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RSSHalloween Random sounds

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There are a lot of sound plugins but I haven't found any that play sounds randomly to add a certain atmosphere in your server, in my case it was for Halloween that I created this script.
For copyright I will not put any sound with the plugin, but I will explain to you how to modify downloaded sounds, then it will be up to you to take your responsibilities regarding copyright, in my case I used royalty-free sound databases, but when in doubt...


Plugin play automaticaly random sound every 40 seconds for make a certain atmosphere in your server. This plugin uploads sounds automatically to players. It plays sounds only to players who download them, which avoids having players tell you about red lines in their Day of Defeat source console.

1. Prepare 25 sounds using these file names:
Sorry but i make this script in french, the translation for "son" is "sound".

2. Upload sound files in sound/yourfolder.
3. Upload plugin and change map, it will create cfg/halloween_sounds/halloween_sounds.cfg
4. Setting your folder in halloween_sounds.cfg

// Folder Name in folder sound
// -
// Default: "halloween_mx"
halloween_sounds_folder "halloween_mx"

5. Change map, it must work.

In halloween_sounds.cfg you can enable/disable the plugin, change the name of the sounds folder, change the time in seconds after playing a sound that another one will be played, change the volume of sounds.


Convert valid MP3 file for your DoD:S servers using Audacity, Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.
With this software you can convert all sound files to MP3.

1. Install Audacity on your computer.
2. Create a sound or download it.
3. Open sound in audacity.
4. On the left of the graph it should be written: Stereo, 44100Hz 32bits floating.If it is not 44100, you must select it at the bottom left in the “Project rate in HZ”, then in the Track menu–>Resample–>Validate.
5. Then in the menu: File–>Export–>Export to MP3.
6. A window opens and you must setting: bit rate mode-->medium, Quality -->128kbps, channel mode -->stereo, and save the file.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (halloween_sound.sp - 4.1 KB)

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