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[DEV] Cider Chat Processor

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Cider Chat Processor

Just another SayText2 hook and forward plugin. The reason this exists is primiarily because I've had so many issues with the other chat processors availalbe. I needed something that could also change the recipients before any other plugin added chat colors etc, and manage dead chat properly. Also needed it to disable say_team theroritically, so the other team can see it (without the prefix of (TEAM)).

This plugin contains a few bug fixes that other processors do not contain that should prevent any exploits of players adding colors to their chat without help from a server plugin.

This is pretty much a simpler version of r3dw3r3w0lf's Chat Processor plugin, I've been sitting on this for a few years now and figured since I finished my own chat plugin I'll need to release this also.

This plugin is just a forwarder and will strip all unicode characters < 17 (except the terminator) from the name and message. This also doesn't use random crap includes like color variables, why the hell would a SayText2 forwarder need to assign colors anyways, that's the job for the plugin that it's forwarding to... /rant

Keep in mind this was created with TF2 testing, I only did minimal testing on csgo and haven't tried some of the changes I've pushed recently.

Server Operator ConVar Config

//Enable Cider Chat Processor
sm_ccp_enable "1" 

//Name of the message formats config, incase you have some where else you want to put this?
sm_ccp_config "configs/chat_processor.cfg"

//Dead chat is seen by alive players.
// (WARNING) a module plugin can use CCP_OnChatMessagePre or CCP_OnChatMessage to change the array of recipients.
sm_ccp_deadchat "1"   

//Team chat isn't seen by other team
// 0 - Disabled, say_team isn't converted to All Chat.
// 1 - No Filter, all team's say_team is converted to All Chat.
// 2 - Team 2's chat is converted to All Chat.
// 3 - Team 3's chat is converted to All Chat.
sm_ccp_teamchat "0"

Developer Forwards

* Called before CCP_OnChatMessage, useful to check the author and stop the message or change whose in the recipients ArrayList.
* flagstring can also be changed to make the message appear from an alive person etc.
* recipients contains userIds, by default it is filled matching the processors config file.
forward Action CCP_OnChatMessagePre(int& author, ArrayList recipients, char[] flagstring);

* Called while sending a chat message before It's sent to all recipients.
* This is where a chat manager plugin can change the name and message to add colors etc.
* Changing author to -1 will make {03} purple instead of team color (On CS:GO engine).
forward Action CCP_OnChatMessage(int& author, ArrayList recipients, char[] flagstring, char[] name, char[] message);

* Called after the chat message is sent to the designated clients by the author.
forward void CCP_OnChatMessagePost(int author, ArrayList recipients, const char[] flagstring, const char[] formatstring, const char[] name, const char[] message);

Releases (Plugin)
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