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[CSGO] Easy Web Shortcuts (V1.00, 04/11/2017)

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Easy Web Shortcuts (V1.00)
Web Shortcuts using WebFix.
By Byte

? Description ?
A web shortcuts plugin for CSGO (very similar to other web shortcuts plugins) which uses WebFix.
This is an example plugin I made for WebFix (I literally made it in 15 minutes so it may have some bugs).

? Commands ?
sm_web <target> <url> - Open URL for a specific target (generic admins)
sm_ews_reload - Reload Web Shortcuts (root admin)

? Instructions ?
  1. Download and setup WebFix ( on your server
  2. Compile easywebshortcuts.sp
  3. Copy easywebshortcuts.smx to your server.
  4. Copy easywebshortcuts.txt to /addons/sourcemod/configs/
  5. Edit easywebshortcuts.txt with shortcuts you want (instructions inside the file)
  6. Reload the plugin, change the map or use sm_ews_reload as a root admin to update changes

? Example easywebshortcuts.txt ?
HTML Code:

// Easy Web Shortcuts
// Configuration File
// Enter your shortcuts in this file. One per line.
// Empty lines or lines begging with '//' are ignored
// Format: "trigger" "dimensions" "url"
// dimensions must either be "full" (for client max screen size), "hidden" (invisible window) or in "widthxheight" format (i.e. 1280x720)
// url should start with "http://", "https://" or be the exact string "about:blank"

//Forum stuff
"!forums" "full" ""
"!vip" "1280x720" ""

"!gametracker" "full" "{SERVERIP}:{SERVERPORT}/"

"!google" "full" ""
"secret_command_haha" "full" ""
"!funnyvideo" "hidden" ""
"!stop" "hidden" "about:blank"

? URL Replacements ?
The following strings are replaced if they appear in the URLs specified in easywebshortcuts.txt:

{SERVERIP} - Server IP Adress
{SERVERPORT} - Server Port
{NAME} - Client In-Game Name
{USERID} - Client User ID
{STEAMID} - Client Steam ID
{STEAMID64} - Client Steam ID 64 (community id)
{IP} - Client IP Address

Need more replacements?
Request some!

? Changelog?

1.00 Initial release

Attached Files
File Type: zip (19.1 KB)

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