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  1. bTimes 1.9.0 Disclaimer: I did NOT make the original bTimes 1.8.3 for Counter-Strike: Source. That was made by blacky( and this is my updated version of bTimes 1.8.3. Blacky has given me permission to release this. I will continue to support this, but will not pull code from blacky's bTimes 2.0 for this, if you want bTimes 2.0, you can contact blacky to buy it from him. Feel free to report any issues you find on the GitHub repository linked below or add me on steam. If you add me on steam, please comment why or it could be a very long time before I add you. Added Features from bTimes 1.8.3 to 1.9.0: Added TAS Style option. Added ability to make flat zones. Complete redesign of cp menu. !replay to select replays other than Normal and Normal Bonus. CS:GO Compatibility. (I removed CS:S compatibility while doing this. I could go back and add it back if people want it.) Added SSJ. There is still more small things not worth listing here. Modules: bTimes-core - The root of bTimes. bTimes-cp - Checkpoints plugin for the timer. bTimes-extras - Weapon commands and cvar enforcement. bTimes-ghost - Shows a bot that replays the top times using 1 bot per style/type(not recommended, only included for legacy purposes). bTimes-ghost_one - Shows a bot that replays the top times using !replay and 1 bot for Normal Main/Bonus. bTimes-random - Handles events and modifies them to fit bTimes' needs. bTimes-ranks - Controls server rankings. bTimes-SSJ - Speed at 6 Jumps plugin.(not required) bTimes-TAS - Allows for creation of Tool Assisted Speedrun styles. bTimes-timelimit - Handles ending the round when using "mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1". bTimes-timer - The timer portion of the bTimes plugin. bTimes-zones - Used to create map zones. Installation: Go to csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg and add this section, with your values swapped in. Code: "timer" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "HOST" "database" "DATABASE" "user" "USER" "pass" "PASSWORD" } Upload the files from the zip. Add these options to your server.cfg. Code: sv_gravity 800 sv_accelerate 5 sv_friction 4 sv_airaccelerate 1000 sv_ladder_scale_speed 1 sv_clamp_unsafe_velocities 0 sv_autobunnyhopping 1 sv_staminajumpcost "0.0" sv_staminalandcost "0.0" mp_ignore_round_win_conditions "1" sv_pure "0" mp_match_restart_delay "0" sm_cvar bot_freeze "1" sm_cvar bot_zombie "1" sm_cvar bot_stop "1" sm_cvar bot_dont_shoot "1" sm_cvar mp_respawn_immunitytime "0" mp_respawn_immunitytime "0" sm_cvar bot_controllable "0" sm_cvar mp_autoteambalance "0" mp_autoteambalance "0" sm_cvar mp_limitteams "0" mp_limitteams "0" sv_infinite_ammo "1" bot_quota_mode "normal" bot_join_after_player 0 bot_join_team "ct" Colors for ranks configuration: {team} {white} {red} {lightpurple} {green} {lime} {lightgreen} {lightred} {gray} {lightolive} {olive} {lightblue} {blue} {purple} FAQ: Q: My ranks aren't working? A: First check your error logs for issues connecting to MySQL server, then check that your database tables are using MyISAM, not InnoDB. (The timer currently doesn't support InnoDB, only MyISAM. Although zones may continue to work, you may notice players not getting points and other issues if this is set incorrectly.) Q: My first chat color in my ranks don't work? A: Due to the way the chat messages are sent, please verify that you have an extra space in front of each rank like in the example config included in the original zip. (There must be 1 character before you put a color. Assuming you don't want your first color to be team color, you can use a space for this so it is invisible.) Admin Commands: sm_zones - opens up the zones menu (Cheats flag) sm_delete - you can delete a range of values with this. (sm_delete 1 5 deletes records from 1 to 5) (sm_delete 1 deletes record 1) (Cheats flag) sm_hudfuck - use this only on players who deserve it. It removes their hud and they can't communicate because of it. (Generic flag) sm_move - gets players out of things like walls they are stuck in. It moves them forward in the direction they look. (Generic flag) sm_deleteghost - deletes the ghost in case of bugs. (Cheats flag) sm_reloadranks - reloads chat ranks. (Root flag) sm_enablecc <steamid> - to give someone custom chat privileges. (Root flag) sm_disablecc <steamid> - to remove someone's custom chat privileges. (Root flag) sm_cclist - to see a list of every player with custom chat privileges. (Cheats flag) sm_recalcpts - recalculates all the points in the database. (Cheats flag) sm_spj - check the strafes per jump ratios for any player. (Generic flag) sm_enablestyle - enables a style for players to use. (Resets to default setting on map change) sm_disablestyle - disables a style so players can no longer use it. (Resets to default setting on map change) sm_reloadstyles - reloads the styles.cfg file. (Generic flag) sm_showcycle - it shows the data from the file mapcycle.txt (Generic flag) Changelog: You can view the changelog and the latest source code at this project's GitHub repository: Attached Files (1.71 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
    1 punkt
  2. Każdy sie przyjebal tych ifow i casow, a nikt chyba nie zwrócił uwagi na rozwiazanie Bonia, chyba najbardziej przejrzyste i poprawne (pomijając łączenie języka polskiego z angielskim xD). Mozna to dodatkowo opakować w jakas odpowiednio nazwana funkcje (każde property, ktore ustawiamy osobno - zgodnie z zasadami SOLID). Nawet ścieżki do modeli mozna wjebac do tablicy, albo same ich nazwy, bo chyba mozna robic konkatenacje w sp? ps. Serio, nie mieszajcie polskiego do kodu, chyba, ze w komentarzach xD
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  3. Auto increment na steamid? XD
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  4. Lub możesz to zrobić w tablicach char, int, float. wtedy nie będziesz miał żadnych if'ów, przykład: float grawitka[4] = { 1.0, 0.5, 1.2, 6.0 }; int random = GetRandomInt(0, 3); SetEntityGravity(client, grawitka[random]);
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