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RSSadd funny tasks for maps

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We can define many tasks for players and award for making them. all ideas Please take a look below:

1. Obtain 3 first kills and reward 10000 gold coins.
2. After 2 consecutive rounds of death, give 10 health points, 200 armor, 10000 gold coins, and 1 health cycle per second as a bonus.
3. Give away 5000 gold coins after the first 3 hits.
4. Reward 10000 gold coins for three random weapons to kill enemies.
5. After successfully installing C4 3 times, give away 10000 gold coins as a gift.
6. Explode 3 times and give away 20000 gold coins as a gift.
7. Successfully disarmed 3 times, giving away 20000 gold coins as a gift.
8. Three people died in a grenade explosion, giving away 10000 gold coins as a gift.
9. Kill 3 people with a knife and give 50000 gold coins as a gift.
10. Survive 3 consecutive rounds and give away exclusive weapon skins.
11. Play the game for every 5 minutes and give away 10000 gold coins (while developing a MySQL online duration ranking system).
12. Unlimited turn undead kills 5 consecutive enemies, turns red and replaces exclusive character skin.
13. 3 assists and a gift of 5000 gold coins.

Ideas come from:
Thanks Scherzo.because Now only for kill enemies or survive rounds. It could be prize for using different weapons, not typical kill (fe. Headshots with nade), for player who good evade death or whatever you want.
So I want this idea can reach the acme of perfection. please help, thanks!:)

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