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[CS:GO] HighOnSkins (Version 0.6.0 | Updated December 16th 2017)

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This plugin will result in a permanent GSLT ban!


Yet another CS:GO skin plugin? Yes! But this one is a little different. You can check this demo video.

This plugin offers 2 improvements over existing implementations for gloves, knife and weapon skins.
  1. Players can visually manage their inventory on, similar to how the real CS:GO loadout works.
  2. Player inventories will be saved and are available across all participating servers, thus creating a network effect.

The plugin allows players to:
  • Use any gloves skin
  • Use any knife skin
  • Use any weapon skin

The webserver queries the Valve servers once an hour to check for new skins, so this plugin will always have the newest skins available.


Note: A more detailed installation guide is available on GitHub.
  1. Make sure you use some service for game server tokens, so your account won't get banned.
  2. Download the plugin.
  3. Get your API key from and use it inside cfg/sourcemod/hos.cfg.
  4. Copy the folders addons and cfg to the root directory of your CS:GO server.
  5. On your server, set both BlockBadPlugins and FollowCSGOServerGuidelines to no inside addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg.
  6. Restart your server.


This plugin uses Updater for automatic plugin updates, so you don't need perform any updates manually. It is not needed but highly recommended. If you do not use it, please make sure to regularily check for updates in this thread. HighOnSkins is a fairly new project and there will be plenty of patches and bug fixes, as well as backwards-incompatibel API changes. We would be happy if you do not remove the updater plugin, so we can offer a better service for you and your players.


All requirements are already included in the repository, you don't need to download and install them yourself. But of course you can!


You can set the console variable debug_hos to 32 and the plugin will log detailed messages to addons/sourcemod/logs/debug_hos.log. The plugin uses Dr. McKay's logdebug implementation, more information can be found at this thread.

  • sm_hos_apikey - API key from (DEFAULT: "")
  • sm_hos_instaskins - Enable or disable that live updates can give players new weapons. (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, DEFAULT: 0)


Skins can only be selected on, there is no in-game menu.

Following commands will open an in-game browser popup that display the HighOnSkins inventory page:
  • !ws
  • !hos
  • !knife
  • !gloves
  • !skins

Note: You can also use SHIFT + TAB to open the Steam overlay, click on WEB BROWSER at the bottom and then navigate to This results in a better user experience because the website will stay open in the background and you can then select your skins much easier and faster.

  • Franc1sco - Learned a lot from the source code of his plugins, used some of his snippets
  • Peace-Maker - Was a big help by pointing me towards the right direction when planning my Socket implementation

  • v0.6.0 (16 December 2017)
    - First public release


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