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RSSWhat is IT, what jobs can IT students do?

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IT stands for "Information Technology". It includes the use, management and processing of information using computers and related technologies. Studying IT is especially useful in today's digital age and can open up many different career opportunities. Here are some common jobs you can do after studying IT:

1. Programmer: Programmers create, develop and maintain applications and software. There are many different programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby that you can learn to become a professional programmer.

2. System and network administration: System and network administration specialists help build, configure, and maintain computer systems and networks. Their work includes software installation, network monitoring, information security, and technical troubleshooting.

3. Information security professionals: Information security professionals learn about and respond to cyber security threats, ensuring that an organization's data and systems are kept safe. Their work includes analyzing risks, developing security measures, and responding to security breaches.

4. Data Analyst: Data Analyst uses data analysis tools and techniques to analyze and understand information from large data sets. Their work includes processing data, analyzing trends, and making predictions and suggestions based on the data.

5. User Support Specialist: User Support Specialist helps end users solve technical problems. Their work includes technical support, troubleshooting, software installation, and user training on technology.

6. Information technology project management: Information technology project management takes on the role of managing and coordinating information technology projects within an organization. Their work includes planning, assigning assignments, monitoring progress, and ensuring that the project is implemented successfully.

These are just some examples of jobs in the IT field. The field is diverse and continues to grow, so there are many different career opportunities you can explore after studying IT.

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