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Hi, Here are the highly longed for survivor legs.

My Method is unorthodox but it's the best I could do where many have tried and failed

No Download Server Needed

PHP Code:


No cvars really it just works!!

Works with LMC too

Legs judder when updaterate/cmdrate are imbalanced
Try and keep them as close as you can.

This is an extreme case tho 250ticks is not realistic

Bug reporting ragarding animations:

life state: 1HP = Slow Limp //// below below 40HP medium Limp //// Above 40hp = Running
Weapon being held: weapon_pistol ect.
Character model: Nick ect.


Example below:
Current health/life state: 35HP
Weapon being held: weapon_pain_pills
Character model: Zoey
I keep seeing zoey's hands when running like i'm carrying pills

Any other bugs report as normal.

If bugs happen with Thirdparty models DON'T REPORT IT.
Server side model changes are not supported(besides Ada Wong).
Client sided should be fine unless the model changes the animations (could cause bug) not many bugs from my testing tho.

Includes tpos fix for zoey while holding crowbar
Includes coach pistol crouch animation for looking the wrong direction

Note for thirdpersonshoulder detection you need a second plugin --> [L4D/L4D2] [L4D/L4D2] [L4D/L4D2]ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect
besure to check you have latest version

GitHub repo -->

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (_[L4D2]Survivor_Legs.sp - 25.1 KB)

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