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  1. Description This is a very basic plugin to show the number of credits you have live. This plugin is meant for Zephyrus store. If any errors or additional features I could add do a quick reply and I'll get on it ASAP. Commands sm_chud (Enables or disables the hud text) Change Log Code: 1.0 - Plugin Released Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (hLiveCredits.sp - 5.0 KB) hLiveCredits.smx (6.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  2. Need to compile and plugin operation -SMLIB : -Morecolors (css) : -ColorVariables (csgo) : Work with csgo and css Attached Files area.smx (19.1 KB) area-csgo.smx (24.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (area-csgo.sp - 2.9 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (area.sp - 2.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  3. Bot Practice Mode This plugin aims to keeps players busy with a dynamic amount of bots when there are not enough real players on the server. If someone connects to the empty server and joins a team, a bot is spawned to the opposite team. If the player wins the round against the bot, another bot is added to the bot team. If the player loses a round, the amount of bots gets reduced by 1 (cannot go below 1). Also bots' difficulty is managed depending on the player's performance against the bots. Winning multiple rounds leads to an increased difficulty, whereas losing will reduce it. It is possible for other players who join the server, after the practice mode has already enabled itself, to join the team with humans and fight against bots. However, if a player joins into the bots' team, then the practice mode gets disabled immediately (and bots kicked), since now there is at least 1 real human on both teams and the server can function normally. Features Code: - Let players fight against waves of bots if there are not enough real players on the server. - Vary the amount of bots and their difficulty by looking at the performance of the human team. CVAR list Code: bot_practice_max_bots 30 Sets the maximum number of bots that the plugin is allowed to spawn. Capped at (amount_of_slots - amount_of_human_players - 2). Changelog Code: 20.10.2018 (v1.0) * Initial release. Screenshots Spoiler Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bot_practice_mode.sp - 7.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  4. Description: When a grenade explodes, everybody who gets hit freezes for a while. This is just a little fun gameplay plugin, I don't know what it can be used for really. This has only been tested in CS:GO, but I suppose it should work for CSS too. CVAR list: fn_damage - Whether or not grenades do damage along with freezing. 1 = damage, 0 = no damage fn_freezemultiplier - How much you multiply with the expected damage to find the freeze time. 50 damage * 0.15 = 7.5 seconds of freeze time. 0.0 = fn_freezetime is used instead. fn_freezetime - For how long grenades freeze players. 0.0 = fn_freezemultiplier is used instead. fn_freezetimemax - The maximum amount of time a player can be frozen. fn_showmessage - Whether or not a message will be displayed in chat when you hit or get hit by someone with a grenade. 1 = message, 0 = no message Command list: No commands. Changelog: Quote: Version 1.0 - 10-31-2018 - Plugin released Installation: Download freezenades.smx and put it into your addons/sourcemod/plugins folder. Note: I'm not that experienced with Sourcemod coding, so if anythings looks bad or something, you are welcome to inform me. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (freezenades.sp - 4.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  5. Custom Ranks Description Custom ranks based on RankMe points. Feature list Modifiable ranks by a config. Ranks list with details about every rank. The rank appears in the scoreboard as a tag. The rank appears in the chat with the color you have set in the config. Commands sm_ranks - opens the ranks list. Changelog Code: Version 1.0: * Release Installation Code: Drop customRanks.smx to sourcemod/plugins. Drop ranks.cfg to sourcemod/configs (default ranks). To make your own ranks: Example "Ranks" { "RANKNAME1" { "Points" "0" "Color" "WHITE" } "RANKNAME2" { "Points" "100" "Color" "YELLOW" } "RANKNAME3" { "Points" "400" "Color" "DARK_RED" } } Requirements Chat-Processor RankMe Kento Edition Credits Klaus(me). Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (customRanks.sp - 4.0 KB) ranks.cfg (801 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  6. Hello guys! i maded the SteamID Checker plugin for cs:s/csgo just type "!steamid" in chat to see your steamid you can add this plugin in your server it helps alot of people to see steamid in just 1 sec. so this is my first plugin i hope you will like it! :) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (steamid.sp - 689 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  7. In CS:GO, when in-game fast respawn system is active (warmup, deathmatch, etc. etc.) there is chance, you are going to get more bots in your game. Even bot_quota 0 not help in this situation, as matter of fact, value of bot_quota also change by this bug. This plugin prevent this bug. (But I think Valve should fix it after all...) No commands, no cvars. Just add plugin in server. *edit why this fail compile ? Code: 23.11.2018 - First release v 1.0 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  8. One in the Chamber One shot, one kill. Don't waste your bullet or you'll have to knife someone to get it back. About A really fun gamemode I used to play all the time in CoD: BO2. Normal round ends(Hostage rescued, time limit reached, etc.) do not actually end the round. Each map by default has 3 rounds(can be changed), and in order for each round to end, a player must score the maximum amount of points which is 25 by default(can be changed). Commands PHP Code: sm_setpoints //Usage: sm_setpoints <name> <points(0-24)> Cvars PHP Code: // The maximum amount of points to gain before winning the game // - // Default: "25" oitc_maxpoints "25" // The maximum amount of rounds before switching the map // - // Default: "3" oitc_maxrounds "3" Video Installation 1. Drag "OneInTheChamber.smx" into your "plugins" folder 2. Start server and enjoy! :wink: (Optional) 3. Configure oitc.cfg in "csgo\cfg\sourcemod" to your liking Downloads Attachment 172417 Attachment 172418 Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (OneInTheChamber.sp - 7.9 KB) OneInTheChamber.smx (9.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  9. Handcuff for JailBreak Description The plugin allow Guards to use Handcuff after a player amount. Prisoners won't be able to use or pick up weapons while handcuffed. After getting uncuffed the prisoner gets back his weapons. Here is a video about the plugin... Translations Defaults, English and Hungarian Features HandCuff prisoners HandCuff sounds Minimum players to use Anti-InstaUse ConVars and Commands sm_hc_enabled - Enable/Disable Handcuff feature sm_hc_minimum - Minimum players to let guards use handcuff sm_hc_radius - Maximum radius to target a player !handcuff (also !hs) Installation Upload the files Load the plugin or change the map Configure the plugin over ent_handcuff.cfg (csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ent_handcuff.cfg) Requests or Known bugs Nothing yet Includes SMLIB EntCuff (uploaded with the sp) :fox: Github here Download here Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (handcuff.sp - 11.1 KB) (3.0 KB) handcuff.smx (24.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  10. Description: TITLE IS NOT WRITTED CORRECT IT S YOUR NOT YOU RE This plugin able you to show adverts into your server.You can make money again wih adverts.Solution is there. Commands: sm_bonusmenu - players bonus menu Cvars: sm_bonusmenu_type Requirements: WebServer or Webhost. CsGo Server Additional notes: All plugin configuration is explained into plugin github repository Download Steam Github Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  11. Big Bertha is my way to improve the most expensive, crappiest weapon in history of Counter Strike. It's a M249 that shoots at 50% starting rate of fire, and every bullet you fire increases it by 2%, up to 200%. It has 150 total ammo and no reserve ammo, with the cool ability to replenish 2 ammo every 0.5 seconds. Everything is configurable. Big Bertha works the funniest with these attributes on the weapon_m249, which mimic the negev's recoil: Code: "recoil angle" "0" "recoil angle variance" "0" "recoil magnitude" "30" "recoil magnitude variance" "2" "recoil seed" "57966" To add the recoil stats, search in folder "csgo/scripts/items/items_game.txt" an entry of "weapon_m249_prefab" and append in the end of attributes entry the code above. If you're too lazy to edit the recoil, it'll be extra hard to control a 200% fire rate gun. I don't expect any server to use it but someone might surprise me. Video of me Acing bots ( As gold nova 1 ) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (BigBertha.sp - 9.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  12. As explained in the description, this plugin will allow the players to pickup any melee weapon such as axe, wrench and the hammer. This plugin is meant to be used with mp_drop_knife_enable set to 1 otherwise you won't be able to drop the knife to pickup the other weapons. Idea from Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (pickmelee.sp - 1.6 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  13. Name: Revival Description: Press and hold Shift, E or Ctrl key above death place to respawn player Installation: Place compiled plugin (sm_revival.smx) into the plugins folder (../addons/sourcemod/plugins/). ConVars: sm_revival_version - plugin version sm_revival_enabled - Enable/disable plugin sm_revival_key - Key for reviving (0 - 'duck', 1 - 'use', 2 - 'walk') sm_revival_clean - Remove body x sec after the death (-1 - don't remove) sm_revival_teamchange - Can a player be revived after a team change [Ism_revival_enemy][/I] - Can a player revive the enemy (the revived player will change the team) sm_revival_percent - Enable/disable save the percentage of reviving sm_revival_effect - Enable/disable effect (circles) around to place of death sm_revival_radius - Radius to respawn death player sm_revival_time - The time after the death of the player, during which the revive is possible (0 - down to the end of the round) sm_revival_countdown - Time for respawn in seconds sm_revival_times - How many times can a player revive other players during the round (0 - unlimited) sm_revival_noblock_time - Noblocking time after respawn (set at 0 if you have any noblock plugin) sm_revival_health_cost - Need's health to respawn sm_revival_health - How many HP will get revived player sm_revival_frag - Enable/disable give frag to the player for revived teammate sm_revival_soundpath - This sound playing after reviving (empty string = disabled) Screenshots: 1st (from v1.0.0), 2nd, 3rd Attached Files Revival (24.7 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  14. After the latest updates, there were errors in the optional of cvar mp_teammates_are_enemies (player glow stopped working in CS: GO) I found a cvar sv_competitive_official_5v5 ,which was a substitute, but it worked only in spectators. The solution for implementing of cvar in T and CT commands was SendProxy Manager and the change of m_iTeamNum. There is no load on the server. Its possible server crashes. Requirements: SendProxy Manager Variables: sm_esl_adminesp_flag // The flag of the player to access the ESP Commands: X key in spectators | On/off or spec_show_xray 1/0 | On/off Installation: Unpack the contents of the archive into the csgo folder Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (esl_admin_esp.sp - 3.1 KB) esl_admin_esp.smx (5.9 KB) (338.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  15. Description Filters chat and player names based off regular expressions read from config file Feature List Blocks chat messages that match regex and notifies admins via chat Logs all chat blocks to logs/cf.log file Blocks players from connecting if their name matches regex ConVars cf_filter_chat - Filter chat messages? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) cf_filter_name - Filter player names? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) cf_notify_admins - Notify admins upon chat block? 1 - Yes, 0 - No. (Default: 1) Change Log 12-31-2018 Initial release Installation Download file Move everything in the plugins folder to your own addons/sourcemod/plugins folder Move everything in the configs folder inside your addons/sourcemod/configs folder You're done! Configuring Config Files In the expressions.cfg file, each regular expression should be on a new line In the whitelist.cfg file each whitelisted word should be on a new line (note: these are words and phrases, not regex expressions) For Developers (Include file) Code: /** * Retrieves the client index of the warden * * @param source string to macth regex patterns to * @param buffer optional buffer to store matched pattern in source * @param maxlen optional length of buffer * @param notify if true, will notify admins and player of matched regex * @param client client to notify if notify is true * @return True if source matched to existing regex patterns. */ native bool CF_CheckString(const char[] source, char[] buffer = "", int maxlen = 0, bool notify = false, int client = 0); Attached Files (12.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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  16. Po tym jak zacząłeś odpowiadać na takie głupie zaczepki takie jak: To zaczęły mnie bawić takie typu posty ? Pamiętaj, że dużo ludzi takich jak @DevLogic (siema Matrix) zawsze się znajdą, jak nie tu, to gdzieś indziej.
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  17. XD Może połącz posta z tym?
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  19. Nie jest trudne, ale jaki to ma związek z tym forum (mygo). Rozumiem, że to jest piaskownica, ale prosisz o UB dla kolegi na forum z SourceModem?
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