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[ANY] Anti Private Profile & Inventory

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Kicks private profile & inventory


  • sm_anti_private_deal_method Method of action when private profile/inventory has been detected (1 - Kick | 2 - Warn) [Default: 1.0] (Min: 1.0) (Max: 2.0)
  • sm_anti_private_fail_method Method of action when the plugin fails to fetch result (1 - Nothing | 2 - Kick) [Default: 1.0] (Min: 1.0) (Max: 2.0)
  • sm_anti_private_key Steam Developer API Key; Required for this plugin to work

  1. Extract Anti_Private.smx to /addons/sourcemod/plugins
  2. Extract anti_private.phrases.txt to /addons/sourcemod/translations
  3. Load the plugin (sm plugins load Anti_Private), change the map, OR restart the server
  4. Edit /cfg/sourcemod/anti_private.cfg
  5. Reload the plugin (sm plugins reload Anti_Private), change the map, OR restart the server

  • Friends-only will be considered private as long as the owner of the API key is not friend with that individual
  • Steam takes account of owner's relation to their API
  • With high traffic servers, you may exceed Steam's API rate limit
  • Since this plugin depends on Steam, during Steam maintenance/outage (Tuesday), this plugin may not work


If you wish to contribute to the phrases file, please fork this repository and open a pull request

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Download the latest version from the release page.


You can view the source here.



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