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RSS[ANY] Chat Spam Punishment w/ Sourcebans++ Integration

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  • RSSy
Chat Spam Punishment


This plugin complements the anti chat flood feature that comes with Sourcemod. The idea behind this plugin is to stop people from...


You can choose to gag (with time, even if you do not use Sourcebans++!), kick or ban any player being naughty spammers.


sm_chat_spam_punishment_version [Def. 1.0.0] - Plugin version
sm_chat_spam_enable [Def. 1] - Enable/Disable plugin
sm_chat_spam_punishment_treshold [Def. 8] - The maximum number of messages in a given time at which it will gag, kick or ban the player.
sm_chat_spam_punishment_warning_enable [Def. 1] - Should the player see a warning before their impending doom.
sm_chat_spam_punishment_warning [Def. 1] - How close to the threshold should it warn the player of an impending action. E.g. If the treshold is set to 8, then setting this cvar to 1 means that the warning will show one chat message before action is taken.
sm_chat_spam_punishment_type [Def. 0] - Type of punishment to apply (0: gag, 1: kick, 2: ban).
sm_chat_spam_punishment_gag_time [Def. 300] - How long to apply a gag for (time in seconds). [Use "sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sc" if you have Sourcecomms].
sm_chat_spam_punishment_ban_time [Def. 5] - How long to apply a ban for (time in minutes). [Use "sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sc" if you have Sourcecomms].
sm_chat_spam_punishment_timer [Def. 15] - The time at which the player's threshold will reset (time in seconds).

If you use Sourcebans++:
sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sb [Def. 5] - How long to apply a gag or a ban (time in minutes).

Note: sm_chat_spam_punishment_gag_time and sm_chat_spam_punishment_ban_time have no effect if Sourcebans++ is installed on your server. They are superceded by sm_chat_spam_punishment_time_sb.

Note 2: Admins are immune.

Additional information

Plugin uses Updater by GoD-Tony. It is not required to have it for this plugin to run, but you will not have to manually update files.

Known issues

None that I know of. If you experience issues, let me know what happened and steps to reproduce if possible. Any screenshots/demos are welcome additions.

To do


Attached Files
File Type: zip Chat Spam (14.3 KB)

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