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[L4D2] CampaignShift (Updated: 08-31-17)

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Hello Admin,

I present you CampaignShift for public testing. No menus, just hands off switching to the next campaign. Supports all stock campaigns and modes (coop, versus, scavenge, mutations) right out of the box. Customizing your own rotation is pretty simple and you can find the details on the GitLab README.

I needed a way to keep people playing to test something in ABM and this is the simplest approach I could take. In cooperative play, switching takes place after all players vote to skip the credits or until the credits are done. In Versus and Scavenge, a timer will switch in 3.0 and 12.0 seconds respectively. In all my test (thanks to Lux for always finding a way to break things and my balls too), it should be a smooth experience without any interaction apart from installing it.

Big thanks to ACS for listing out the maps and mutations in an easy to read format.

The following link to the GitLab download will always point to the latest release. If you have any questions or feedback regarding CampaignShift, please try to keep them on this thread. You will always find the latest changelog here.

Thanks fellas, have fun!

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (campaignshift.sp - 9.6 KB)

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