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[L4D & L4D2] Tank Rock Ignition [v1.0.0 | 26-April-2019]

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I made this plugin to add a fire effect to the Tank throwing rock when he is on fire,
this one is pretty similar to the plugin [L4D & L4D2] Tank's Burning Rock by panxiaohai,
but has other features.


This plugin will ignite and give an extra damage to the rock thrown by the Tank when he is on fire.



A configuration file named "l4d_tank_rock_ignition.cfg" will automatically be created for you upon the first run in the "\cfg\sourcemod\" folder.

PHP Code:

// Should the Tank rock start always on fire?. 0 = Ignite the rock only if the Tank is set on fire, 1 = Always throw ignited rocks.
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_always "0"

// Allows to ignite the rock in the air after it has been thrown. This option will ignite the rock if it is hit by incendiary ammunition or if it go through the fire. 0 = OFF, 1 = ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_burn_on_air "1"

// How long (in seconds) after the Tank began to thrown the rock the plugin should check that the Tank is set on fire to ignite the rock, if it is not already on fire. 0 = OFF.
// -
// Default: "2.2"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_check_on_throw "2.2"

// Damage multiplier for Tank rocks on fire.
// Example: "1.1" gives +10% damage from an ignited rock.
// -
// Default: "1.1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_damage_multiplier "1.1"

// Enables/Disables the plugin. 0 = Plugin OFF, 1 = Plugin ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_enabled "1"

// How long (in seconds) the rock will be set on fire. 0 = OFF.
// -
// Default: "120.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_fire_duration "120.0"

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). Empty = none.
// Known values: coop,realism,versus,survival,scavenge,teamversus,teamscavenge,
// mutation[1-20],community[1-6],gunbrain,l4d1coop,l4d1vs,holdout,dash,shootzones.
// -
// Default: ""
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_gamemodes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). Empty = all.
// Known values: coop,realism,versus,survival,scavenge,teamversus,teamscavenge,
// mutation[1-20],community[1-6],gunbrain,l4d1coop,l4d1vs,holdout,dash,shootzones.
// -
// Default: ""
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_gamemodes_on ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes.
// Known values: 0 = all, 1 = coop, 2 = survival, 4 = versus, 8 = scavenge.
// Add numbers greater than 0 for multiple options.
// Example: "3", enables for "coop" (1) and "survival" (2).
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "15.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_gamemodes_toggle "0"

// Which models can be ignited.
// Known values: 1 = rock, 2 = trunk, 4 = unknown model.
// Add numbers greater than 0 for multiple options.
// Example: "3", enables for "rock" (1) and "trunk" (2).
// -
// Default: "3"
// Minimum: "1.000000"
// Maximum: "7.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_model_type "3"

// How long (in seconds) the victim will be set on fire after being hit by a rock. 0 = OFF.
// -
// Default: "2.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_rock_ignition_victim_fire_duration "2.0" 

Admin Commands

PHP Code:

sm_l4d_tank_rock_ignition_print_cvars // Prints the plugin related cvars and their respective values to the console. (needs "z" flag). 

Change Log


  • A ignited rock gets destroyed faster, since it takes damage over time when set on fire.
  • A ignited rock does not give damage over time to a survivor when hit (as is, game design), but does to infected.
  • A ignited rock does not explode gascans/propane tanks/oxygen tanks.

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