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FireBullet fix

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Hello there, so as fully explained here:

This is a very simple fix to correct the direction of the bullets.
This bugs occurs on every source engine games, and maybe older.
In resume, there is a bug in all valve games where your shooting position is shifted by 1 tick, due on how new positions are computed and interpolation is working (ideally, this should be a lag compensation bug).

I don't know what's taking so much time to fix it for valve, but I think it's important here to have a fix, specially for surf servers.

I'm sorry, that it is not a sourcemod plugin.

If someone is willing to share his energy to convert this into a sourcemod plugin or extension, that would be awesome for maintainability and readability. (doing sm extensions is for me a pain in the ***)

But fortunately it should autoupdate itself correctly so you won't have problems running it.

Instructions and source code are on the git repo (you will need a linux system):

The binaries are in the attachements.

Have fun!

Attached Files
File Type: so (38.1 KB)
File Type: vdf firebulletsfix.vdf (53 Bytes)

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