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RSS[CSS] Rocket model and the plugin

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This plugin is an adaptation of blodia's Homing Missiles plugin from sourcemod.
The model and plugin can replace your projectile weapon (default is grenade) with individual missile/rocket launcher, the shot out of the projectile is no longer projectile, but direct and with flying smoke, damage range and power is also more powerful than grenades! (Note: must have plugin platform support)
Please note that the installation package has two versions (only one can be installed) : replace the grenade version, and add the version through the add gun plugin (do not replace the grenade). Different versions of the rocket plugin are slightly different (the replacement grenade version of the plugin does not support the gun plugin very well; The added version through the add gun plugin does not have good support for using original grenades as rocket).
For details, see the instructions in the installation package.


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