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PUG Site and Discord Bot... | ModuleLIFT

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Looking to host pugs? Our alpha version of our new discord pug system is now open source.

Please note!
Setup instructions are not very clear.


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Discord Bot Function
1. In order to play pugs, you will need to be verified. To do this, type !login and follow the steps sent by the bot in your DM's.

2. Join the waiting lobby.

3. When there are 10 people in the lobby type !ready then follow the map selection process.

4. The bot will create all necessary channels and the map selection process will begin by reacting with emoticons.

5. Next, the captain will be chosen at random.

6. Captains will then select players to be on their team by reacting with emoticons.

7. The bot will move you into the correct channels as the teams are being selected.

Finally, the bot will post the server IP in the chat and move players to their respective team voice chat channels.

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