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[L4D & L4D2] Special Infected Immunities

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This plugin is a rewrite of [L4D] Fire Immunity Specials.

New Features/Differences

- Supports both games.
- Uses SDKHook_OnTakeDamage instead of player_hurt event, which allows for more options and flexibility.
- Provides different types of immunities (Bullet, Explosive, Fire, and Melee).
- Provides options for enabling/disabling the plugin in different gamemodes and gamemode types. (Thanks Silvers!)
- Overall less code and better optimization.


PHP Code:

// Give the following special infected bullet immunity.
// Combine numbers in any order for different results.
// 1: Smoker
// 2: Boomer
// 3: Hunter
// 4: Spitter
// 5: Jockey
// 6: Charger
// 7: Tank
// -
// Default: "35"
sii_bullet_immunity "35"

// Disable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemodes.
// Separate by commas.
// Empty: None
// Not empty: Disable in these gamemodes.
// -
// Default: ""
sii_disabled_gamemodes ""

// Enable Special Infected Immunities?
// 0: OFF
// 1: ON
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sii_enable_plugin "1"

// Enable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemodes.
// Separate by commas.
// Empty: All
// Not empty: Enable in these gamemodes.
// -
// Default: ""
sii_enabled_gamemodes ""

// Give the following special infected explosive immunity.
// Combine numbers in any order for different results.
// 1: Smoker
// 2: Boomer
// 3: Hunter
// 4: Spitter
// 5: Jockey
// 6: Charger
// 7: Tank
// -
// Default: "16"
sii_explosive_immunity "16"

// Give the following special infected fire immunity.
// Combine numbers in any order for different results.
// 1: Smoker
// 2: Boomer
// 3: Hunter
// 4: Spitter
// 5: Jockey
// 6: Charger
// 7: Tank
// -
// Default: "7"
sii_fire_immunity "7"

// Enable Special Infected Immunities in these gamemode types.
// 0: All
// 1: Coop modes only.
// 2: Versus modes only.
// 4: Survival modes only.
// 8: Scavenge modes only.
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "15.000000"
sii_gamemode_types "0"

// Give the following special infected melee immunity.
// Combine numbers in any order for different results.
// 1: Smoker
// 2: Boomer
// 3: Hunter
// 4: Spitter
// 5: Jockey
// 6: Charger
// 7: Tank
// -
// Default: "24"
sii_melee_immunity "24" 


I'm not sure. Let me know.


1. The config file will be generated in the default cfg/sourcemod folder.
2. Explosive ammo counts as both bullet and explosive damage.
3. Incendiary ammo counts as both bullet and fire damage.
4. M60 damage counts as both bullet and explosive damage.


I don't know. Post below one and I'll look into it.


SM 1.8+


1. Place special_infected_immunities.smx inside plugins folder.


Baz Newt - For the Fire Immunity Specials plugin.
Lux - For valuable advise and input.
Silvers - For the code to enable/disable the plugin in certain gamemodes and gamemode types.



Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (special_infected_immunities.sp - 11.6 KB)

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