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RSSAdmin Grab

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

  • RSSy
Description :- A Better admin grab plugin with extra features, You can grab any object you desire in the map, as well you can grab multiple objects at once but first you need to select the desired objects to grab, to select an object you need to aim on an object then press 'R' (+Reload) Key, same thing for deselecting, Now if you want to deselect all objects at once, all you need to do is tap 'R' Key three times in less than a second, After that to move one object you need to aim on it and then hold the 'E' (+Use) Key, while when you have multiple objects selected all you need to do is Hold 'E' (+Use) Key.

Now there's a toggle method for activating the grab ability.

To enable/disable grab ability you need to hold the 'R' (+reload) Key for approximately 2.5 seconds, this value is change-able in the sma. (grab ability is disabled by default)

There's an object properties menu, that you can open when you're holding the object\s by pressing 'F' (impulse 100), for brush entities you can rotate them clone them as well restore them to their original origin, next you've clone entities you can do to them the same as brush entities but you can also remove them, point entities you can do the same as a regular brush entities but you can't restore them back to their original position, while for the player entity currently there're some stuff you can do to a player which are heal, un/set godmode, un/set noclip, freeze/unfreeze.

Last but not least is you can throw a player when you're grabbing him/her by pressing 'G' (drop) key.

* Commands
Authorizes a player to be able to grab objects.
  • amx_authorize_grab
    Strips a player from the ability to grab objects.
  • amx_strip_grab

If you found this helpful and joyful, please donate to show appreciation. :)

Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (admin_grab.sma - 46.7 KB)

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