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[L4D/L4D2]Tank HP Color

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The idea of this plugin arises from the need to know the hp of the tank, without having to resort to other plugins that use HUDs or entities. So to help a friend on his server, i decided to create this plugin.

The color of the tank changes as he suffers some type of damage. The color varies gradually depending on your percentage of health, among the colors: yellow-orange-red.


PHP Code:

// 0: Disable, 1: Enable plugin
// Default: "1"
tank_hpcolor_on "1"

// 0: Disable, 1: Enable color restoration if it does not suffer any damage
// Default: "0"
tank_hpcolor_reset "0"

// Set time in seconds to restore color
// Default: "0.5"
// Minimum: "0.100000"
tank_hpcolor_reset_delay "0.5" 

-if you use other plugins that change the color of the tank, possibly there is some conflict between them,
therefore it is recommended to activate the cvar: tank_hpcolor_reset "1"


pd: sorry for me bad english :/

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (tank_hpcolor.sp - 6.3 KB)

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