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Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server and Sourcemod/Metamod installation

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Hello everyone!

Glad to be here. I am setting up my dedicated server and I am following this guide to do it:

I am at the sourcemod/metamod installation. I am using sourcemod 1.8.0 and metamod 1.10.7. I think I made a mistake by following this video along with the guide from Steam and Allied Modder's Wiki to configure metamod with sourcemod:

I also replaced the cfg from the game with the one from source mod. Then I restarted my server and headed into the game to set me as an admin. This is my dedicated server's app:

I can't seem to have any control over it.Before starting the server, I can only select the campaigns. I am not able to not have any campaign running before doing the admin setting. Then I went into the game and clicked on my server, it was loading the campaign that is active instead of showing the lobby and then the game said this:

How can I fix these issues. I am lost right here. Any help is much appreciated.

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