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!knife Troll

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Hey there. I run about 3 servers and constantly have people coming in and typing !knife. It annoys me because it's not in the title of my server they just assume it's there and don't realize Valve's set rules. In response to all this, I made a simple chat message plugin when people type !knife it says the phrase:

We do not have this plugin because it's against Valve's TOS. We are children of Jesus.

This plugin is specifically for CS:GO

P.S. I'm fairly new to making plugins so go easy on me. I usually only mess around with HTML.

  • sm_knife
  1. Drag knife.sp into your scripting folder
  2. Drag knife.smx into your plugins folder


PHP Code:

#pragma semicolon 1 
#pragma newdecls required 

#include <sourcemod> 

public Plugin myinfo =
name "My Fifth Plugin",
author "Deez Newtons (Cure Aaron)",
description "Basically a message plugin",
version "1.0",
url ""

void OnPluginStart() 


Action Command_Print(int clientint args
    if (
PrintToChat(client"We do not have this plugin because it's against Valve's TOS. We are children of Jesus."); 

Extra Notes
I will probably be adding a sound to this and add !gloves and !ws to it as well. Currently, !ws and !gloves plugins I've just recently made after this one, will eventually be merged into this one.
If there are any bugs I will do my best to figure out how to fix them but keep in mind I am new.

Thanks for reading and hopefully this ends some of your frustrations too!

Attached Files
File Type: smx knife.smx (3.7 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (knife.sp - 604 Bytes)
File Type: zip knife (4.7 KB)

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