
- addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings.ini
- addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings_ranks.ini
- addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings_stats.ini
- addons / sourcemod / configs / levels_ranks / settings_vip.ini
5) Restart the server[/INDENT]

Attached Files
File Type: zip Levels Ranks Core (253.2 KB)

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