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[ANY] ConVars Anomaly Fixer

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Cfg Console Variables anomaly happens time by time, and caused by Valve bug:
values can not be read from cfg-files and remains by default if you reach some limit
of the number of lines in server.cfg / or cfg-files in total.

This problem is described more in the topic:

Also, this plugin check:
- if some cfg files contain wrong values that exceed max/min value allowed.
- unused ConVars.
1. "sm_convar_anomaly_show" - to compare values in cfg files with actual in-game Cvar to find anomalies/unused cvars.
2. "sm_convar_anomaly_fix" - to attempt to fix Cvar anomalies.

By default, log-file is located at: "addons/sourcemod/logs/CVar_Anomaly.log"
Settings (ConVars):
1. "convar_anomaly_autofix" - fix Cvar anomaly automatically before each map start? (0 - off {default}, 1 - on).
2. "convar_anomaly_logpos" - where to write log? (1 - client conlose, 2 - server console, 4 - file, 1+2+4=7 - all places).
3. "convar_cfg_files_include" - if you need more cfg-files to process, place them here, separated by star (*)
4. "convar_cfg_files_exclude" - if you need exclude some cfg-files from processing, place them here, separated by star (*)
5. "convar_cvar_names_exclude" - if you need concrete ConVars to exclude from processing, place them here, separated by star (*)
Warning: some plugins / game specificially change its ConVars in-game process, so the final report is not necessarily accurate.

To enable automatic fix, set "convar_anomaly_autofix" in cfg/sourcemod/sm_convar_anomaly.cfg file to 1.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_convar_anomaly.sp - 15.5 KB)

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