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  1. Czym są skiny można przeczytać tu. Jak wykonać własny skin do broni w CS:GO w Photoshopie? Marzyłeś kiedyś o posiadaniu jakiegoś drogiego skina np. AWP Dragon Lore itp. Niestety, ale tylko nieliczni mogą sobie pozwolić na to, aby wydać tak duże pieniądze na grę. W takim razie co możesz zrobić, jeśli nie zaliczasz się do tego grona? Jeżeli posiadasz własny serwer w grze Counter Strike Global Offensive, to masz możliwość wykonania własnego skina do jakiejkolwiek broni chcesz. Posiadanie osobistego serwera jest niezbędne, ponieważ za grę na oficjalnych serwerach z customowym skinem grozi ban, dlatego nie warto ryzykować. Tak jak jest napisane w tytule, poradnik ten dotyczy tworzenia skina w Photoshopie, dlatego jego posiadanie jest również niezbędne. Jeżeli spełniasz dwa powyższe warunki, to możesz zabrać się do pracy. Poniżej przedstawię Tobie krok po kroku, jak wykonać taki skin oraz jak wgrać go do plików gry. Przygotowanie do pracy. Na początku pracy, najlepiej, abyś stworzył sobie osobny folder, w którym wszystkie pliki będą uporządkowane. Umieść wszystkie foldery materiałów stołu roboczego, a także plik TXT w tym folderze. Dla każdego skina, który robisz warto założyć po jednym takim osobnym folderze. Instalacja potrzebnych plików oraz uruchomienie programu. · Pobierz materiały CS: GO Workbench · Następnie w Photoshopie otwórz plik z bronią, do której chcesz zrobić customowy skin. W tym celu najedź na opcję plik, naciśnij “otwórz”, wybierz folder, który wcześniej utworzyłeś, a z folderu wybierz plik, z bronią, do której chcesz utworzyć skin. Jeżeli wszystko pomyślnie się uruchomiło, to możesz przystąpić do tworzenia własnego skina. Poniżej po krótce wytłumaczę Tobie jak działają narzędzia w Photoshopie i jak zrobić przykładowy skin. Na początku musimy zdjąć teksturę. Aby wykonać tę czynność wejdź w opcję “Okno”. Gdy to zrobisz, to powinno się Tobie wyświetlić po prawej stronie okno. W zakładce “Scena” wejdź w opcję „__PS_3D_Default”, następni kliknij w “Rozproszenie”, a na końcu w wyświetlonych opcjach i wybierz „Usuń teksturę”. Następnie kliknij ikonę folderu obok opcji Rozproszenie, która znajduje się w tym samym miejscu co poprzednio, a następnie wybierz „Załaduj teksturę”. Przejdź do folderu “UVSheets” i wybierz teksturę projektowanej broni. Później kliknij tę samą ikonę obok, aby ponownie rozproszyć i wybierz „Otwórz teksturę”. To powinno otworzyć tę teksturę w nowej karcie. Tutaj edytujesz niestandardową teksturę. Edycja dowolnej części tekstury automatycznie zapisuje i wyświetla na modelu 3D w drugiej karcie. Po wykonaniu powyższych czynności możesz zacząć robić własny skin. Pamiętaj, aby być kreatywnym oraz zrób coś z czego będziesz zadowolony. Jeżeli pierwszy raz robisz taką rzecz, to może być to dla Ciebie trudne, ale nie poddawaj się. Z czasem na pewno dojdziesz do wprawy. Czytaj także: Jak wgrać własny skin do gry?
  2. Dzień prawie jak co dzień.
  3. Temat został zamknięty na prośbę autora tematu . Jeśli się z tym nie zgadzasz, raportuj ten post, a moderator rozpatrzy go ponownie.
  4. Za godzinę na cały dzień będzie mini promocja listy serwerów na wykop - może Coś da więcej więc sugeruję zagłosować na swój serwer tym co chcą żeby był on popularniejszy.
  5. 1 klik i link jest w menu a reklama z linkiem bezpośrednio do listy serwerów wyświetla się we wielu miejscach
  6. coś jednak dają, bo serwer z głosami jest w TOPie listy...
  7. Zliczają się wyświetlenia grafiki bannera np. wklejasz kod obrazka: i wyświetla się banner: banner możesz podlinkować np. tak: Ale automat zlicza wyświetlenia bannera wklejonego na swoją stronę. I co 24h na głównej promuje najpopularniejsze strony. Możesz wybrać jako admin serwera banner jasny lub ciemny.
  8. Wyświetlenia bannera są zliczane codziennie. Na głównej pojawiają się te które od godz 00:00 mają najwięcej wyświetleń, a nie te które mają największą sumę.
  9. @Brum Brum Świecisz przykładem. Dzięki - poprawiłem te dziwności.
  10. I RUCHY: Poruszamy się za pomocą W - Do przodu - albo strzałka w górę; S - Do tyłu - strzałka w dół; D - Idziemy w prawo (bezpiecznie można się rozejrzeć); A - Idziemy w lewo (bezpiecznie można się rozejrzeć); , - Płyń do góry; / - Płyń na dół; PGUP -Patrz w górę; PGDN - Patrz w dół; END - Reset widoku; ALT -Strafe modifier; ; - Mouse look; INS - Keyboard look; SHIFT - Skradanie się; CTRL - Kucanie; Strzałka w prawo- Skręcanie w lewo; Skręcać w lewo - Skręcanie w prawo; II Walka Strzał - LewyPrzyciskMyszy (LPM) lub ENTER; Strzelaj myszą - LPM; Specjalna funkcja broni - Prawy przycsisk myszy (PPM); R - przeładowanie borni; Specjalna funkcja bron" - PPM; Poprzednia broń - scroolem myszy w górę; Specjalna funkcja broni" "PPM; Poprzednia broń" Scrool w górę; MOUSE1 lub ENTER - sprzał; Q - ostatnio używana broń; N - Noktowizor wł/wył; G - Upuść aktualną broń; III Komunikacja: K - Użyj głosu; Z - Standardowe wiadomości radiowe; X -Drużynowe wiadomości radiowe; C - Wiadomości raportowe; H - aktywuj w grze GUI; Y - Chat dla drużyny; IV Menu: B - Menu kupowania; , - Kupuj amunicję (Karabiny); . - Kupuj amunicję (Pistolety); O - Kupuj wyposażenie M - Wybierz drużynę TAB - Pokaż statystykę "Menu Item 0" "Przedmiot" "0" "Menu Item 1" "Przedmiot 1" "1" "Menu Item 2" "Przedmiot 2" "2" "Menu Item 3" "Przedmiot 3" "3" "Menu Item 4" "Przedmiot 4" "4" "Menu Item 5" "Przedmiot 5" "5" "Menu Item 6" "Przedmiot 6" "6" "Menu Item 7" "Przedmiot 7" "7" "Menu Item 8" "Przedmiot 8" "8" "Menu Item 9" "Przedmiot 9" "9" I - Podsumowanie misji V Różne: E - Aby użyć przedmiotu lub zakładnika F - Latarka T - maluje logo F5 zrzut ekranu J - doping ESC - wyjście z gry
  11. Udostępniamy darmową aplikację dla forum IPS 4.x umożliwiającą prezentację listy serwerów na własnym forum bez znajomości php i zagłębiania się w udostępniony wcześniej system API. W celu skonfigurowania wyświetlania listy serwerów wystarczy dodać swoje ID usera z Aplikacja wyświetla wszystkie dodane przez Ciebie serwery w liście serwerów. Aby dodać serwer do listy skorzystaj z instrukcji. Pobierz: (WK) Server List 1.0.0.rar
  12. Aby w tym dziale zamieszczać kształcące posty tasiemce, ale w taki sposób aby coś wnosiły do naszej znajomości danego tematu np. Jaka to zmienna? i poniżej pytanie o kolejną zmienną? czy to dziecinne? Chętnie bym poczytał zmagania ze zmiennymi na różne literty, A-Z, kolejna osoba dodaje zmienną i ją opisuje z przykładami ich zastosowań w bezpiecznym miejscu- czyli tu.
  13. Co jest najlepsze do prowadzenia własnego serwera CS:GO? Hosting, serwer VPS, a może dedykowany? Jeżeli masz w planach stworzenie własnego serwera w grze Counter Strika Global Offensive, to najważniejszą rzeczą, która jest potrzebna do tego, aby on w ogóle działał jest jego baza/podstawa. To tak jak fundament przy budowie jakiegoś budynku. W poniższym artykule dowiesz się jakie “podstawy” masz do wyboru, wszystkie z nich zostaną pokrótce opisane, zostaną przedstawione ich wady oraz zalety. Do wyboru masz kilka opcji. Są to hosting, serwer vps, serwer dedykowany lub możesz mieć własną mini serwerownię w domu. Co to w ogóle jest hosting? Najkrócej mówiąc mianem hostingu nazywamy udostępnianie przez dostawcę usług internetowych zasobów serwerowni. Serwerownie natomiast, to takie miejsca, gdzie na dużej ilości komputerów. Innymi słowy hosting, polega to na „zarezerwowaniu” (oddaniu do dyspozycji): 1. określonej objętości dysku twardego (zazwyczaj na macierzy RAID), 2. maksymalnej ilości danych do przesłania przez łącza internetowe serwerowni, 3. usług obsługiwanych przez serwerownię (w zakresie zależnym od specyfiki usługi, np. udostępnienie bazy danych z określeniem maksymalnej jej objętości), 4. maksymalnego stopnia obciążenia serwerowni przez usługi. Jakie cechy powinien posiadać dobry hosting? Poprawnie działający serwer, to także odpowiednio dobrany hosting. Nie wybieraj pierwszego lepszego hostingu, tylko poświęć trochę swojego czasu, aby znaleźć ten odpowiedni. Poniżej przedstawię Tobie kilka cech, na które warto zwrócić uwagę podczas wyboru hostingu dla naszego serwera. Te cechy to · Możliwość przetestowania danego hostingu, czyli tzw. “okres próbny”. Jest to ważne, ponieważ dopiero po uruchomieniu danego hostingu, będzie można wykryć jego wady. · Kolejną rzeczą, na którą warto zwrócić uwagę jest to czy dany hosting oferuje szybką i kompletną pomoc techniczną. · Dostęp do panelu zarządzania. · Dostęp przez FTP · Dostęp przez SSH Serwer VPS. Jedną z opcji jest zrobienie własnego serwera VPS. Jest to (z j. ang. “Prywatny wirtualny serwer”), zwirtualizowany serwer dedykowany zazwyczaj duży serwer podzielony dzięki wirtualizacji na mniejsze wirtualne serwery z wydzielonymi zasobami jak dedykowany adres IPv4, IPv6, CPU, pamięć ram, przestrzeń dyskowa, pasmo oraz własnym systemem operacyjnym np. Linux CentOS, Debian, RedHat, Ubuntu. Pozwala na wykonywanie praktycznie wszystkich operacji podobnie jak na serwerze dedykowanym. Ceny utrzymania takiego serwera sięgają od około 300 zł do nawet 2000zł za rok. Wszystko oczywiście zależy od potrzeb naszego serwera. Im jesteśmy bardziej wymagający, tym większa będzie cena. Warto zauważyć, że serwery kosztujące poniżej 1000 zł za rok zazwyczaj mają gorsze parametry. Jedną ze stron, na której możemy kupić taki serwer jest: Serwer dedykowany. Serwer dedykowany jest to osobny komputer, który w przeciwieństwie do serwera vps i hostingu jest nie zależy, nie korzysta z niego kilku klientów. Posiadając tzw. “dedyka” masz pełną kontrolę nad wszystkim. Niestety, ale posiada on jedną ogromną wadę, przez którą na pewno wielu z was go skreśli. Mianowicie jest on strasznie drogi. Niestety, ale posiadając serwer dedykowany musisz zatrudnić co najmniej jednego administratora, który będzie nadzorował cały serwer, ale najlepiej od razu zatrudnić kilku, to są już duże koszty. Ceny takiego serwera zaczynają się od 2000 zł rocznie, ale często przekraczają nawet 6000 zł rocznie. Słowem podsumowania, najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla naprawdę potężnych serwerów bez wątpienia będzie serwer dedykowany, natomiast jeżeli twój serwer nie jest za bardzo popularny to proponował bym skorzystanie z serwera vps lub hostingu, ale to tylko moje skromne zdanie.
  14. Chłopaki - może mu pomożemy? @Mesharsky @Mines @eves @Roberrt ?
  15. Wykorzystanie komend do zakończenia rozgrzewki lub jej opóźnienia w czasie: mp_warmup_end - Zakończenie rozgrzewki. Przykłady do wklejenia do konsoli: mp_warmup_end Po wpisaniu w konsolę rozgrzewka kończy się. mp_warmuptime 20 Po wpisaniu tej komendy rozgrzewka kończy się po 20 sekundowym odliczaniu. Inne przydatne komendy pokrewne: roundend - Szybkie zakończenie rundy. mp_roundtime [Minutes] - np. mp_roundtime 0 zakończenie rundy po 0 minutach Jeśli nie możesz wyłączyć rundy przed czasem spróbuj: bot_kick - usuwa wszystkie boty a potem wpisz komendę bot_quota [liczba] - aby zmniejszyć liczbę botów, (które mogą rundę) do 0
  16. Tematyką forum jest CS i sourcemod. A temat potrzebuję, żeby z czasem go wykorzystać jako podstawę do szerszego omawiania poszczególnych komend. Po to jest ten dział.
  17. To tematyka forum. Miałem pisać na temat i nagle zdziwieni...
  18. Name Syntax Description tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval tv_broadcast_status tv_broadcast_status tv_broadcast_url tv_broadcast_url tv_challenge_steam_iprange tv_challenge_steam_iprange tv_delay1 tv_delay1 tv_enable1 tv_enable1 tv_enable_delta_frames tv_enable_delta_frames tv_mem tv_mem tv_playcast_delay_prediction tv_playcast_delay_prediction tv_playcast_delay_resync tv_playcast_delay_resync tv_playcast_retry_timeout tv_playcast_retry_timeout tv_port1 tv_port1 tv_snapshotrate1 tv_snapshotrate1 tv_spectator_port_offset tv_spectator_port_offset voice_mixer_boost voice_mixer_boost voice_mixer_mute voice_mixer_mute voice_mixer_volume voice_mixer_volume voice_player_volume voice_player_volume vx_model_list vx_model_list weapon_accuracy_forcespread weapon_accuracy_forcespread weapon_accuracy_shotgun_spread_patterns weapon_accuracy_shotgun_spread_patterns weapon_air_spread_scale weapon_air_spread_scale weapon_auto_cleanup_time weapon_auto_cleanup_time weapon_max_before_cleanup weapon_max_before_cleanup weapon_near_empty_sound weapon_near_empty_sound weapon_recoil_decay_coefficient weapon_recoil_decay_coefficient windows_speaker_config windows_speaker_config @panorama_debug_overlay_opacity @panorama_debug_overlay_opacity [Transparency] This command adjusts the transparency of the menu in the Panorama UI. @panorama_force_sort_child_ops @panorama_force_sort_child_ops [0 / 1] This is a cheat command for the panorama UI. ai_show_connect ai_show_connect This console command brings up text in the bottom left of your screen displaying the allowed connections between hubs for the selected hull type. ai_show_hull ai_show_hull This cheat command shows the allowed hulls between each node. You will see the display in the bottom left of your screen. cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds [Bonus Money] This console command sets the bonus cash earned by the winning team for winning multiple rounds in a row, similarly to how losing multiple rounds in a row gives you increasingly more cash for each loss. By default this command is set to off. cl_crosshair_recoil cl_crosshair_recoil [0 / 1] This cheat command sets whether or not taking damage/aimpunch causes your crosshair to shake and move around to display the effect. cl_drawhud_specvote cl_drawhud_specvote [0 / 1] This command dictates whether or not spectators of a game can see the Call Vote UI whenever a vote is called, such as whether a player should be kicked. cl_inventory_debug_tooltip cl_inventory_debug_tooltip cl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on cl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on debug_drawbox debug_drawbox This console command produces a debug box in your client. debug_drawdisp_boundbox debug_drawdisp_boundbox This console command produces a debug box to check invalid displacements in your client. dump_panorama_css_properties dump_panorama_css_properties This command produces a detailed list of all properties from the Panorama UI that use CSS (a coding language). dump_panorama_css_properties_memstats dump_panorama_css_properties_memstats This command produces a list of all the Panorama properties in your client's memory stats into your developer console. dump_panorama_events dump_panorama_events This command is used to show all of the event types used in the Panorama, and how they are triggered. Something for those of you who understand code! dump_panorama_js_scopes dump_panorama_js_scopes This console command prints a list into your developer console of all JavaScript scopes used in the Panorama UI, and explains what they are used for. ime_hkl_info ime_hkl_info This command produces an extensive technical lists of IME HKL info. ime_info ime_info This command prints out a list in your developer console of IME information. ime_supported_info ime_supported_info This technical console command produces a list of IME Supported information statistics in your developer console. launch_warmup_map launch_warmup_map This console command will place you in a 10 minute deathmatch game, filled entirely with bots. It is just like playing the deathmatch game mode, but is offline. mat_draw_resolution mat_draw_resolution [0 / 1] Toggling this command on shows all off the textures in the game. It essentially makes your screen look like you're in the Matrix. mp_disconnect_kills_bots mp_disconnect_kills_bots [0 / 1] Turning this console command on causes bots to die if they disconnect. mp_disconnect_kills_players must be enabled (enter a 1 after the command) for this command to work. mp_disconnect_kills_players mp_disconnect_kills_players [0 / 1] Turning this command on causes players to die in game if they disconnect. This means rather than just vanishing, they'll drop items they have equipped and a death will be added to the scoreboard for them. mp_footsteps_serverside mp_footsteps_serverside [0 / 1] This command decides whether or not the server always plays footstep sounds. This is used to produce footsteps in your client. mp_suicide_time mp_suicide_time [Seconds] This console command is used to set how long, in seconds, you have to wait before you can perform another suicide in game. net_graphipc net_graphipc [0 / 1] Enabling this command shows IPCs on your net graph, when that is brought up with the net_graph 1 command. panorama_dump_events_backlog panorama_dump_events_backlog player_competitive_maplist_2v2_7_0_3F9CD3AE player_competitive_maplist_2v2_7_0_3F9CD3AE [Maps] Lists the competitve map playlist you have active. player_competitive_maplist_8_7_0_A1CF073A player_competitive_maplist_8_7_0_A1CF073A player_teamplayedlast player_teamplayedlast player_wargames_list2_7_0_604 player_wargames_list2_7_0_604 [Maps] This command is used to set what game modes you want in youe War Games playlist. r_disable_static_prop_loading r_disable_static_prop_loading [0 / 1] When turned on, this command causes static props on a map not to load when you load into its map. snd_hrtf_voice_delay snd_hrtf_voice_delay snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_max snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_max [Seconds] This command sets the max amount of time to pause from opening up the CS:GO menu to the music starting. snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_min snd_mainmenu_music_break_time_min [Seconds] This command sets the minimum amount of time to pause from opening up the CS:GO menu to the music starting. snd_surround_speakers snd_surround_speakers spec_cameraman_set_xray spec_cameraman_set_xray This console command toggles between spectators seeing X-ray vision, them not seeing it, or them seeing what the person they're spectating sees. sv_load_random_client_names_file sv_load_random_client_names_file [File Name] This command loads the specified file that contains random words. sv_maxunlag sv_maxunlag [Seconds] This console command sets the maximum lag compensation in seconds. sv_talk_after_dying_time sv_talk_after_dying_time [Seconds] This command sets how many seconds after dying players can still talk for. By default this is set to 0, which disables the feature. sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_authoritative sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_authoritative [0 / 1] When this command is turned on, admins are able to load matches without needing to wait for players to give their ready signal through a vote. sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_safe sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_safe [0 / 1] Turning this command on allows server admins to load a match in backup, but only when the round is in safe time. test_convar test_convar [0 / 1] Turning this command on will skip the interruption when saving a favorite in the buy menu. tv_broadcast_url1 tv_broadcast_url1 This console command pastes the URL of your servers broadcast relay 1 into your developer console. ui_inventorysettings_recently_acknowledged ui_inventorysettings_recently_acknowledged ui_lobby_draft_enabled ui_lobby_draft_enabled ui_playsettings_maps_listen_casual ui_playsettings_maps_listen_casual [Map Code] This command is used to adjust what your default map is for casual mode. By default it chooses a random map. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_competitive ui_playsettings_maps_listen_competitive [Map Code] This command is used to adjust what your default map is for competitive mode. By default it chooses a random map. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_deathmatch ui_playsettings_maps_listen_deathmatch [Map Code] This command is used to adjust what your default map is for Deathmatch mode. By default it chooses a random map. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_scrimcomp2v2 ui_playsettings_maps_listen_scrimcomp2v2 [Map Code] This command is used to adjust what your default map is for 2v2 scrim mode. By default it chooses Inferno. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_skirmish ui_playsettings_maps_listen_skirmish [Game Mode] This command is used to adjust what your default game mode is for skirmishes. By default it chooses flying scoutsman. ui_playsettings_maps_official_casual ui_playsettings_maps_official_casual [Map Group] Sets your default map group to use in Casual from the official map pool. ui_playsettings_maps_official_deathmatch ui_playsettings_maps_official_deathmatch [Map Group] Sets your default map group to use in Deathmatch from the official map pool. ui_playsettings_maps_official_survival ui_playsettings_maps_official_survival [Map] Sets your default map to use in Survival game modes. ui_playsettings_maps_workshop ui_playsettings_maps_workshop ui_playsettings_mode_listen ui_playsettings_mode_listen [Game Mode] This command is used to select between game modes for your player settings. ui_playsettings_mode_official ui_playsettings_mode_official [Game Mode] Sets the game mode used in official games. ui_playsettings_warmup_map_name ui_playsettings_warmup_map_name [Map] Use this command to set your default map for warming up (this is translated into loading you into a Deathmatch server with bots). ui_popup_weaponupdate_version ui_popup_weaponupdate_version ui_vanitysetting_itemid ui_vanitysetting_itemid ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot ui_vanitysetting_model ui_vanitysetting_model [File] This console command chooses the file path for the player models. It can be changed to another specified file in CS:GO. ui_vanitysetting_team ui_vanitysetting_team [T / CT] Sets which team is assigned to the vanity setting command. viewmodel_recoil viewmodel_recoil [Recoil] This command sets how much recoil is shown by the viewmodel when being shot at and taking aimpunch. voice_positional voice_positional [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make the volume of voices (player microphones) correspond to their distance from eachother. Players close to eachother would be louder than those at greater distances. Default is 0 (disabled). voice_positional_seconds_after_death voice_positional_seconds_after_death [Seconds] This command sets the amount of seconds that players will have positional voices for after death - i.e. a player can speak from their dead body for this amount of seconds after being killed/dying. ammo_grenade_limit_breachcharge ammo_grenade_limit_breachcharge [Amount] This command sets the amount of breach charges that a player can hold at any given time. Default is 3. cl_compass_enabled cl_compass_enabled [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the compass, in the Danger Zone gamemode, appears at the top of the screen (for your client only). cl_dangerzone_approaching_sound_radius cl_dangerzone_approaching_sound_radius [Radius] This command sets the radius for the "Approaching Sound" in the Danger Zone gamemode. cl_dangerzone_moving_sound_volume cl_dangerzone_moving_sound_volume [Volume] This command sets the volume of the "Moving Sound" in the Danger Zone gamemode. cl_dangerzone_sound_volume cl_dangerzone_sound_volume [Volume] This command sets the volume of sound effects from the Danger Zone gamemode. cl_dz_playagain_auto_spectate cl_dz_playagain_auto_spectate [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (set to 1), will make you automatically switch to spectator mode after pressing play again in Danger Zone. Default is 0 (disabled). cl_grass_mip_bias cl_grass_mip_bias cl_lock_camera cl_lock_camera [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (and cheats are enabled), will lock your camera in position. When you look around, your viewmodel will still move, but your camera will stay fixed. Default is 0 (disabled). Name Syntax Description cl_player_proximity_debug cl_player_proximity_debug [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, can be used to debug player proximity. Default is 0 (disabled). cl_quickinventory_deadzone_size cl_quickinventory_deadzone_size cl_quickinventory_lastinv cl_quickinventory_lastinv cl_rappel_tilt cl_rappel_tilt [Amount] This command sets the amount of tilt that your character will have when rappelling from a helicopter (after spawning) in deadzone. Some players refer to rappelling as skydiving or parachuting from the helicopter. cl_sun_in_reflection_h_scale cl_sun_in_reflection_h_scale [Scale] This command sets the horizontal scale of the sun in reflections (in water, etc). Default is 2. cl_sun_in_reflection_v_scale cl_sun_in_reflection_v_scale [Scale] This command sets the vertical scale of the sun in reflections (in water, etc). Default is 2. cl_tablet_mapmode cl_tablet_mapmode [1 / 2] This command sets your tablet's map mode (how the tablet displays) in Danger Zone. Map mode 1 will rotate based on where your character is facing, map mode 2 will not rotate and will always face north. contributionscore_assist contributionscore_assist [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for getting an assist. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives when they defuse the bomb with at least one enemy still alive. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for defusing the bomb with no enemies still alive. contributionscore_bomb_exploded contributionscore_bomb_exploded [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) the players on the terrorist team receive if still alive at the end of the round when the bomb explodes. The player who planted the bomb will always receive this contribution score, regardless of whether they are alive or not. contributionscore_bomb_planted contributionscore_bomb_planted [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for planting the bomb. contributionscore_cash_bundle contributionscore_cash_bundle [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for picking up a cash bundle (Danger Zone). contributionscore_crate_break contributionscore_crate_break [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for breaking an item crate (Danger Zone). contributionscore_hostage_kill contributionscore_hostage_kill [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for killing a hostage. As this is a negative action, usually this is set to a negative amount, which subtracts contribution score. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives for rescuing a hostage. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) alive counter-terrorist players receive when a hostage is rescued. contributionscore_kill contributionscore_kill [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives when they kill a non-friendly player. contributionscore_kill_factor contributionscore_kill_factor [Amount] By default this command is disabled (0). This command sets the percentage of a player's contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives when they kill them. If this was set to 10, you would receive 10% of a player's contribution score when you kill them (e.g. 10 if the player you killed had 100 contribution score). contributionscore_objective_kill contributionscore_objective_kill [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives contributionscore_suicide contributionscore_suicide [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives when they kill themselves (e.g. from their own grenade). contributionscore_team_kill contributionscore_team_kill [Amount] This command sets the amount of contribution score ("score" in leaderboard/TAB) a player receives when they kill a friendly player. debug_entity_outline_highlight debug_entity_outline_highlight dump_panorama_render_command_stats dump_panorama_render_command_stats dz_clearteams dz_clearteams This command clears (deletes) all existing Danger Zone teams. dz_jointeam dz_jointeam [Team #] [User ID / Name] This command can make you, or another player, join a specified Danger Zone team. See argument information for help. dz_shuffle_teams dz_shuffle_teams This command will shuffle all teams in Danger Zone. dz_spawnselect_choose_hex dz_spawnselect_choose_hex healthshot_allow_use_at_full healthshot_allow_use_at_full [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default) will allow players to use healthshots when already at maximum health. Set to 0 to disallow. healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier [Multiplier] This command sets the damage multiplier for damage dealt by a player after having consumed a healthshot. The damage they deal will be multiplied by this number. The amount of time this applies for is set by the healthshot_healthboost_time cvar. Default is 1 (disabled). healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier [Multiplier] This command sets the speed multiplier for a player after having consumed a healthshot. Their movement speed will by multiplied by this number. The amount of time this applies for is set by the healthshot_healthboost_time cvar. Default is 1 (disabled). healthshot_healthboost_time healthshot_healthboost_time [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that a player receives healthboost for after consuming a healthshot. This is also the amount of time that the damage and speed multipliers will have an effect for. mat_draw_resolution_threshold mat_draw_resolution_threshold mat_draw_zone_highlight mat_draw_zone_highlight mat_draw_zone_projection_mode mat_draw_zone_projection_mode mp_damage_scale_ct_body mp_damage_scale_ct_body [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for damage dealt to the body of counter-terrorist players. Default is 1. Set to 0 to disable body shot damage. mp_damage_scale_ct_head mp_damage_scale_ct_head [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for damage dealt to the head of counter-terrorist players. Default is 1. Set to 0 to disable headshot damage. mp_damage_scale_t_body mp_damage_scale_t_body [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for damage dealt to the body of terrorist players. Default is 1. Set to 0 to disable body shot damage. mp_damage_scale_t_head mp_damage_scale_t_head [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for damage dealt to the head of terrorist players. Default is 1. Set to 0 to disable headshot damage. mp_death_drop_breachcharge mp_death_drop_breachcharge [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make it so that breachcharges are dropped on death. Set to 0 to disable. mp_death_drop_healthshot mp_death_drop_healthshot [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make it so that healthshots are dropped on death. Set to 0 to disable. mp_drop_grenade_enable mp_drop_grenade_enable [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make it so that players can drop grenades that they are carrying. Default is 0 in all gamemodes with the exception of Danger Zone. mp_endwarmup_player_count mp_endwarmup_player_count [Amount] This command sets the amount of players that need to connect to the game for warmup to be ended early. Set to 0 to wait until all players are connected (default). mp_logdistance_2d mp_logdistance_2d mp_logdistance_sec mp_logdistance_sec mp_logloadouts mp_logloadouts mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default on all game modes with the exception of Danger Zone), will make it so that only counter-terrorist players can rescue hostages. Set to 0 to allow all players to rescue hostages. mp_plant_c4_anywhere mp_plant_c4_anywhere [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows players to plant C4s at any location. If set to 0, the C4 can only be planted at bomb sites. mp_require_gun_use_to_acquire mp_require_gun_use_to_acquire [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make it so that guns must be +used on (usually the E key) in order to be picked up by players. Default is 0 (guns are picked up when they are walked over). mp_tagging_scale mp_tagging_scale [Tagging Value] This console command is used to adjust the level of tagging players take when hit. mp_weapon_melee_touch_time_after_hit mp_weapon_melee_touch_time_after_hit mp_weapon_next_owner_touch_time mp_weapon_next_owner_touch_time parachute parachute In game modes where applicable, such as Danger Zone (the Battle Royale mode) this command equips your parachute. pick_hint pick_hint Entering this command into your console will print out one of the hints that are shown in various CS:GO loading screens, such as advising players to stab enemies in the back if they find themselves behind them. r_drawopaquedetailprops r_drawopaquedetailprops r_drawopaquedetailprops_csm r_drawopaquedetailprops_csm r_drawopaquedetailprops_reflect r_drawopaquedetailprops_reflect [0 / 1] When this command is turned on it causes props to reflect light. r_drawopaquedetailprops_refract r_drawopaquedetailprops_refract [0 / 1] When this command is turned on it causes props to refract light. r_underwateroverlay_drain_speed r_underwateroverlay_drain_speed [Speed] This command alters the drain speed shown on the underwater overlay. radio radio This console command opens up the radio menu with a list of radio calls to the left of your screen. Use a radio call or enter the command again to dismiss the screen. skybox_disablereflection skybox_disablereflection [0 / 1] This command is used to toggle between having reflections enabled or disabled in your skybox. Turning off reflections can fix issues for some players where textures don't show properly on the map. slot12 slot12 slot13 slot13 snd_dzmusic_volume snd_dzmusic_volume [Volume] This console command adjusts the volume of the music played when you win a game of Danger Zone (the Battle Royale mode). snd_occlusion_bounces snd_occlusion_bounces snd_occlusion_eq_high snd_occlusion_eq_high snd_occlusion_eq_low snd_occlusion_eq_low snd_occlusion_eq_mid snd_occlusion_eq_mid snd_occlusion_no_eq_scale snd_occlusion_no_eq_scale snd_occlusion_rays snd_occlusion_rays spec_replay_on_death spec_replay_on_death [0 / 1] This command is used to adjust how you spectate your death. Enter a value above 1 after the command to begin seeing delayed replays. survival_check_num_possible_final_zone survival_check_num_possible_final_zone Enter this command into your developer console to print a number that shows all possible final zones in Danger Zone, the Battle Royale game mode. sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_ratio sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_ratio [Ratio] Toggle this command to change the horizontal ratio used when parachuting down to the ground in Danger Zone. sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_speed sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_speed [Speed] This console command adjusts how quickly you can move horizontally while parachuting down to the ground in Danger Zone. sv_air_max_wishspeed sv_air_max_wishspeed sv_air_pushaway_dist sv_air_pushaway_dist [0 / 1] sv_airaccelerate_parachute sv_airaccelerate_parachute sv_airaccelerate_rappel sv_airaccelerate_rappel [Speed] This console command sets how fast you move while rappeling down to the ground in Danger Zone. sv_allchat sv_allchat [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not you can receive text chat from players in the "all chat" channel. sv_breachcharge_arm_delay sv_breachcharge_arm_delay sv_breachcharge_delay_max sv_breachcharge_delay_max sv_breachcharge_delay_min sv_breachcharge_delay_min sv_breachcharge_distance_max sv_breachcharge_distance_max sv_breachcharge_distance_min sv_breachcharge_distance_min sv_breachcharge_fuse_max sv_breachcharge_fuse_max sv_breachcharge_fuse_min sv_breachcharge_fuse_min sv_chat_proximity sv_chat_proximity sv_coach_comm_unrestricted sv_coach_comm_unrestricted [0 / 1] When this command is turned on, it overrides any restrictions on how coaches can communicate through the in-game comms. sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage [Speed] This cheat command sets the movement speed of players when they're carrying hostages, such as in hostage mode or in Danger Zone. sv_disable_radar sv_disable_radar [0 / 1] Turning this console command on disables your radar. sv_drowning_damage_initial sv_drowning_damage_initial [DPS] This console command sets the initial damage per second you take as you drown. sv_drowning_damage_max is used to set the max damage this can scale to as you stay in water longer. sv_drowning_damage_max sv_drowning_damage_max [DPS] This console command sets the max amount of damage your player takes a second when drowning once the damage has scaled to it's highest level. This happens the longer you remain underwater. sv_dz_autojointeam sv_dz_autojointeam [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default), will make it so that players are automatically assigned a team in Danger Zone. Set to 0 to disable (players must choose a team with dz_jointeam). sv_dz_cash_bundle_size sv_dz_cash_bundle_size [Amount] This command sets the amount of money a cash bundle adds to a player's balance when picked up. Default is $50. sv_dz_contractkill_reward sv_dz_contractkill_reward [Amount] This command sets the amount of cash bundles (not the amount of cash) to give a player when they kill a target assigned to them (contract target mission). sv_dz_exploration_payment_amount sv_dz_exploration_payment_amount [Amount] This command sets the amount of cash bundles to give a player for exploring into a sector of the map. sv_dz_hostage_rescue_reward sv_dz_hostage_rescue_reward [Amount] This command sets the amount of cash bundles (not the amount of cash) to award a player when they sucessfully complete a hostage mission in Danger Zone. sv_dz_jointeam_allowed sv_dz_jointeam_allowed [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows players to leave and join other teams with the dz_jointeam command. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_dz_player_max_health sv_dz_player_max_health [Amount] This command sets the amount of health players have in Danger Zone. Default is 120. sv_dz_player_spawn_armor sv_dz_player_spawn_armor [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make players spawn with armor in Danger Zone. Default is 0 (disabled). Name Syntax Description sv_dz_player_spawn_health sv_dz_player_spawn_health [Amount] This command sets the amount of health that players spawn with in Danger Zone. Default is 120, which is also the default maximum amount of health players can have. sv_dz_reset_danger_zone sv_dz_reset_danger_zone This command will restart the current Danger Zone game. sv_dz_show_enemy_name_scope_range sv_dz_show_enemy_name_scope_range [Distance] This command sets the range a player must be within in order for the name tag to be shown when another player's crosshair hovers over them in the Danger Zone gamemode. sv_dz_team_count sv_dz_team_count [Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of players that can be in each team in Danger Zone. sv_dz_warmup_tablet sv_dz_warmup_tablet [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default), will give players a tablet during the warmup period in Danger Zone. Set to 0 to disable. sv_dz_warmup_weapon sv_dz_warmup_weapon [Weapon Code] This command will give players the weapon with the specified weapon code during the Danger Zone warmup period (e.g. "weapon_glock"). See this page for weapon codes. Set to 0 to disable weapons during warmup. sv_dz_zone_bombdrop_money_reward sv_dz_zone_bombdrop_money_reward [Amount] This command sets how many cash bundles players receive at the end of each Danger Zone wave. Default is 15. sv_dz_zone_damage sv_dz_zone_damage [Damage] This command sets the amount of damage per second that the "zone" (border) in Danger Zone deals. Default is 1. sv_dz_zone_hex_radius sv_dz_zone_hex_radius [Radius] This command sets the radius of each hex on the map (tablet) in Danger Zone. Default is 2200. sv_env_entity_makers_enabled sv_env_entity_makers_enabled [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not entity markers are enabled. sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons [0 / 1] Where applicable, this command will cause you to take the ammo from weapons as you drop them. sv_falldamage_scale sv_falldamage_scale sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier [0 / 1] This console command scales and distributes the fall damage taken to two players if the first player landed on another player's head. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio [Ratio] This command sets the ratio of damage taken by a player if someone lands on their head. It scales as the person dropping on them falls from greater distances. sv_force_reflections sv_force_reflections sv_grassburn sv_grassburn [0 / 1] This console command sets whether or not grass burn is enabled in the server. sv_health_approach_enabled sv_health_approach_enabled sv_health_approach_speed sv_health_approach_speed sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier [Damage] This command is used to set the damage of HE grenades. By default it is set to 1, which keeps it at the default level of damage. sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier [Radius] This command sets the radius in which enemies take damage by HE grenades. sv_highlight_distance sv_highlight_distance [Distance] sv_highlight_duration sv_highlight_duration sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb sv_outofammo_indicator sv_outofammo_indicator sv_player_parachute_velocity sv_player_parachute_velocity [Speed] This command sets the speed at which you parachute on, applicable in game modes like Danger Zone. sv_prop_door_open_speed_scale sv_prop_door_open_speed_scale sv_show_ragdoll_playernames sv_show_ragdoll_playernames [0 / 1] When turned on, this command shows player names even when ragdolling. sv_show_team_equipment_force_on sv_show_team_equipment_force_on [0 / 1] This command, when enabled, forces team equipment to show above player's nameplates in every game, unless it is prohibited by another setting. sv_spawn_rappel_min_duration sv_spawn_rappel_min_duration [Time] This command sets the minimum duration it takes you in Danger Zone to completely rappel down to the ground. sv_standable_normal sv_standable_normal sv_tablet_show_path_to_nearest_resq sv_tablet_show_path_to_nearest_resq [0 / 1] When this console command is enabled, it shows a path on your Danger Zone tablet (summoned by pressing TAB by default) to the nearest hostage rescue point. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist [0 / 1] This console command is used to override the max distance teammate overhead displays will display until, showing them regardless of distance. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec sv_turning_inaccuracy_angle_min sv_turning_inaccuracy_angle_min sv_turning_inaccuracy_decay sv_turning_inaccuracy_decay sv_turning_inaccuracy_enabled sv_turning_inaccuracy_enabled sv_voice_proximity sv_voice_proximity sv_voice_proximity_minvolume sv_voice_proximity_minvolume sv_voice_proximity_use_falloff sv_voice_proximity_use_falloff sv_walkable_normal sv_walkable_normal sv_water_movespeed_multiplier sv_water_movespeed_multiplier [Speed Multiplier] This command sets how quickly you move in water compared to your normal movement speed. sv_water_swim_mode sv_water_swim_mode [0 / 1] Adjusts the swim mode used when you're in water. sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item Sets how encumbered you become based on the more weapons you are carrying. The default value for this command is 0.85. sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale sv_weapon_require_use_grace_period sv_weapon_require_use_grace_period tablet_c4_dist_max tablet_c4_dist_max [Distance] Sets how far away you can be from C4 in Danger Zone for your tablet (brought up by pressing TAB by default) to still display it on its quadrant map. tablet_c4_dist_min tablet_c4_dist_min [Distance] Sets how close you need to be from C4 in Danger Zone for your tablet (brought up by pressing TAB by default) to still display it on its quadrant map. ui_nearbylobbies_filter ui_nearbylobbies_filter [Filter] This command changes how your nearby lobby filter works. ui_playsettings_maps_official_dangerzone ui_playsettings_maps_official_dangerzone [Map] Sets the default map used in Danger Zone, such as the original map the mode released with, Blacksite. ui_playsettings_mode_official_dz ui_playsettings_mode_official_dz [Mode] This command sets the default game setting to be used in Danger Zone mode, such as the mode it was released with, Survival. ui_vanitysetting_model2 ui_vanitysetting_model2 weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier [Multiplier] This command sets the falloff of weapon sounds when shooting, which adjusts how they get quieter. +csm_rot_x_neg +csm_rot_x_neg This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. +csm_rot_x_plus +csm_rot_x_plus This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. +csm_rot_y_neg +csm_rot_y_neg This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. +csm_rot_y_plus +csm_rot_y_plus This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. +grenade1 +grenade1 This is a client only command. It was left in the game from the HL engine, it does not have a useful function. +grenade2 +grenade2 This is a client only command. It was left in the game from the HL engine, it does not have a useful function. +lookdown +lookdown This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. +lookspin +lookspin This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. +lookup +lookup This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. +walk +walk This command was removed from the game as it allowed players to move up ladders at full speed silently. +zoom_in +zoom_in This command does not work, or its function is unknown. +zoom_out +zoom_out This command does not work, or its function is unknown. -csm_rot_x_neg -csm_rot_x_neg This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. It deactivates the effect of the +csm_rot_x_neg command. -csm_rot_x_plus -csm_rot_x_plus This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. It deactivates the effect of the +csm_rot_x_plus command. -csm_rot_y_neg -csm_rot_y_neg This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. It deactivates the effect of the +csm_rot_y_neg command. -csm_rot_y_plus -csm_rot_y_plus This is a client only command. It does not work and/or does not have a useful function. It deactivates the effect of the +csm_rot_y_plus command. -grenade1 -grenade1 This is a client only command. It was left in the game from the HL engine, it does not have a useful function. -grenade2 -grenade2 This is a client only command. It was left in the game from the HL engine, it does not have a useful function. -lookdown -lookdown This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. -lookspin -lookspin This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. -lookup -lookup This command was carried over from Counter-Strike: Source but no longer works. -walk -walk This command was removed from the game as it allowed players to move up ladders at full speed silently. -zoom_in -zoom_in This command does not work, or its function is unknown. -zoom_out -zoom_out This command does not work, or its function is unknown. _autosavedangerous _autosavedangerous This command forcefully saves your game in certain single-player instances of CS:GO. _record _record [File Name] This is the command used to begin recording yourself in game to a demo file you can view later. You need to specify what you want to name the file after the command. Type stop into your console and press enter to stop recording. _restart _restart This console command will shut down and then restart CS:GO. This will close your window and require you to start the game again, so don't use in competitive matchmaking. adsp_debug adsp_debug This command does not work, or its function is unknown. adsp_reset_nodes adsp_reset_nodes This command does not work, or its function is unknown. ai_clear_bad_links ai_clear_bad_links This console command marks any links that exist in the CS:GO nav as unusable. ai_debug_los ai_debug_los [0 / 1] This cheat command is used to debug issues with NPC (bots) line of sight in private servers. ai_debug_node_connect ai_debug_node_connect This console command debugs any issues caused with the connection of two nodes. ai_debug_shoot_positions ai_debug_shoot_positions This command does not work, or its function is unknown. ai_dump_hints ai_dump_hints ai_hull ai_hull This command can be used to filter the connections that are show via the ai_show_hull command. If you do not specify any arguments, the NPC/entity under your crosshair will be selected. ai_next_hull ai_next_hull This command will cycle to the next hull size. If this is used when at the last hull size, the hull size will be cycled back to the start. ai_nodes ai_nodes This command does not work, or its function is unknown. ai_report_task_timings_on_limit ai_report_task_timings_on_limit This command does not work, or its function is unknown. ai_show_connect_crawl ai_show_connect_crawl This command shows the allowed node connections for crawl movements for the hull type you currently have selected. Green = ground movement, Blue = jumping movement, Cyan = flying movement, Yellow = crawling movement, Magenta = climbing movement, Red = connection disabled. ai_show_connect_fly ai_show_connect_fly This command shows the allowed node connections for fly movements for the hull type you currently have selected. Green = ground movement, Blue = jumping movement, Cyan = flying movement, Yellow = crawling movement, Magenta = climbing movement, Red = connection disabled. ai_show_connect_jump ai_show_connect_jump This command shows the allowed node connections for jump movements for the hull type you currently have selected. Green = ground movement, Blue = jumping movement, Cyan = flying movement, Yellow = crawling movement, Magenta = climbing movement, Red = connection disabled. ai_show_graph_connect ai_show_graph_connect This command toggles graph connection display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are connected to the selected node by the net graph will be drawn in red with magenta lines connecting to the selected node. Nodes that are not connected via the net graph from the selected node will be drawn in blue. ai_show_grid ai_show_grid This command will render a grid on the floor, relative to the position of your crosshair. ai_show_hints ai_show_hints This command will show all hints as small colored boxes. Color codes are as follows: Blue = hint is available for use, Red = hint is currently being used by an NPC, Orange = hint not being used by timed out, Grey = hint has been disabled. ai_show_node ai_show_node This command will highlight the node under your crosshair. ai_show_visibility ai_show_visibility This command will toggle visibility display for the node that is under your crosshair. Nodes that are visible from the selected node will be drawn in red with yellow lines connecting to the selected node. Nodes that are not visible from the selected node will be drawn in blue. ai_think_limit_label ai_think_limit_label ai_vehicle_avoidance ai_vehicle_avoidance Name Syntax Description async_resume async_resume This command does not work, or its function is unknown. async_suspend async_suspend This command does not work, or its function is unknown. autosavedangerousissafe autosavedangerousissafe This command does not work, or its function is unknown. blackbox_record blackbox_record bot_goto_mark bot_goto_mark This command will make a bot walk to the marked navigation area. bot_goto_selected bot_goto_selected This command will make a bot go to the navigation area that you currently have selected. bot_mimic_yaw_offset bot_mimic_yaw_offset This command will set the yaw offset that bots will mimic you on. Default value is 180. box box This command draws a debug box. budget_bargraph_background_alpha budget_bargraph_background_alpha [Translucency] This command alters the translucency of the budget panel's bar graphs. Its default is set at 128. budget_bargraph_range_ms budget_bargraph_range_ms [Milliseconds] The budget bar graphs range, measured in milliseconds. Default value for this command is 16.7. budget_history_numsamplesvisible budget_history_numsamplesvisible [Samples] This command alters how many samples are drawn in the budget history panel. Set this to a low number to improve overhead rendering. Its default value is 100. budget_history_range_ms budget_history_range_ms [Milliseconds] This cheat command adjusts the budget history range in milliseconds. Its default value is 66.7 milliseconds. budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction [Value] The command adjusts the bottom panel of the budget history panel. budget_panel_height budget_panel_height [Height ] This command adjusts the height of the budget panel. Enter a value in pixels to set it to your preference. budget_panel_width budget_panel_width [Width] The command adjusts the width of the budget panel. Enter a value in pixels to set it to your desired size. Default value is set at 512. budget_panel_x budget_panel_x [Distance] This command sets how far away (in pixels) the buget panel is from the left side of the game screen. budget_panel_y budget_panel_y [Distance] This console command sets how far from the top of the game screen (in pixels) the budget panel is shown. budget_peaks_window budget_peaks_window [Frames] This command sets the number of frames to look at when calculating your peak framerate in game. The default value is just 30 frames. budget_show_averages budget_show_averages [0 / 1] This console command selects whether or not you want the budget panel to show a list of averages in it. budget_show_history budget_show_history [0 / 1] This command selects whether the history graph is shown in the budget panel. As it's frame intensive, it's advisable to keep this off on lower end PCs. budget_show_peaks budget_show_peaks [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the budget panel shows peak values. budget_toggle_group budget_toggle_group This console command toggles a budget group on or off. bugreporter_uploadasync bugreporter_uploadasync buy_stamps buy_stamps c_maxpitch c_maxpitch This command sets your camera's maximum pitch. c_maxyaw c_maxyaw This command sets your camera's maximum yaw. c_minpitch c_minpitch This command sets your camera's minimum pitch. c_minyaw c_minyaw This command sets your camera's minimum yaw. c_orthoheight c_orthoheight c_orthowidth c_orthowidth c_thirdpersonshoulder c_thirdpersonshoulder c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist c_thirdpersonshoulderdist c_thirdpersonshoulderdist c_thirdpersonshoulderheight c_thirdpersonshoulderheight c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset cam_idealdist cam_idealdist cam_idealdistright cam_idealdistright cam_idealdistup cam_idealdistup cam_idealpitch cam_idealpitch cam_idealyaw cam_idealyaw cancelselect cancelselect cc_emit cc_emit cc_showblocks cc_showblocks centerview centerview chet_debug_idle chet_debug_idle [0 / 1 / 2] If you're experiencing the TLK_IDLE issue, then this console command is used in debugging it. cl_accountprivacysetting1 cl_accountprivacysetting1 cl_autohelp cl_autohelp cl_bob_version cl_bob_version cl_bobcycle cl_bobcycle This command should adjust how much your viewmodel bobs as you run, but the value cannot be changed in the client from its default value of 0.98. cl_chatfilters cl_chatfilters This command is used to store the settings for filtering chat (from unsafe content, profanity, etc). cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick This command forces clock correction to match the tick of the server you're playing in and the offset you've set. cl_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable cl_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable cl_detail_avoid_radius cl_detail_avoid_radius cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed This command sets the speed that you recover your position after avoiding a player. cl_detail_max_sway cl_detail_max_sway This command adjusts the max sway (side-to-side) of props in game. cl_drawleaf cl_drawleaf cl_drawmaterial cl_drawmaterial cl_drawshadowtexture cl_drawshadowtexture cl_dump_particle_stats cl_dump_particle_stats cl_dumpplayer cl_dumpplayer cl_dumpsplithacks cl_dumpsplithacks cl_ent_absbox cl_ent_absbox cl_ent_bbox cl_ent_bbox cl_ent_rbox cl_ent_rbox cl_extrapolate cl_extrapolate cl_fastdetailsprites cl_fastdetailsprites cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints cl_jiggle_bone_invert cl_jiggle_bone_invert cl_join_advertise cl_join_advertise cl_leveloverviewmarker cl_leveloverviewmarker cl_mainmenu_hide_blog cl_mainmenu_hide_blog cl_mainmenu_show_blog cl_mainmenu_show_blog cl_mainmenu_show_datagraph cl_mainmenu_show_datagraph cl_minimal_rtt_shadows cl_minimal_rtt_shadows cl_particle_retire_cost cl_particle_retire_cost cl_particles_dump_effects cl_particles_dump_effects cl_particles_dumplist cl_particles_dumplist cl_phys_show_active cl_phys_show_active cl_portal_use_new_dissolve cl_portal_use_new_dissolve cl_scalecrosshair cl_scalecrosshair cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize cl_showevents cl_showevents cl_sos_test_get_opvar cl_sos_test_get_opvar cl_sos_test_set_opvar cl_sos_test_set_opvar cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo This console command should print a list of the soundscapes into your developer console, however it can make your game client crash so use with caution. cl_sporeclipdistance cl_sporeclipdistance cl_sun_decay_rate cl_sun_decay_rate cl_updatevisibility cl_updatevisibility cmd cmd cmd1 cmd1 cmd2 cmd2 cmd3 cmd3 cmd4 cmd4 colorcorrectionui colorcorrectionui commentary_cvarsnotchanging commentary_cvarsnotchanging commentary_finishnode commentary_finishnode commentary_firstrun commentary_firstrun commentary_testfirstrun commentary_testfirstrun con_logfile con_logfile Name Syntax Description con_min_severity con_min_severity confirm_activate_itemid_now confirm_activate_itemid_now confirm_purchase_item_def_now confirm_purchase_item_def_now confirm_watch_friend_session_exit_current confirm_watch_friend_session_exit_current create_flashlight create_flashlight creditsdone creditsdone csgo_econ_action_preview csgo_econ_action_preview cvarlist cvarlist [Command] This command prints to console a list of all console commands (cvars). You can optionally specify part of a command's name as parameter, and only commands that contain that will be listed. dbghist_dump dbghist_dump devshots_nextmap devshots_nextmap This is a devshot system command - it may not work in normal games. It is used to progress to the next map in the devshot map queue. To enable devshots, add -makedevshots to your launch option. devshots_screenshot devshots_screenshot This is a devshot system command - it may not work in normal CS:GO. This is used to take a screenshot in devshot mode. dm_reset_spawns dm_reset_spawns This is a deathmatch command. This command will reset spawns in your current deathmatch game. editdemo editdemo [Name] This command may not work. It will edit the demo with the specified name (place the demo file in the "csgo" folder, the "csgo" folder is in the folder that csgo.exe is in). editor_toggle editor_toggle This command will toggle focus between the demo simulation and the edtior. enable_debug_overlays enable_debug_overlays [0 / 1] This command will enable (if set to 1) the rendering of debug overlays. If set to 0, this command will disable the rendering of debug overlays. endmatch_votenextmap endmatch_votenextmap Use mp_endmatch_votenextmap to change the votenextmap setting. envmap envmap This command does not work, it will crash your client. forcebind forcebind [Command] [Desired Key] This command doesn't work as intended. It should bind a specified command to a random (but unused key). Use with caution. forktest forktest This command will cause the engine to fork and wait for a child PID, parameter can be passed for requested exit code. This may crash your client. host_writeconfig_ss host_writeconfig_ss [Splitscreen Index] This command will save your server settings to the config.cfg file with the specified splitscreen index. joy_accelscalepoly joy_accelscalepoly joy_advanced joy_advanced joy_advaxisr joy_advaxisr joy_advaxisu joy_advaxisu joy_advaxisv joy_advaxisv joy_advaxisx joy_advaxisx joy_advaxisy joy_advaxisy joy_advaxisz joy_advaxisz joy_cfg_preset joy_cfg_preset joy_yawthreshold joy_yawthreshold lightcache_maxmiss lightcache_maxmiss log_color log_color lookspring lookspring mp_switchteams mp_switchteams This command doesn't work. Use mp_swapteams instead. next next This command, if set to 1, will advance to the next frame. noclip_fixup noclip_fixup report_cliententitysim report_cliententitysim [0 / 1] This command will print to console all clientside simulations and the time it takes to execute. Default is 0 (disabled). Command will be set to 0 again after it has done calculating and printing. report_clientthinklist report_clientthinklist [0 / 1] This command will print to console all clientside simulations thinking and their thinking time. Default is 0 (disabled). Command will be set to 0 again after it has done calculating and printing. report_entities report_entities This command will print to console a list of all entities (server-sided). report_simthinklist report_simthinklist This command will print to console a list of all simulating/thinking entities (server-sided). report_soundpatch report_soundpatch This command will print to console a report of the sound patch count (server-sided). report_touchlinks report_touchlinks This command will print to console a list of all touchlinks (server-sided). showtriggers showtriggers This command does not work. Use showtriggers_toggle instead. voice_inputfromfile voice_inputfromfile [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make voice input come from the voice_input.wav file, instead of your microphone. voice_modenable voice_modenable [0 / 1] This command disables your microphone if set to 0 (you can still hear other players). Default is 1 (your microphone is enabled). voice_system_enable voice_system_enable [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the voice system is enabled. mp_guardian_loc_adjective mp_guardian_loc_adjective mp_guardian_loc_condition mp_guardian_loc_condition mp_guardian_loc_icon mp_guardian_loc_icon mp_guardian_loc_mission mp_guardian_loc_mission mp_guardian_loc_override mp_guardian_loc_override mp_guardian_loc_weapon mp_guardian_loc_weapon mp_guardian_target_site mp_guardian_target_site mp_roundtime_deployment mp_roundtime_deployment [Minutes] This command sets how many minutes deployment for cooperative missions takes. mp_teamscore_1 mp_teamscore_1 [Number] This command sets the score of team 1 for BO (best of..) games. Entering 1 here would make it so that team 1 had already won 1 of their games. mp_teamscore_2 mp_teamscore_2 [Number] This command sets the score of team 2 for BO (best of..) games. Entering 1 here would make it so that team 2 had already won 1 of their games. mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time
  19. Name Syntax Description sys_sound_quality sys_sound_quality takepoint takepoint This command makes you perform the "You take the point" radio command. takingfire takingfire This command makes you perform the "Taking fire...need assistance!" radio command. teammenu teammenu This command opens the team selection menu, which allows you to choose a side (or to spectate). test_dispatcheffect test_dispatcheffect Test_EHandle Test_EHandle test_entity_blocker test_entity_blocker test_freezeframe test_freezeframe Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner Test_Loop Test_Loop Test_LoopCount Test_LoopCount Test_LoopForNumSeconds Test_LoopForNumSeconds test_outtro_stats test_outtro_stats Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue Test_RandomChance Test_RandomChance Test_RandomizeInPVS Test_RandomizeInPVS Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities Test_RunFrame Test_RunFrame Test_SendKey Test_SendKey Test_SpawnRandomEntities Test_SpawnRandomEntities Test_StartLoop Test_StartLoop Test_StartScript Test_StartScript Test_Wait Test_Wait Test_WaitForCheckPoint Test_WaitForCheckPoint testhudanim testhudanim texture_budget_background_alpha texture_budget_background_alpha texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction texture_budget_panel_height texture_budget_panel_height texture_budget_panel_width texture_budget_panel_width texture_budget_panel_x texture_budget_panel_x texture_budget_panel_y texture_budget_panel_y ` think_limit think_limit [Milliseconds] This command sets the maximum think time in milliseconds. If the think time exceeds this amount, a warning will be printing to console. Set to 0 to disable. thirdperson thirdperson This command puts you in third person mode. Use firstperson to return. thirdperson_mayamode thirdperson_mayamode thread_test_tslist thread_test_tslist thread_test_tsqueue thread_test_tsqueue threadpool_cycle_reserve threadpool_cycle_reserve threadpool_run_tests threadpool_run_tests timedemo timedemo timedemo_vprofrecord timedemo_vprofrecord timedemoquit timedemoquit timeleft timeleft This command prints to console the amount of time that remains in the match. timerefresh timerefresh toggle toggle [Command] [Values] The command will toggle a convar on and off (between 0 and 1), or cycle it through its values. toggleconsole toggleconsole This command toggles visibility of the console. Obviously if the console is closed, you can't use this command - it is primarily used in binds (where you can execute commands without the console being open)./ togglescores togglescores This command toggles visibility of the scoreboard. toolload toolload toolunload toolunload tv_advertise_watchable tv_advertise_watchable tv_allow_camera_man_steamid tv_allow_camera_man_steamid tv_allow_static_shots tv_allow_static_shots tv_autorecord tv_autorecord tv_autoretry tv_autoretry tv_chatgroupsize tv_chatgroupsize tv_chattimelimit tv_chattimelimit tv_clients tv_clients tv_debug tv_debug tv_delay tv_delay tv_delaymapchange tv_delaymapchange tv_deltacache tv_deltacache tv_dispatchmode tv_dispatchmode tv_dispatchweight tv_dispatchweight tv_enable tv_enable tv_encryptdata_key tv_encryptdata_key tv_encryptdata_key_pub tv_encryptdata_key_pub tv_maxclients tv_maxclients tv_maxclients_relayreserved tv_maxclients_relayreserved tv_maxrate tv_maxrate tv_msg tv_msg tv_name tv_name tv_nochat tv_nochat tv_overridemaster tv_overridemaster tv_password tv_password tv_port tv_port tv_record tv_record tv_relay tv_relay tv_relaypassword tv_relaypassword tv_relayradio tv_relayradio tv_relaytextchat tv_relaytextchat tv_relayvoice tv_relayvoice tv_retry tv_retry tv_snapshotrate tv_snapshotrate tv_status tv_status tv_stop tv_stop tv_stoprecord tv_stoprecord tv_time_remaining tv_time_remaining tv_timeout tv_timeout tv_title tv_title tv_transmitall tv_transmitall tweak_ammo_impulses tweak_ammo_impulses ui_posedebug_fade_in_time ui_posedebug_fade_in_time ui_posedebug_fade_out_time ui_posedebug_fade_out_time ui_reloadscheme ui_reloadscheme ui_steam_overlay_notification_position ui_steam_overlay_notification_position ui_workshop_games_expire_minutes ui_workshop_games_expire_minutes unbindalljoystick unbindalljoystick unbindallmousekeyboard unbindallmousekeyboard unload_all_addons unload_all_addons Name Syntax Description unpause unpause This command unpauses the game, provided it was previously paused with the "pause" command, use mp_unpause_match to unpause other pauses. update_addon_paths update_addon_paths use use user user users users vcollide_wireframe vcollide_wireframe vehicle_flushscript vehicle_flushscript version version vgui_drawtree vgui_drawtree vgui_drawtree_clear vgui_drawtree_clear vgui_dump_panels vgui_dump_panels vgui_message_dialog_modal vgui_message_dialog_modal vgui_spew_fonts vgui_spew_fonts vgui_togglepanel vgui_togglepanel view_punch_decay view_punch_decay view_recoil_tracking view_recoil_tracking viewanim_addkeyframe viewanim_addkeyframe viewanim_create viewanim_create viewanim_load viewanim_load viewanim_reset viewanim_reset viewanim_save viewanim_save viewanim_test viewanim_test vis_force vis_force vismon_poll_frequency vismon_poll_frequency vismon_trace_limit vismon_trace_limit vm_debug vm_debug vm_draw_always vm_draw_always voice_caster_enable voice_caster_enable [0 / Account #] This command sets whether or not voice casting is enabled, and if so, the account number of the user who is casting. We assume (untested) that the account number is the 3 ID of the caster without the STEAM_0:1 part of the ID. Format is usually STEAM_0:1:#####. voice_caster_scale voice_caster_scale [0 - 1] This command sets the volume of the GOTV caster. Default is 1, lower numbers (decimal) are quieter. 0 is off. voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold voice_recordtofile voice_recordtofile [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will record microphone data and voice data to the files 'voice_micdata.wav' and 'voice_decompressed.wav'. voice_reset_mutelist voice_reset_mutelist This command unmutes all players who have been muted with the voice_mute command. voicerecord_toggle voicerecord_toggle volume volume [0 - 1] This command sets the volume of your game, 1 being loudest and 0 being muted. vox_reload vox_reload voxeltree_box voxeltree_box voxeltree_playerview voxeltree_playerview voxeltree_sphere voxeltree_sphere voxeltree_view voxeltree_view vphys_sleep_timeout vphys_sleep_timeout vprof vprof vprof_adddebuggroup1 vprof_adddebuggroup1 vprof_cachemiss vprof_cachemiss vprof_cachemiss_off vprof_cachemiss_off vprof_cachemiss_on vprof_cachemiss_on vprof_child vprof_child vprof_collapse_all vprof_collapse_all vprof_dump_counters vprof_dump_counters vprof_dump_groupnames vprof_dump_groupnames vprof_expand_all vprof_expand_all vprof_expand_group vprof_expand_group vprof_generate_report vprof_generate_report vprof_generate_report_AI vprof_generate_report_AI vprof_generate_report_AI_only vprof_generate_report_AI_only vprof_generate_report_budget vprof_generate_report_budget vprof_generate_report_hierarchy vprof_generate_report_hierarchy vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only vprof_generate_report_map_load vprof_generate_report_map_load vprof_graphheight vprof_graphheight vprof_graphwidth vprof_graphwidth vprof_nextsibling vprof_nextsibling vprof_off vprof_off vprof_on vprof_on vprof_parent vprof_parent vprof_playback_average vprof_playback_average vprof_playback_start vprof_playback_start vprof_playback_step vprof_playback_step vprof_playback_stepback vprof_playback_stepback vprof_playback_stop vprof_playback_stop vprof_prevsibling vprof_prevsibling vprof_record_start vprof_record_start vprof_record_stop vprof_record_stop vprof_remote_start vprof_remote_start vprof_remote_stop vprof_remote_stop vprof_reset vprof_reset vprof_reset_peaks vprof_reset_peaks vprof_to_csv vprof_to_csv vprof_unaccounted_limit vprof_unaccounted_limit vprof_verbose vprof_verbose vprof_vtune_group vprof_vtune_group vprof_warningmsec vprof_warningmsec vtune vtune wc_air_edit_further wc_air_edit_further wc_air_edit_nearer wc_air_edit_nearer wc_air_node_edit wc_air_node_edit wc_create wc_create wc_destroy wc_destroy wc_destroy_undo wc_destroy_undo wc_link_edit wc_link_edit weapon_accuracy_nospread weapon_accuracy_nospread [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (set to 1), will disable weapon inaccuracy spread, meaing weapons will be 100% accurate at any distance. Default is disabled (1). weapon_debug_spread_gap weapon_debug_spread_gap weapon_debug_spread_show weapon_debug_spread_show [0 / 1 / 3] This command can be used to enable the display of weapon accuracy. See argument information for help. weapon_recoil_cooldown weapon_recoil_cooldown [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that it takes for recoil to recover in between shots. After this amount of time, recoil will be reset to the same as it is when you shoot your first bullet. If set to 0, you can continuously tap without having any recoil. weapon_recoil_decay1_exp weapon_recoil_decay1_exp [Decay Factor] This command sets the decay factor exponent for weapon recoil. Default is 3.5. weapon_recoil_decay2_exp weapon_recoil_decay2_exp [Decay Factor] This command sets the decay factor exponent for weapon recoil. Default is 8. weapon_recoil_decay2_lin weapon_recoil_decay2_lin [Decay Factor] This command sets the linear term decay factor exponent for weapon recoil. Default is 18. weapon_recoil_scale weapon_recoil_scale [Scale] This command sets the scale factor for recoil - i.e. the higher this number is, the bigger recoil will be. weapon_recoil_scale_motion_controller weapon_recoil_scale_motion_controller [Scale] This command sets the scale factor for recoil on motion controllers. weapon_recoil_suppression_factor weapon_recoil_suppression_factor [0 - 1] We tested this command and found that it may not work at all or as intended. This command sets the "initial recoil suppression factor". This factor sets how much the first shot (or the amount of shots set by weapon_recoil_suppression_factor) of a gun has its recoil supressed for. If you set this to 0, there would be no recoil after the first shot of guns (but shots after that would be normal recoil). With this at 0.5, the first shot of a gun would have 50% of its normal recoil. weapon_recoil_suppression_shots weapon_recoil_suppression_shots [Amount] We tested this command and found that it may not work at all or as intended. This command sets the number of shots that are fired before a weapon uses normal (unsuppressed) recoil. Suppression is set by weapon_recoil_suppression_factor cvar. Name Syntax Description weapon_recoil_variance weapon_recoil_variance [0 - 1] We tested this command and found that it may not work at all or as intended. This command sets the amount of variance between each recoil impulse. In other words, this command can be used to change how random recoil is (with this set to 0 it would be the same pattern every time). weapon_recoil_vel_decay weapon_recoil_vel_decay [Decay Factor] This command sets the decay factor for weapon recoil velocity. weapon_recoil_view_punch_extra weapon_recoil_view_punch_extra [Amount] This command controls how hard your screen shakes when you are affected by recoil. Default is 0.055. weapon_reload_database weapon_reload_database This command reloads the weapon database. weapon_reticle_knife_show weapon_reticle_knife_show [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not your crosshair shows when you have your knife equipped. Only makes a change for crosshair styles that hide your crosshair when holding a knife. whitelistcmd whitelistcmd wipe_nav_attributes wipe_nav_attributes workshop_publish workshop_publish This command opens the workshop publish dialog. workshop_start_map workshop_start_map [File ID] This command loads the workshop map with the specified ID. workshop_workbench workshop_workbench This command opens up the workshop workbench dialog. xbox_autothrottle xbox_autothrottle xbox_throttlebias xbox_throttlebias xbox_throttlespoof xbox_throttlespoof xload xload xlook xlook xmove xmove xsave xsave zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse ammo_item_limit_healthshot ammo_item_limit_healthshot [Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of healthshots that you can hold at once. anim_twistbones_enabled anim_twistbones_enabled cash_team_survive_guardian_wave cash_team_survive_guardian_wave [Amount] This command sets the amount of money a team receives when they survive a wave in the guardian coop gamemode. cl_cam_driver_compensation_scale cl_cam_driver_compensation_scale cl_camera_height_restriction_debug cl_camera_height_restriction_debug cl_cameraman_override_messages cl_cameraman_override_messages cl_clock_24hour cl_clock_24hour cl_connection_trouble_show cl_connection_trouble_show cl_countbones cl_countbones [0 / 1] This command will render and count the amount of bones (bones of players and entities) on the screen, if set to 1. cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will make it so that standing inaccuracy will also affect the blur of a sniper's crosshair. By default, this is disabled (0). cl_crosshair_sniper_width cl_crosshair_sniper_width [Pixels] This command sets the width, in pixels, of the width of the crosshair when scoped in with a sniper rifle. cl_crosshair_t cl_crosshair_t [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will make your crosshair a "T" style crosshair, in which the top line of the crosshair isn't drawn (so there are only 3 crosshair lines, not 4). Default is 0 (disabled / normal crosshair). cl_detail_scale cl_detail_scale cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices [-1 / 0 / 1] This command sets circumstances under which deathnotices should be drawn (deathnotices is another word for kill feed that appears in the top right). See argument information for help. cl_drawhud_force_radar cl_drawhud_force_radar [-1 / 0 / 1] This command sets the circumstances under which the radar is is displayed. See argument information for help. cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead [-1 / 0 / 1] This command sets the circumstances under which the "team ID" is drawn over your teammates heads (this is their name, weapons they're holding, etc). See argument information for help. cl_foot_contact_shadows cl_foot_contact_shadows cl_http_log_enable cl_http_log_enable cl_inventory_saved_filter2 cl_inventory_saved_filter2 cl_inventory_saved_sort2 cl_inventory_saved_sort2 cl_matchstats_print_own_data cl_matchstats_print_own_data cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will mute communication from all players that aren't your friend on Steam, or in your party. Default is disabled (0). cl_mute_enemy_team cl_mute_enemy_team [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will mute communication from all enemy players. Default is disabled (0). cl_operation_premium_reminder_op08 cl_operation_premium_reminder_op08 cl_playerspray_auto_apply cl_playerspray_auto_apply [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not graffiti is automatically applied when you close the graffiti menu. Default is enabled (1). cl_quest_events_print cl_quest_events_print cl_quest_schedule_print cl_quest_schedule_print cl_ragdoll_workaround_threshold cl_ragdoll_workaround_threshold cl_server_graphic1_enable cl_server_graphic1_enable cl_server_graphic2_enable cl_server_graphic2_enable cl_spec_swapplayersides cl_spec_swapplayersides This command, if set to 1, will swap the player names and team names to the other side of the screen for spectators. Default is set to 0 (normal side). cl_spec_use_tournament_content_standards cl_spec_use_tournament_content_standards cl_teamid_overhead_always cl_teamid_overhead_always [0 / 1 / 2] This command is similar to the +cl_show_team_equipment command. This can make the arrow that usually only appears above a teammate's head when you hover over them always show for all of your teammates (so you can see where they are through walls). You can also use this command to show names/equipment above teammate heads. See argument information for help. cl_threaded_bone_setup cl_threaded_bone_setup cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_debug cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_debug cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_lock cl_weapon_clip_thinwalls_lock cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy [0 / 1] This command, if enabled, will draw a circle on your screen that represents the accuracy (or "effective range") of your next shot you fire. cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy_duration cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy_duration [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the circles drawn by cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy show for. Default is 10 seconds. clear_bombs clear_bombs This command clears/removes any bomb(s) that have been planted, halting the countdown. cloth_windage_multiplier cloth_windage_multiplier con_timestamp con_timestamp cpu_frequency_monitoring cpu_frequency_monitoring debug_purchase_defidx debug_purchase_defidx demo_goto demo_goto [Tick] [Relative (0 / 1)] [Pause (0 / 1)] This command skips to the specified tick in the demo. See argument information for options. demo_info demo_info This command prints to console information about the demo that is currently playing. demo_strict_validation demo_strict_validation ent_list_report ent_list_report global_chatter_info global_chatter_info healthshot_health healthshot_health [Amount] This command sets the amount of health that a healthshot heals. hltv_replay_status hltv_replay_status hostage_is_silent hostage_is_silent [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make hostages silent. They won't make any noises and/or code driven response rules lines. ip_relay ip_relay ip_tv1 ip_tv1 ipc_console_disable ipc_console_disable ipc_console_disable_all ipc_console_disable_all ipc_console_enable ipc_console_enable ipc_console_show ipc_console_show itemtimedata_dump_active itemtimedata_dump_active itemtimedata_dump_total itemtimedata_dump_total itemtimedata_print_and_reset itemtimedata_print_and_reset joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack lobby_default_privacy_bits1 lobby_default_privacy_bits1 localization_quest_item_string_printout localization_quest_item_string_printout logaddress_add_ex logaddress_add_ex logaddress_add_http logaddress_add_http logaddress_add_ts logaddress_add_ts logaddress_delall_http logaddress_delall_http logaddress_list_http logaddress_list_http logaddress_token_secret logaddress_token_secret mapoverview_icon_scale mapoverview_icon_scale [Multiplier] This command sets the scale multiplier for icons on the overview map (that spectators can open usually by pressing CTRL). If set to 2, icons would be 2x the size they usually are on the overview map. Default is 1. mat_preview mat_preview mat_resolveFullFrameDepth mat_resolveFullFrameDepth mat_texture_list_content_path mat_texture_list_content_path mat_texture_list_exclude mat_texture_list_exclude mat_texture_list_txlod_sync mat_texture_list_txlod_sync mm_session_sys_kick_ban_duration mm_session_sys_kick_ban_duration mm_session_sys_pkey mm_session_sys_pkey mp_coopmission_mission_number mp_coopmission_mission_number [Mission Number] This command is used to change the co-op mission you're playing, such as those found in Operations. mp_damage_vampiric_amount mp_damage_vampiric_amount [Value] This console command means that players gain health for doing damage to enemies. This scales with how much damage the player does to an enemy. mp_dm_bonus_respawn mp_dm_bonus_respawn [0 / 1] This command is used in deathmatch. When there's a bonus weapon, this command determines whether, when accepting it, you are given it auotmatically or if you respawn with it. Name Syntax Description mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags [0 / 1] This console command selects whether or not bonus dog tags are dropped when a player gets a kill with the bonus weapon in deathmatch. mp_dm_dogtag_score mp_dm_dogtag_score [Score] This command sets the points earned for picking up a dog tag in deathmatch (earned by getting a kill with a bonus weapon while _mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags is turned to 1). mp_dm_kill_base_score mp_dm_kill_base_score [Base Score] This command sets the base score points you earn for killing a player in deathmatch. Cheaper, less powerful guns add 1 or 2 points onto the base score. mp_dm_teammode mp_dm_teammode [0 / 1] Use this console command to enable team deathmatch visuals and scoring. mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score [Points] This command sets how many points you earn towards your team in team deathmatch for getting a kill with a bonus weapon. mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score [Points] This command sets how many points you earn towards your team for collecting dog tags in team deathmatch. mp_dm_teammode_kill_score mp_dm_teammode_kill_score [Points] This command selects the number of points awarded to your team on each kill in team deathmatch. mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death [0 / 1] This command is used to determine whether or not dogtags should despawn (vanish) when the person that won them dies. mp_dogtag_despawn_time mp_dogtag_despawn_time [Seconds] This command is used to set how many seconds dogtags can sit on the ground before despawning (vanishing) automatically. mp_dogtag_pickup_rule mp_dogtag_pickup_rule [0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4] This command sets who is eligible to pick up dogtags on the floor in team deathmatch. mp_economy_reset_rounds mp_economy_reset_rounds [X] This cheat command lets you reset every player's money every X amount of rounds. mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_modes mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_modes This command shows you what modes you can vote for when a match ends during War Games. mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummaps mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummaps [Maps] This command changes the maximum number of maps that can be shown in the end game vote when in War Games. mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummodes mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummodes [Modes] This command sets the maximum amount of other War Games modes to be included in the end of map vote. mp_equipment_reset_rounds mp_equipment_reset_rounds [X] This cheat command lets you reset every player's equipment every X amount of rounds. mp_ggtr_always_upgrade mp_ggtr_always_upgrade [Points] This cheat command allows you to choose how many upgrade points are awarded at the end of every demolition mode round. mp_global_damage_per_second mp_global_damage_per_second [DPS] Entering a value after this command causes each player in the server to take that amount of damage per second. This is non-lethal, so they can't die from this. mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave [Money] This console command controls how much money bots get each wave that a player completes. mp_guardian_player_dist_max mp_guardian_player_dist_max [Distance] This console command sets how far a player can get from the bombsite before they are killed. mp_guardian_player_dist_min mp_guardian_player_dist_min [Distance] This console command sets how far a player can get from the bombsite before they are warned that they are moving too far away from the bombsite. mp_guardian_special_kills_needed mp_guardian_special_kills_needed [Kills] In an operation, this is the number of kills you need to get with a special weapon. mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed [Weapon] This is the special weapon needed to finish a mission in an operation to achieve the special kill count. mp_halftime_pausematch mp_halftime_pausematch [0 / 1] This command, when approved by the server admin, pauses the game when halftime has been reached (just as the 15th round is won total, combining the team's scores). mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch [Aimpunch] This console command determines how much extra aim punch a player receives when getting shot wearing an assault suit. mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown [Time] Sets the cooldown time on purchasing an assault suit in select game modes. mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale [0.5 / 1] This command sets how quick a player wearing the heavy assault suit (available in Heavy Assault Suit mode) can draw their weapon. mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed [Speed] This command determines the max movement speed of a player when they are in the heavy assault suit. mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale [0.5 / 1] This command can be used to make players in heavy assault suits take less damage than usual from bullets. mp_items_prohibited mp_items_prohibited [Items] This command allows you to prohibit items or guns from being used in your server. mp_logdetail_items mp_logdetail_items [0 / 1] Turning this command on produces a log any time that a player acquires a new weapon. mp_logmoney mp_logmoney [0 / 1] This command is ued to turn money logging on or off. mp_max_armor mp_max_armor [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets what level of armor can be purchased in your server - no armor, kevlar body, or kevlar body and helmet. mp_randomspawn_dist mp_randomspawn_dist [0 / 1] If you are using the mp_randomspawn command, this command is used to determine whether or not you test distance with that setting. mp_starting_losses mp_starting_losses [Loss Streak] This command is used to set what the initial loss streak is. It means you can collect the max loss bonus quicker. mp_taser_recharge_time mp_taser_recharge_time [Time] This console command sets the recharge time when using the taser/zeus. mp_team_timeout_max mp_team_timeout_max [Timeouts] This command is used to set the number of timeouts each team gets a match. mp_team_timeout_time mp_team_timeout_time [Time] This is the console command used to set how long each timeout a team calls lasts. mp_teamscore_max mp_teamscore_max [Maps] This command is used to set how many maps are needed to be won by a team to win the series. mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount [Damage] This interesting console command is used to set how much damage an attacker takes for missing a shot. mp_weapons_allow_heavy mp_weapons_allow_heavy [-1 / 0 / 2 / 3] This command dictates which team, if any, can purchase heavy guns such as shotguns and heavy machine guns. mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the heavy assault suit is allowed in a server. mp_weapons_allow_pistols mp_weapons_allow_pistols [-1 / 0 / 2 / 3] This console command is used to set which teams can buy pistols in a server. mp_weapons_allow_rifles mp_weapons_allow_rifles [-1 / 0 / 2 / 3] This console command is used to set which teams can buy rifles in a server. mp_weapons_allow_smgs mp_weapons_allow_smgs [-1 / 0 / 2 / 3] This console command is used to set which teams can buy SMGs in a server. mp_weapons_allow_typecount mp_weapons_allow_typecount [Max Weapons] This console command determines the rules behind players purchasing the max amount of weapons each round. mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match [Max Purchases] This console command sets the maximum number of times a player can purchase a weapon per match. net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override net_connections_stats net_connections_stats nextmode nextmode occlusion_old occlusion_old occlusion_stats occlusion_stats occlusion_test_async occlusion_test_async occlusion_test_async_jitter occlusion_test_async_jitter occlusion_test_async_move_tolerance occlusion_test_async_move_tolerance occlusion_test_camera_margins occlusion_test_camera_margins occlusion_test_jump_margin occlusion_test_jump_margin occlusion_test_margins occlusion_test_margins occlusion_test_shadow_length occlusion_test_shadow_length occlusion_test_shadow_max_distance occlusion_test_shadow_max_distance play_hrtf play_hrtf playcast playcast player_competitive_maplist_2v2_7_0_4C128440 player_competitive_maplist_2v2_7_0_4C128440 player_competitive_maplist_8_7_0_77AED00 player_competitive_maplist_8_7_0_77AED00 player_wargames_list_7_0_604 player_wargames_list_7_0_604 pvs_min_player_distance pvs_min_player_distance r_drawmodelnames r_drawmodelnames [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will draw the names of the models of entities in the game (e.g. guns on the floor, etc). r_replay_post_effect r_replay_post_effect reload_store_config reload_store_config This command will reload the store (buy menu) configuration, applying any changes you've made to the config files. replay_death replay_death replay_debug replay_debug replay_start replay_start replay_stop replay_stop sc_enable sc_enable sc_joystick_map sc_joystick_map sc_pitch_sensitivity sc_pitch_sensitivity sc_yaw_sensitivity sc_yaw_sensitivity sdr sdr sdr_spew_level sdr_spew_level snd_debug_sleep snd_debug_sleep snd_hrtf_distance_behind snd_hrtf_distance_behind snd_hrtf_lerp_max_distance snd_hrtf_lerp_max_distance snd_hrtf_lerp_min_distance snd_hrtf_lerp_min_distance snd_hrtf_stereo_blend snd_hrtf_stereo_blend snd_hrtf_volume snd_hrtf_volume snd_hwcompat snd_hwcompat snd_mix_async snd_mix_async snd_mute_losefocus snd_mute_losefocus snd_show_filter snd_show_filter snd_show_print snd_show_print sound_device_list sound_device_list This command lists all audio devices you have available. sound_device_override sound_device_override [Device ID] This command sets the audio device the game will use to the audio device with the specified ID (find audio device IDs with sound_device_list). spec_glow_decay_time spec_glow_decay_time spec_glow_full_time spec_glow_full_time spec_glow_silent_factor spec_glow_silent_factor spec_glow_spike_factor spec_glow_spike_factor spec_glow_spike_time spec_glow_spike_time spec_lock_to_accountid spec_lock_to_accountid spec_player_by_accountid spec_player_by_accountid spec_replay_autostart spec_replay_autostart spec_replay_bot spec_replay_bot Name Syntax Description spec_replay_cam_delay spec_replay_cam_delay spec_replay_cam_options spec_replay_cam_options spec_replay_enable spec_replay_enable spec_replay_leadup_time spec_replay_leadup_time spec_replay_message_time spec_replay_message_time spec_replay_rate_base spec_replay_rate_base spec_replay_rate_limit spec_replay_rate_limit spec_replay_round_delay spec_replay_round_delay spec_replay_winddown_time spec_replay_winddown_time +spray_menu +spray_menu This command opens up the graffiti spray menu. Hide with -spray_menu. -spray_menu -spray_menu This command hides the graffiti spray menu. steam_controller_haptics steam_controller_haptics steam_controller_status steam_controller_status sv_allow_legacy_cmd_execution_from_client sv_allow_legacy_cmd_execution_from_client sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty sv_autobuyammo sv_autobuyammo [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make you automatically refill your ammunition when you enter a buyzone during buy time. sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight [Weight] This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a decoy grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy. sv_bot_buy_flash_weight sv_bot_buy_flash_weight [Weight] This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a flashbang grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy. sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance [0 - 100] This command sets the chance (percentage) a bot has of buying a grenade when they have leftover money after purchasing armor and weapons. Default is 33, which would be equivalent to 33%. sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight [Weight] This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a high explosive grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy. sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight [Weight] This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a molotov grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy. sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight [Weight] This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a smoke grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy. sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round sv_bots_get_easier_each_win sv_bots_get_easier_each_win sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave sv_buy_status_override sv_buy_status_override sv_clamp_unsafe_velocities sv_clamp_unsafe_velocities sv_ct_spawn_on_bombsite sv_ct_spawn_on_bombsite sv_disable_immunity_alpha sv_disable_immunity_alpha sv_disable_pas sv_disable_pas sv_disable_show_team_select_menu sv_disable_show_team_select_menu sv_dump_class_info sv_dump_class_info sv_dump_class_table sv_dump_class_table sv_duplicate_playernames_ok sv_duplicate_playernames_ok sv_enablebunnyhopping sv_enablebunnyhopping sv_force_transmit_ents sv_force_transmit_ents sv_getinfo sv_getinfo sv_guardian_heavy_all sv_guardian_heavy_all sv_guardian_heavy_count sv_guardian_heavy_count sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy sv_jump_impulse sv_jump_impulse sv_ladder_scale_speed sv_ladder_scale_speed sv_load_forced_client_names_file sv_load_forced_client_names_file sv_log_http_record_before_any_listeners sv_log_http_record_before_any_listeners sv_logsecret sv_logsecret sv_logsocket sv_logsocket sv_logsocket2 sv_logsocket2 sv_logsocket2_substr sv_logsocket2_substr sv_max_dropped_packets_to_process sv_max_dropped_packets_to_process sv_maxupdaterate sv_maxupdaterate sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_holdaim sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_holdaim sv_min_jump_landing_sound sv_min_jump_landing_sound sv_occlude_players sv_occlude_players sv_parallel_send sv_parallel_send sv_parallel_send_aggressive sv_parallel_send_aggressive sv_parallel_send_v sv_parallel_send_v sv_record_item_time_data sv_record_item_time_data sv_replaybots sv_replaybots sv_send_stats sv_send_stats sv_setsteamaccount sv_setsteamaccount sv_show_team_equipment_prohibit sv_show_team_equipment_prohibit sv_show_voip_indicator_for_enemies sv_show_voip_indicator_for_enemies sv_showbullethits sv_showbullethits sv_showlagcompensation_duration sv_showlagcompensation_duration sv_skirmish_id sv_skirmish_id sv_spec_post_death_additional_time sv_spec_post_death_additional_time sv_spec_use_tournament_content_standards sv_spec_use_tournament_content_standards sv_steamauth_enforce sv_steamauth_enforce sv_talk_enemy_dead sv_talk_enemy_dead sv_talk_enemy_living sv_talk_enemy_living sv_teamid_overhead sv_teamid_overhead sv_teamid_overhead_always_prohibit sv_teamid_overhead_always_prohibit sv_test_data_center_token sv_test_data_center_token sv_timebetweenducks sv_timebetweenducks sv_voice_proximity_positional sv_voice_proximity_positional sv_voicecodec sv_voicecodec sv_vote_count_spectator_votes sv_vote_count_spectator_votes sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_only sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_only sv_vote_issue_pause_match_spec_only sv_vote_issue_pause_match_spec_only sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point thirdperson_lockcamera thirdperson_lockcamera timeout_ct_start timeout_ct_start timeout_terrorist_start timeout_terrorist_start toggle_duck toggle_duck toggleLmapPath toggleLmapPath toggleShadowPath toggleShadowPath toggleUnlitPath toggleUnlitPath toggleVtxLitPath toggleVtxLitPath traceattack traceattack tv_allow_autorecording_index tv_allow_autorecording_index tv_allow_camera_man_override tv_allow_camera_man_override tv_allow_camera_man_steamid2 tv_allow_camera_man_steamid2 tv_broadcast tv_broadcast tv_broadcast1 tv_broadcast1 tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval tv_broadcast_max_requests tv_broadcast_max_requests tv_broadcast_resend tv_broadcast_resend
  20. Name Syntax Description r_portalsopenall r_portalsopenall r_PortalTestEnts r_PortalTestEnts r_printdecalinfo r_printdecalinfo r_proplightingpooling r_proplightingpooling r_radiosity r_radiosity r_rainalpha r_rainalpha r_rainalphapow r_rainalphapow r_RainCheck r_RainCheck r_RainDebugDuration r_RainDebugDuration r_raindensity r_raindensity r_RainHack r_RainHack r_rainlength r_rainlength r_RainProfile r_RainProfile r_RainRadius r_RainRadius r_RainSideVel r_RainSideVel r_RainSimulate r_RainSimulate r_rainspeed r_rainspeed r_RainSplashPercentage r_RainSplashPercentage r_rainwidth r_rainwidth r_randomflex r_randomflex r_rimlight r_rimlight r_ropes_holiday_light_color r_ropes_holiday_light_color r_screenoverlay r_screenoverlay r_shadow_debug_spew r_shadow_debug_spew r_shadow_deferred r_shadow_deferred r_shadowangles r_shadowangles r_shadowblobbycutoff r_shadowblobbycutoff r_shadowcolor r_shadowcolor r_shadowdir r_shadowdir r_shadowdist r_shadowdist r_shadowfromanyworldlight r_shadowfromanyworldlight r_shadowfromworldlights_debug r_shadowfromworldlights_debug r_shadowids r_shadowids r_shadows_gamecontrol r_shadows_gamecontrol r_shadowwireframe r_shadowwireframe r_showenvcubemap r_showenvcubemap r_showz_power r_showz_power r_skin r_skin r_skybox r_skybox r_slowpathwireframe r_slowpathwireframe r_SnowDebugBox r_SnowDebugBox r_SnowEnable r_SnowEnable r_SnowEndAlpha r_SnowEndAlpha r_SnowEndSize r_SnowEndSize r_SnowFallSpeed r_SnowFallSpeed r_SnowInsideRadius r_SnowInsideRadius r_SnowOutsideRadius r_SnowOutsideRadius r_SnowParticles r_SnowParticles r_SnowPosScale r_SnowPosScale r_SnowRayEnable r_SnowRayEnable r_SnowRayLength r_SnowRayLength r_SnowRayRadius r_SnowRayRadius r_SnowSpeedScale r_SnowSpeedScale r_SnowStartAlpha r_SnowStartAlpha r_SnowStartSize r_SnowStartSize r_SnowWindScale r_SnowWindScale r_SnowZoomOffset r_SnowZoomOffset r_SnowZoomRadius r_SnowZoomRadius r_swingflashlight r_swingflashlight r_updaterefracttexture r_updaterefracttexture r_vehicleBrakeRate r_vehicleBrakeRate r_VehicleViewClamp r_VehicleViewClamp r_VehicleViewDampen r_VehicleViewDampen r_visocclusion r_visocclusion r_visualizelighttraces r_visualizelighttraces r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace r_visualizetraces r_visualizetraces radarvisdistance radarvisdistance [Distance] This command sets the distance at which an enemy will appear on your radar without your crosshair/view being on them. Default is 1000. radarvismaxdot radarvismaxdot [Value] Note that this command sets the setting for the server (so players on the server have this setting), not your client specifically. This command sets how closely you must point at a player in order to see them beyond the maximum distance set with radarvisdistance. Default is .996. radarvismethod radarvismethod [0 / 1] Note that this command sets the setting for the server (so players on the server have this setting), not your client specifically. This command sets which radar visibility method is used. If set to 0, the classic method will be used. Default is 1, which is the newer and more realistic method. radarvispow radarvispow [Degree] Note that this command sets the setting for the server (so players on the server have this setting), not your client specifically.The degree to which you can look away from an enemy and still see them as a red dot on the radar. radio1 radio1 This command opens radio menu 1. radio2 radio2 This command opens radio menu 2. radio3 radio3 This command opens radio menu 3. rangefinder rangefinder This command prints to console information about your position and range. rate rate [Rate (Bytes/s)] This command sets the rate at which your client can receive network data in bytes. Set this to a lower value if you have a bad internet connection. rebuy rebuy This command will make you attempt to repurchase the items you most recently purchased from the buy menu in the order set by the cl_rebuy command. Default order is "Armor PrimaryWeapon Flashbang SmokeGrenade Defuser HEGrenade Flashbang SecondaryWeapon Molotov IncGrenade Decoy Taser". recompute_speed recompute_speed This command recomputes clock speed. record record [Demo File Name] This command will start recording your current game as a demo. You need to specify a filename to save the demo as. Use the "stop" command to stop recording. Demo will be saved in Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo. regroup regroup This command will make you perform the "regroup" radio command. reload reload This command will reload the most recent saved game. reload_vjobs reload_vjobs remote_bug remote_bug This command will start a bug report with data from the currently connected rcon machine. removeallids removeallids This command unbans all players from your current server. removeid removeid [Steam ID] This command removes the specified user ID from your server's ban list. removeip removeip [IP Address] This command removes the specified IP address from your server's ban list. render_blanks render_blanks report report This command will make you perform the "report" radio command. reportingin reportingin This command will make you perform the "reporting in" radio command. reset_expo reset_expo This command will reset all player scores, team scores, etc at the end of the current roud. reset_gameconvars reset_gameconvars This command resets most game convars to their default values (useful if you've broken something). respawn_entities respawn_entities This command makes all entities that are in the map by default respawn. restart restart This command will restart the current game - reloading the map, scores, etc. retry retry This command will make you attempt to reconnect to the last server you were connected to. roger roger This command will make you perform the "roger that" radio command. rope_min_pixel_diameter rope_min_pixel_diameter rpt rpt rpt_client_enable rpt_client_enable rpt_connect rpt_connect rpt_download_log rpt_download_log Name Syntax Description rpt_end rpt_end rpt_password rpt_password rpt_screenshot rpt_screenshot rpt_server_enable rpt_server_enable rpt_start rpt_start rr_followup_maxdist rr_followup_maxdist rr_forceconcept rr_forceconcept rr_reloadresponsesystems rr_reloadresponsesystems rr_remarkable_max_distance rr_remarkable_max_distance rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit rr_remarkables_enabled rr_remarkables_enabled rr_thenany_score_slop rr_thenany_score_slop safezonex safezonex safezoney safezoney save save This command saves the current game. save_finish_async save_finish_async scandemo scandemo [Demo File Name] This command will scan the specified demo file for specific events and print the data to console. scene_flush scene_flush scene_playvcd scene_playvcd scene_showfaceto scene_showfaceto scene_showlook scene_showlook scene_showmoveto scene_showmoveto scene_showunlock scene_showunlock screenshot screenshot This command will take a screenshot of your game/client. script script [Script Text] The command runs the specified text as a script. script_client script_client [Script Text] The command runs the specified text as a client script. script_debug script_debug script_debug_client script_debug_client script_dump_all script_dump_all script_dump_all_client script_dump_all_client script_execute script_execute script_execute_client script_execute_client script_help script_help script_help_client script_help_client script_reload_code script_reload_code script_reload_entity_code script_reload_entity_code script_reload_think script_reload_think sectorclear sectorclear This command makes you perform the "Sector clear!" radio command. send_round_backup_file_list send_round_backup_file_list server_game_time server_game_time [Seconds] This command sets your server's game time (curtime) to the specified time in seconds. servercfgfile servercfgfile [Config File Name] This command sets your server's config file to the specified config file. setang setang [Pitch] [Yaw] [Roll] This command sets your view to the specified pitch, yaw and (optional) roll. setang_exact setang_exact [Pitch] [Yaw] [Roll] This command sets your view to the specified pitch, yaw and (optional) roll. setinfo setinfo [Key] [Value] This command can be used to add a new user info value. setmodel setmodel setpause setpause setpos setpos [X] [Y] [Z] This command teleports your player to the specified X, Y and Z coordinates. setpos_exact setpos_exact [X] [Y] [Z] This command teleports your player to the specified X, Y and Z coordinates. setpos_player setpos_player [User ID] [X] [Y] [Z] This command moves the specified user to the specified X, Y and Z coorinates. User ID is the number that's shown in the "status" command next to their name (usually 1-10). sf4_meshcache_stats sf4_meshcache_stats sf_ui_tint sf_ui_tint shake shake This command shakes the screen. shake_stop shake_stop This command stops the screen from shaking (usually started by the shake command). shake_testpunch shake_testpunch This command makes your screen shake as-if you were just punched. show_loadout_toggle show_loadout_toggle showbudget_texture showbudget_texture [0 / 1] This command enables the texture budget panel, if set to 1. Default is disabled (0). showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats This command prints to console texture budget debug information. showconsole showconsole This command opens the console. showinfo showinfo showpanel showpanel showtriggers_toggle showtriggers_toggle This command will toggle the rendering of trigger brushes in your current map. singlestep singlestep [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make the game enginge run in single step mode. Default is 0 (disabled). sk_autoaim_mode sk_autoaim_mode skill skill [1 / 2 / 3] This command sets the game skill level (a value between 1 and 3). skip_next_map skip_next_map This command will make the next map in the server's map rotation be skipped. snapto snapto snd_async_flush snd_async_flush snd_async_showmem snd_async_showmem snd_async_showmem_music snd_async_showmem_music snd_async_showmem_summary snd_async_showmem_summary snd_deathcamera_volume snd_deathcamera_volume snd_debug_panlaw snd_debug_panlaw snd_disable_mixer_duck snd_disable_mixer_duck snd_disable_mixer_solo snd_disable_mixer_solo snd_duckerattacktime snd_duckerattacktime snd_duckerreleasetime snd_duckerreleasetime snd_duckerthreshold snd_duckerthreshold snd_ducking_off snd_ducking_off snd_ducktovolume snd_ducktovolume snd_dump_filepaths snd_dump_filepaths snd_dumpclientsounds snd_dumpclientsounds snd_dvar_dist_max snd_dvar_dist_max snd_dvar_dist_min snd_dvar_dist_min snd_filter snd_filter snd_foliage_db_loss snd_foliage_db_loss snd_front_headphone_position snd_front_headphone_position snd_front_stereo_speaker_position snd_front_stereo_speaker_position snd_front_surround_speaker_position snd_front_surround_speaker_position snd_gain snd_gain snd_gain_max snd_gain_max snd_gain_min snd_gain_min snd_getmixer snd_getmixer snd_headphone_pan_exponent snd_headphone_pan_exponent snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight snd_legacy_surround snd_legacy_surround snd_list snd_list snd_mapobjective_volume snd_mapobjective_volume snd_max_same_sounds snd_max_same_sounds snd_max_same_weapon_sounds snd_max_same_weapon_sounds snd_menumusic_volume snd_menumusic_volume Name Syntax Description snd_mixahead snd_mixahead snd_mixer_master_dsp snd_mixer_master_dsp snd_mixer_master_level snd_mixer_master_level snd_music_selection snd_music_selection snd_musicvolume snd_musicvolume snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay snd_obscured_gain_dB snd_obscured_gain_dB snd_op_test_convar snd_op_test_convar snd_pause_all snd_pause_all snd_pitchquality snd_pitchquality snd_playsounds snd_playsounds snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff snd_prefetch_common snd_prefetch_common snd_print_channel_by_guid snd_print_channel_by_guid snd_print_channel_by_index snd_print_channel_by_index snd_print_channels snd_print_channels snd_print_dsp_effect snd_print_dsp_effect snd_rear_headphone_position snd_rear_headphone_position snd_rear_speaker_scale snd_rear_speaker_scale snd_rear_stereo_speaker_position snd_rear_stereo_speaker_position snd_rear_surround_speaker_position snd_rear_surround_speaker_position snd_rebuildaudiocache snd_rebuildaudiocache snd_refdb snd_refdb snd_refdist snd_refdist snd_report_format_sound snd_report_format_sound snd_report_loop_sound snd_report_loop_sound snd_report_start_sound snd_report_start_sound snd_report_stop_sound snd_report_stop_sound snd_report_verbose_error snd_report_verbose_error snd_restart snd_restart snd_roundend_volume snd_roundend_volume snd_roundstart_volume snd_roundstart_volume snd_set_master_volume snd_set_master_volume snd_setmixer snd_setmixer snd_setmixlayer snd_setmixlayer snd_setmixlayer_amount snd_setmixlayer_amount snd_setsoundparam snd_setsoundparam snd_show snd_show snd_showclassname snd_showclassname snd_showmixer snd_showmixer snd_showstart snd_showstart snd_sos_flush_operators snd_sos_flush_operators snd_sos_list_operator_updates snd_sos_list_operator_updates snd_sos_print_operators snd_sos_print_operators snd_sos_show_block_debug snd_sos_show_block_debug snd_sos_show_client_rcv snd_sos_show_client_rcv snd_sos_show_client_xmit snd_sos_show_client_xmit snd_sos_show_operator_entry_filter snd_sos_show_operator_entry_filter snd_sos_show_operator_init snd_sos_show_operator_init snd_sos_show_operator_parse snd_sos_show_operator_parse snd_sos_show_operator_prestart snd_sos_show_operator_prestart snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown snd_sos_show_operator_start snd_sos_show_operator_start snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry snd_sos_show_operator_updates snd_sos_show_operator_updates snd_sos_show_queuetotrack snd_sos_show_queuetotrack snd_sos_show_server_xmit snd_sos_show_server_xmit snd_sos_show_startqueue snd_sos_show_startqueue snd_soundmixer_flush snd_soundmixer_flush snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers snd_soundmixer_list_mixers snd_soundmixer_list_mixers snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor snd_stereo_speaker_pan_exponent snd_stereo_speaker_pan_exponent snd_stereo_speaker_pan_radial_weight snd_stereo_speaker_pan_radial_weight snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent snd_surround_speaker_pan_radial_weight snd_surround_speaker_pan_radial_weight snd_tensecondwarning_volume snd_tensecondwarning_volume snd_updateaudiocache snd_updateaudiocache snd_visualize snd_visualize snd_writemanifest snd_writemanifest sndplaydelay sndplaydelay soundfade soundfade soundinfo soundinfo soundlist soundlist soundscape_debug soundscape_debug soundscape_dumpclient soundscape_dumpclient soundscape_fadetime soundscape_fadetime soundscape_flush soundscape_flush soundscape_radius_debug soundscape_radius_debug speak speak spec_allow_roaming spec_allow_roaming [0 / 1] This command may only work in demos/GOTV (and not on servers/matchmaking). Setting this to 1 will enable free roaming of the spectator camera. Default is 0 (no free roam). spec_freeze_cinematiclight_b spec_freeze_cinematiclight_b This command may only work in demos/GOTV (and not on servers/matchmaking). This command sets the B part of the RGB value for the spectator freeze cinematic lighting. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_g spec_freeze_cinematiclight_g [G] This command may only work in demos/GOTV (and not on servers/matchmaking). This command sets the G part of the RGB value for the spectator freeze cinematic lighting. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_r spec_freeze_cinematiclight_r [R] This command may only work in demos/GOTV (and not on servers/matchmaking). This command sets the r part of the RGB value for the spectator freeze cinematic lighting. spec_freeze_cinematiclight_scale spec_freeze_cinematiclight_scale [Scale] This command may only work in demos/GOTV (and not on servers/matchmaking). This command sets the scale of the spectator freeze cinematic lighting. Default is 2. spec_freeze_deathanim_time spec_freeze_deathanim_time spec_freeze_distance_max spec_freeze_distance_max spec_freeze_distance_min spec_freeze_distance_min spec_freeze_panel_extended_time spec_freeze_panel_extended_time spec_freeze_target_fov spec_freeze_target_fov spec_freeze_target_fov_long spec_freeze_target_fov_long spec_freeze_time spec_freeze_time spec_freeze_time_lock spec_freeze_time_lock spec_freeze_traveltime spec_freeze_traveltime spec_freeze_traveltime_long spec_freeze_traveltime_long spec_goto spec_goto spec_gui spec_gui spec_hide_players spec_hide_players spec_lerpto spec_lerpto Name Syntax Description spec_menu spec_menu spec_mode spec_mode spec_next spec_next spec_player spec_player spec_player_by_name spec_player_by_name spec_pos spec_pos spec_prev spec_prev spec_show_xray spec_show_xray spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds spike spike This command generates a fake lag spike. spincycle spincycle This command is used to debug issues with the game and may cause your client to crash. It will make the engine spin cycle. ss_enable ss_enable [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, enables split screen support in single player games (doesn't work in multiplayer). ss_map ss_map [Map Code] This command starts playing on the specified map with the maximuim possible amount of split screen players. ss_reloadletterbox ss_reloadletterbox ss_splitmode ss_splitmode [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets the splitscreen mode the game is in. Default is 0 (the game decides the optimal setting). 1 is horizontal (a player on either side). 2 is vertical (one player at top, one player at bottom). star_memory star_memory This command prints to console memory stats. startdemos startdemos This command starts to play demos in the current demo sequence. startmovie startmovie [File Name] [File Type] This command will start to record the game as a video (as if you were recording with a screen recorder). The file name is required, and the file type is recommended as it specified how the video is saved (as an avi, wav (sound), etc). startupmenu startupmenu This command opens up the initial menu screen, provided you aren't in a game. stats stats This command prints to console information about the server's performance. status status This command prints to console information about the server your connected to, including the map, the players, your connection status and more. sticktog sticktog This command will make your character perform the "Stcik together, team" radio command. stop stop This command will end the recording of a demo started with the "record" command. stop_transition_videos_fadeout stop_transition_videos_fadeout stopdemo stopdemo This command stops playback of a demo (i.e. if you are wathcing a demo, it will exit you out of the demo). stopsound stopsound stopsoundscape stopsoundscape stopvideos stopvideos This command stops all videos currently playing on the screen. stopvideos_fadeout stopvideos_fadeout store_version store_version [Version] This command sets which version of the store is to display in-game. Default is 1 (latest). stringtabledictionary stringtabledictionary stuffcmds stuffcmds suitvolume suitvolume surfaceprop surfaceprop sv_accelerate sv_accelerate [Acceleration] This command sets how fast you accelerate when your player walks. Default is 5.5. Higher values make you accelerate faster, lower values make you accelerate slower. Your maximum speed is still capped, change this with sv_maxspeed. sv_accelerate_debug_speed sv_accelerate_debug_speed sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not your acceleration should be affected by the weapon you are holding. By default this is enabled (1). If set to 0, your acceleration speed won't be affected by the weapon you're holding (e.g. an AWP won't make you accelerate slower). sv_airaccelerate sv_airaccelerate [Acceleration] This command sets how fast you accelerate when in the air. Default is 12. sv_allow_thirdperson sv_allow_thirdperson [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not third person mode is allowed on the server. Default is 0 (not allowed). sv_allow_votes sv_allow_votes [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. timeout votes) are allowed. Default is allowed (1), set to 0 to disallow. sv_allow_wait_command sv_allow_wait_command [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the wait command is allowed. Default is 1 (allowed). sv_allowdownload sv_allowdownload [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not clients can download files from the server (e.g. map files). Default is 1 (allowed). sv_allowupload sv_allowupload [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not clients can upload files to the server (usually customization files). sv_alltalk sv_alltalk [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not players can hear the voice communications of the enemy team. Default is 0 (can't hear enemies). sv_alternateticks sv_alternateticks [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will only simulate entities (e.g. bots) on even numbered ticks. Reduces server load. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after [Level] This command sets the gun level at which a vote to restart the game is not allowed in Arms Race. If this is set to 5, after someone reaches gun level 5 (or above), a vote to restart the game would not be allowed. Default is 0 (disabled, vote allowed at any time). sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will make it so that "alltalk mode" (voice communications are sent to and heard by enemies) is enabled during warmup, halftime and at the end of the game. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_benchmark_force_start sv_benchmark_force_start sv_bounce sv_bounce [Multiplier] This command sets the "bounce multiplier" for when collision between two entities are made. For example, with this at a value above 1, you will bounce when you jump on the head of a teammate. sv_broadcast_ugc_download_progress_interval sv_broadcast_ugc_download_progress_interval sv_broadcast_ugc_downloads sv_broadcast_ugc_downloads sv_cheats sv_cheats [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not cheat commands are allowed on the server. Cheat commands are commands that affect gameplay (and not just your client). Default is disabled (0), set to 1 to enable. sv_clearhinthistory sv_clearhinthistory This command clears the server's memory of hints displayed to players. sv_client_cmdrate_difference sv_client_cmdrate_difference sv_clockcorrection_msecs sv_clockcorrection_msecs sv_coaching_enabled sv_coaching_enabled [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows for a player to spectate/communicate with a team as a coach. Default is disabled (0). Use "coach t" or "coach ct" to become a coach after enabling. sv_competitive_minspec sv_competitive_minspec [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not client convars are limited to their minimum/maximum values (e.g. field of view) to prevent players from getting a big competitive advantage. Default is 1 (enabled), which is recommended. sv_competitive_official_5v5 sv_competitive_official_5v5 [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (enabled), forces the server to show a 5v5 scoreboard and allows spectators to see outline glows of players through walls. sv_consistency sv_consistency [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not "critical files" should be checked and be consistent with the server's files. If enabled, this will kick a player if they don't have consistent (i.e. different/changed) files. sv_contact sv_contact This command sets the contact email for the server. Default is 0 (no contact email). sv_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable sv_cs_dump_econ_item_stringtable sv_damage_print_enable sv_damage_print_enable [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the damage a player dealt/received (in the current round) is printed to the console when they are killed. By default this is enabled (allowing you to see the damage you dealth/received in the console after you die). Set to 0 to disable. sv_dc_friends_reqd sv_dc_friends_reqd [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not players can directly connect to a game (i.e. with the IP address or via invite) when the game has started. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_deadtalk sv_deadtalk [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), allows dead players to speak to those still alive. Default is enabled (1), set to 0 to not allow dead players to speak to players still alive. On either setting, dead players can hear both dead and alive players. sv_debug_ugc_downloads sv_debug_ugc_downloads sv_debugmanualmode sv_debugmanualmode sv_disable_observer_interpolation sv_disable_observer_interpolation sv_downloadurl sv_downloadurl This command sets the URL at which clients can download files that they are missing. sv_dump_entity_pack_stats sv_dump_entity_pack_stats sv_dump_serialized_entities_mem sv_dump_serialized_entities_mem sv_dumpstringtables sv_dumpstringtables sv_enable_delta_packing sv_enable_delta_packing sv_footstep_sound_frequency sv_footstep_sound_frequency [Frequency] This command sets how frequent player footsteps are heard, both from other players and each player themselves. 0 would make footsteps very frequent (like the sound is being spammed), 0.97 is default. sv_force_transmit_players sv_force_transmit_players [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (enabled), will transmit data about every player to clients regardless of whether or not a player is visible to the client. This is by default set to 0, meaning you will only receive data about a player if they should be visible - this is a feature to prevent wall hacks,etc from seeing across the entire map. sv_forcepreload sv_forcepreload [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, forces server side preloading. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_friction sv_friction [Friction] This command sets the world friction. Default value is 5.2. sv_full_alltalk sv_full_alltalk [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), allows players from any team (including spectators) to speak to and hear eachother over voice chat. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_game_mode_convars sv_game_mode_convars This command prints to console the default values of convars for the current gamemode. sv_gameinstructor_disable sv_gameinstructor_disable [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (enabled), will force all clients to disable their game instructors. sv_gravity sv_gravity [Gravity] This command sets the world's gravity. Default value is 800. Higher values make gravity more powerful, lower values make gravity less powerful (lower allows you to jump higher, fall slower, etc). sv_grenade_trajectory_dash sv_grenade_trajectory_dash [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will make the grenade trajectory style be "dot-dash". You need sv_grenade_trajectory to be set to 1 for this to have any effect. sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness [Thickness] This command sets the thickness of the grenade trajectory lines drawn when the sv_grenade_trajectory command is enabled. Default is 0.2. sv_grenade_trajectory_time sv_grenade_trajectory_time [Seconds] This command sets the length of time, in seconds, that grenade trajectories display for after having been drawn. Default is 20, so after 20 seconds they disappear. sv_grenade_trajectory_time_spectator sv_grenade_trajectory_time_spectator [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that grenade trajectories are drawn on the screen for spectators. Default is 4, so after 4 seconds, for spectators, grenade trajectories disappear. sv_hibernate_ms sv_hibernate_ms sv_hibernate_ms_vgui sv_hibernate_ms_vgui sv_hibernate_postgame_delay sv_hibernate_postgame_delay sv_hibernate_punt_tv_clients sv_hibernate_punt_tv_clients sv_hibernate_when_empty sv_hibernate_when_empty sv_holiday_mode sv_holiday_mode [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets the holiday mode for the server. Default is 0 (off). See argument information for help. sv_ignoregrenaderadio sv_ignoregrenaderadio [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (enabled), will turn off grenade radio messages (i.e. "Fire in the hole!" messages). sv_kick_ban_duration sv_kick_ban_duration [Minutes] This command sets, in minutes, how long a kick ban from the server lasts. sv_kick_players_with_cooldown sv_kick_players_with_cooldown [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets whether or not players who have been VAC banned or overwatch banned (or griefing banned) should be denied access to your server. Default is 1 - which prevents people with VAC/overwatch bans from connecting, but not those with griefing or match making cooldowns. sv_lagcompensateself sv_lagcompensateself [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not players can lag compensate themselves. By default this is disabled (0). sv_lagcompensationforcerestore sv_lagcompensationforcerestore sv_lan sv_lan [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the server is a LAN server. If a server is a LAN server there is no heartbeat, no Steam authentication, and no non-class C addresses. By default this is disabled (0). sv_log_onefile sv_log_onefile [0 / 1] This command, if enabled, logs all server information to one file, instead of individual (categorised) log files. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_logbans sv_logbans [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will make server bans be logged in the server log. Default is 0 (does not log bans). sv_logblocks sv_logblocks [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), will log when server queries are blocked. Default is 0 (does not log bans). Note that if you enable this, log files can become very large. sv_logecho sv_logecho [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not all of text that is saved to the log file is also written in the console. Default is 1 (enabled). Name Syntax Description sv_logfile sv_logfile [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not server information should be logged in the log file. Default is 1 (enabled). Setting this to 0 will disable server information being logged. sv_logflush sv_logflush [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the log file should be flushed/saved to the disk whenever something is logged. By default this is disabled, meaning the log file is flushed/saved at intervals, as opposed to whenever a new line is added. If you enable this setting, it may cause lag. sv_logsdir sv_logsdir [Directory Name] This command sets the directory to which log files are saved. Default is "logs". sv_matchend_drops_enabled sv_matchend_drops_enabled [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not drops at the end of the match are enabled. Rewards gameplay time is accumulated regardless. sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 [0 / 1] This command, if enabled, will automatically pause the match at the end of a round if the are less than 5 players on each team. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_max_allowed_net_graph sv_max_allowed_net_graph [Value] This command sets the maximum value players can set their net_graph to on the server. Default is 1. Higher values show more information. sv_max_queries_sec sv_max_queries_sec This command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that will be responded to from the same IP address. sv_max_queries_sec_global sv_max_queries_sec_global This command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that the server will responsd to. sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_max sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_max [Amount] The command sets the maximum amount of IPs that will be saved/logged for query-related rate limiting. sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_prune sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_prune [Seconds] This command sets how often, in seconds, the tracked IPs for query rate limiting will be pruned. sv_max_queries_window sv_max_queries_window [Seconds] The time window, in seconds, that average queries per second should be calculated over. sv_maxrate sv_maxrate [Bytes/s] This command sets the maximum bandwidth rate allowed (both incoming/outcoming) per second (in bytes) for each connection to the server. sv_maxspeed sv_maxspeed [Speed] This command sets the maximum speed for each player on the server. A higher value will allow players to reach faster speeds. A lower value will make players be able to reach lower speeds. sv_maxuptimelimit sv_maxuptimelimit [Hours] This command sets the maximum amount of time, in hours, that a server can run for before shutting itself down. Default is 0 (no limit). sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks [Ticks] This command sets the maximum amount of ticks that can be processed per second when a user is catching up as a result of packet loss. sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning sv_memlimit sv_memlimit [Megabytes] This command, if set, will shutdown the server at the end of a game if the amount of memory it is using is above this amount in megabytes. Note that this doesn't limit memory during the game, it will only shut down the server at the end of the match if it is exceeding this amount. Set to 0 to disable. sv_mincmdrate sv_mincmdrate [Tick Rate] This command sets the server's minimum tick rate. This can be used to change the server to 128 tick, in combination with the sv_minupdaterate command. Default is 64 tick. sv_minrate sv_minrate [Bytes/s] This command sets the minimum bandwidth rate that is allowed for clients connected to the server. Default is 16,000. 0 disables the limit. sv_minupdaterate sv_minupdaterate [Tick Rate] This command sets the minimum update rate for the server. This can be used in combation with the sv_mincmdrate command to change the server's tick rate (e.g. to 128 tick). sv_minuptimelimit sv_minuptimelimit [Hours] This commands sets the minimum uptime hours required for the server to be stopped due to a memory amount above the amount set by sv_memlimit. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_noclipaccelerate sv_noclipaccelerate [Multiplier] This command sets the acceleration multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you accelerate 5 times as fast. sv_noclipduringpause sv_noclipduringpause [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not you can move around during puases when in noclip mode. Default is 0 (not allowed). sv_parallel_packentities sv_parallel_packentities sv_parallel_sendsnapshot sv_parallel_sendsnapshot sv_party_mode sv_party_mode [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable (1) or disable (0) party mode. When in party mode, bombs and tasers will shoot confetti. By default, this setting is disabled. sv_password sv_password [0 / Password] This command can be used to set a password required to connect to the server. Set to 0 to disable. sv_pausable sv_pausable [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make the server pausable. By default this is set to 0 (server isn't pausable). If the server is pausable, users can type "pause" or "unpause" into the console to pause/resume the game. sv_precacheinfo sv_precacheinfo This command prints to the console precache information. sv_pure sv_pure [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make it so that the files of every client connected to the server have to match the server's files. Those in the pure_server_whitelist.txt file aren't checked. sv_pure_checkvpk sv_pure_checkvpk sv_pure_consensus sv_pure_consensus [Amount] This command sets the minimum number of file hashes that have to be agreed in order to form a consensus. sv_pure_finduserfiles sv_pure_finduserfiles sv_pure_kick_clients sv_pure_kick_clients [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will kick players who fail the sv_pure check (have different files). This is set to 1 by default. Set to 0 to issue a warning instead of kick. sv_pure_listfiles sv_pure_listfiles This command lists the server files that are checked with the client's files (for sv_pure 1). sv_pure_listuserfiles sv_pure_listuserfiles sv_pure_retiretime sv_pure_retiretime [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, the server should have in idle time before the sv_pure file hash cache is cleared. sv_pure_trace sv_pure_trace [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make the server print a message to console whenever trying to verify a CRC for a file. sv_pushaway_hostage_force sv_pushaway_hostage_force sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force sv_pvsskipanimation sv_pvsskipanimation sv_querycache_stats sv_querycache_stats This command prints to console statistics about the query cachhe, including the amount of queries in the cache, the amount missed, and free space. sv_quota_stringcmdspersecond sv_quota_stringcmdspersecond sv_rcon_whitelist_address sv_rcon_whitelist_address [IP Address] This command can set an IP address to whitelist from rcon failed authentication bans. Failed authentication bans are bans issued when you get the rcon password wrong too many times - the IP address this is set to will never be banned for this reason. sv_regeneration_force_on sv_regeneration_force_on [0 / 1] This command turns on regenerative health, if it is set to 1. Default is disabled (0). sv_region sv_region [Region #] This command sets the server's region (that shows in queries, etc) to the specified region. See argument information for regions. sv_reliableavatardata sv_reliableavatardata [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets how players avatars are exchanged. Default is 0 (Steam). See argument information for help. sv_remove_old_ugc_downloads sv_remove_old_ugc_downloads sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment sv_reservation_tickrate_adjustment sv_reservation_timeout sv_reservation_timeout [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, before a lobby reservation expires. sv_search_key sv_search_key [Key] This command sets the search key for dedicated servers you search for when in a lobby. Only servers with keys that match this key will be returned from the search. Set to 0 to disable. sv_search_team_key sv_search_team_key sv_server_graphic1 sv_server_graphic1 sv_server_graphic2 sv_server_graphic2 sv_server_verify_blood_on_player sv_server_verify_blood_on_player [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not blood splatters should be verified with the server. Default is 1 (enabled). sv_show_cull_props sv_show_cull_props [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), prints a list of props that are being culled. By default this is set to 0 (disabled). sv_showimpacts sv_showimpacts [0 / 1 / 2 / 3] This command can be used to show bullet impacts. Bullet impacts are shown as colored squares at the location your bullets collided with something (e.g. a player, a wall). See argument information for help. sv_showimpacts_penetration sv_showimpacts_penetration [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), shows extra information at the impact locations when sv_showimpacts is on. Default is disabled (0). sv_showimpacts_time sv_showimpacts_time [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that bullet impact squares show for before they are removed. Default is 4 seconds. sv_showlagcompensation sv_showlagcompensation [0 / 1] This command enables (if set to 1) the lag compensated hitboxes of players. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_showtags sv_showtags This command prints to console the current server's public and private gametags. sv_shutdown sv_shutdown This command will make the server shutdown after the current match (and any in queue) have ended. sv_skyname sv_skyname [Skybox Code] This can be used to change your client's skybox. Specify the name of a skybox to apply that skybox. See argument information for skybox names. sv_soundemitter_reload sv_soundemitter_reload This command flushes the sounds.txt system. sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that a player much be AFK for in order for the bomb to be dropped. sv_spec_hear sv_spec_hear [0 - 4] This command sets which voice communications spectators can hear. Seea rgument information for help. sv_specaccelerate sv_specaccelerate [Multiplier] This command sets the acceleration multiplier for spectators in noclip mode. sv_specnoclip sv_specnoclip [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, enables noclip mode for spectators. Default is 1 (eabled). sv_specspeed sv_specspeed [Multiplier] This command sets the speed multiplier for spectators in noclip mode. sv_staminajumpcost sv_staminajumpcost [Penalty] This command sets the stamina penalty you receive after jumping. The stamina penalty reduces your movement speed by this percentage (0.08 = 8%). sv_staminalandcost sv_staminalandcost [Penalty] This command sets the stamina penalty you receive after landing from a jump. The amount given is the percentage your speed is reduced by. 1 = you speed is reduced by 100%, 0.5 = 50%. sv_staminamax sv_staminamax [Maximum] This command sets the maximum stamina penalty that you can receive. After reaching this value, your stamina penalty will not go any higher. Default is 80. sv_staminarecoveryrate sv_staminarecoveryrate [Units/s] This command sets the rate at which your stamina recovers (in units per second). Default is 60. sv_steamgroup sv_steamgroup [Group ID] This command sets the offical Steam group of the server. The ID can be found in your group's admin profile page. sv_steamgroup_exclusive sv_steamgroup_exclusive [0 / 1 / 2] This command can be used to whitelist your server to only those in the server's Steam group (sv_steamgroup). Default is 0 (no whitelist). See argument information for settings. sv_stopspeed sv_stopspeed [Speed] This command sets the speed at which your player stops moving completely. When a player's speed is below this value, they will stop moving. sv_stressbots sv_stressbots sv_tags sv_tags [Tags] This command sets the server's tags that show in the community server browser. Separate each tag with a comma. sv_ugc_manager_max_new_file_check_interval_secs sv_ugc_manager_max_new_file_check_interval_secs sv_unlockedchapters sv_unlockedchapters sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed sv_validate_edict_change_infos sv_validate_edict_change_infos sv_visiblemaxplayers sv_visiblemaxplayers [Amount] This command can be used to set a "maximum players" number that's visible to people in the server browser and server queries. This number is only for show, and the actual maximum number of players that can join is set by the "maxplayers" command. sv_voiceenable sv_voiceenable [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not voice is enabled on the server. Default is 1 (enabled). sv_vote_allow_in_warmup sv_vote_allow_in_warmup [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. vote to kick) are allowed during the warmup. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_vote_allow_spectators sv_vote_allow_spectators [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. vote for timeout) can be called or voted on by spectators. Default is 0 (disabled). sv_vote_command_delay sv_vote_command_delay [Seconds] This command sets the delay, in seconds, before the action resulting from a vote happens. If this is set to 2, a player would be kicked 2 seconds after the vote has reached a decision. sv_vote_creation_timer sv_vote_creation_timer [Seconds] This command sets how often each player can call a vote, in seconds. sv_vote_failure_timer sv_vote_failure_timer [Seconds] This command sets how long a player must wait before re-submitting a vote that has failed, in seconds. Default is 300. sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not vote to kick players is enabled. Default is 1 (enabled). sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not players can vote to load match from the most recent backup. Default is 1 (enabled). sv_vote_kick_ban_duration sv_vote_kick_ban_duration [Minutes] This command sets the amount of time, in minutes, that a vote kick bans a player from the server for. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 15. sv_vote_quorum_ratio sv_vote_quorum_ratio [Percentage] This command sets the percentage of players that must vote in favor of an action in order for it to take place. 0.5 = 50%, 0.4 = 40%, etc. sv_vote_timer_duration sv_vote_timer_duration [Seconds] This command sets the duration, in seconds, that players have to vote for a vote that has been called. sv_workshop_allow_other_maps sv_workshop_allow_other_maps [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not workshop maps outside of the server's map cycle can be played on the server. By default this is enabled (1). sys_antialiasing sys_antialiasing sys_aspectratio sys_aspectratio sys_minidumpspewlines sys_minidumpspewlines sys_refldetail sys_refldetail
  21. Name Syntax Description mat_showmiplevels mat_showmiplevels mat_showtextures mat_showtextures mat_showwatertextures mat_showwatertextures mat_softwareskin mat_softwareskin mat_spewalloc mat_spewalloc mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders mat_stub mat_stub mat_surfaceid mat_surfaceid mat_surfacemat mat_surfacemat mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents mat_tessellation_cornertangents mat_tessellation_cornertangents mat_tessellation_update_buffers mat_tessellation_update_buffers mat_tessellationlevel mat_tessellationlevel mat_texture_list mat_texture_list mat_texture_list_txlod mat_texture_list_txlod mat_tonemap_algorithm mat_tonemap_algorithm mat_updateconvars mat_updateconvars mat_viewportscale mat_viewportscale mat_viewportupscale mat_viewportupscale mat_wireframe mat_wireframe mat_yuv mat_yuv maxplayers maxplayers [Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of players that can connect to your server (i.e. the player cap). mc_accel_band_size mc_accel_band_size mc_dead_zone_radius mc_dead_zone_radius mc_max_pitchrate mc_max_pitchrate mc_max_yawrate mc_max_yawrate mdlcache_dump_dictionary_state mdlcache_dump_dictionary_state mem_compact mem_compact mem_dump mem_dump mem_dumpvballocs mem_dumpvballocs mem_eat mem_eat mem_incremental_compact mem_incremental_compact mem_incremental_compact_rate mem_incremental_compact_rate mem_test mem_test mem_vcollide mem_vcollide mem_verify mem_verify memory memory menuselect menuselect minisave minisave mm_csgo_community_search_players_min mm_csgo_community_search_players_min mm_datacenter_debugprint mm_datacenter_debugprint mm_debugprint mm_debugprint mm_dedicated_force_servers mm_dedicated_force_servers mm_dlc_debugprint mm_dlc_debugprint mm_queue_draft_show mm_queue_draft_show mm_queue_show_stats mm_queue_show_stats mm_server_search_lan_ports mm_server_search_lan_ports mm_session_search_ping_buckets mm_session_search_ping_buckets mm_session_search_qos_timeout mm_session_search_qos_timeout mod_combiner_info mod_combiner_info mod_DumpWeaponWiewModelCache mod_DumpWeaponWiewModelCache mod_DumpWeaponWorldModelCache mod_DumpWeaponWorldModelCache mod_dynamicloadpause mod_dynamicloadpause mod_dynamicloadthrottle mod_dynamicloadthrottle mod_dynamicmodeldebug mod_dynamicmodeldebug molotov_throw_detonate_time molotov_throw_detonate_time motdfile motdfile movie_fixwave movie_fixwave mp_backup_restore_list_files mp_backup_restore_list_files [Prefix / Limit] This command lists backup round files that match the specified prefix. The order they are listed in is most recent to least recent. mp_backup_restore_load_autopause mp_backup_restore_load_autopause [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the game should be automatically paused when a backed up round is restored. Default is 1 (enabled). mp_backup_restore_load_file mp_backup_restore_load_file [Backup File] This command will load the specified backup file and restore the game to the round after the last round saved in the backup file. Data saved includes the current scores, player kills, player deaths and player cash. mp_backup_round_auto mp_backup_round_auto [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not backups are stored in-memory to handle reconnecting players. Default is 1 (enabled). mp_backup_round_file mp_backup_round_file [File Prefix] This command can be used to set the files prefix. If you set a prefix here (other than backup), rounds will be saved to files with the following name format: PREFIX_date_time_team1_team2_mapname_roundnum_score1_score2.txt. mp_backup_round_file_last mp_backup_round_file_last This command will print the name of the latest round backup file that was saved. mp_backup_round_file_pattern mp_backup_round_file_pattern [Name] This command can be used to change the file name format of backup files. See argument info for help. mp_dm_bonus_length_min mp_dm_bonus_length_min [Seconds] This command sets the minimum duration of the bonus time in deathmatch. A random time between this value and mp_dm_bonus_length_max will be chosen. mp_dm_bonus_percent mp_dm_bonus_percent [Percentage] This command sets the percentage of extra points that should be added when someone gets a kill with a bonus weapon during the bonus time. mp_dm_time_between_bonus_max mp_dm_time_between_bonus_max [Seconds] This command sets the maximum time between each bonus time period. A duration between this value and mp_dm_time_between_bonus_min will be randomly chosen. mp_dm_time_between_bonus_min mp_dm_time_between_bonus_min [Seconds] This command sets the minimum time between each bonus time period. A duration between this value and mp_dm_time_between_bonus_max will be randomly chosen. mp_do_warmup_offine mp_do_warmup_offine [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not there should be a warmup period when you are in a private game / offline with bots. Default is no warmup (0). There is a typo in this command in CS:GO - mp_do_warmup_offine is the command, NOT mp_do_warmup_offline mp_do_warmup_period mp_do_warmup_period [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not there is a warmup period in games. Default is enabled (1). This does not apply to offline with bot games, use the mp_do_warmup_offine (that's not a typo) command instead. mp_dump_timers mp_dump_timers This command prints round timers to the console. Used for debugging. mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime [Seconds] This command sets how much time (in seconds) players have to vote for the next map at the end of the game. mp_endmatch_votenextmap mp_endmatch_votenextmap [0 / 1] This command enables and disables the option for players to vote for the next map at the end of the game. Default is 1 (which allows players to vote). mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the current map is allowed to be voted for at the end of the game. Default is enabled, meaning players can vote again for the same map. mp_force_assign_teams mp_force_assign_teams [0 / 1] This command can enable or disable the force assignment of teams. If force team assignment is enabled, players do not get a choice of which team to join, they are automatically placed on a team. By default this setting is disabled (players can choose their team). mp_force_pick_time mp_force_pick_time [Seconds] This command sets the duration, in seconds, that the game will allow for a player to choose a team. After this time period, a team is automatically chosen for them. Default duration is 15 seconds. mp_forcecamera mp_forcecamera [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets the scope spectators have (i.e. who players can spectate when they die). See argument information for scopes. mp_forcerespawnplayers mp_forcerespawnplayers This command may not work. It should force all dead players to respawn. mp_forcewin mp_forcewin This command does not work. It should force the winning team (or specified team) to win. mp_free_armor mp_free_armor [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (enabled), will make each player spawn with armor and a helmet at the start of the round. Default is 0 (disabled). mp_freezetime mp_freezetime [Seconds] This command sets how long players are frozen for at the start of each the round. This freeze time allows players to buy their gear and discuss tactics before the round begins. Default is 15 seconds. mp_friendlyfire mp_friendlyfire [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable and disable friendly fire. When friendly fire is enabled, players can damage their own teammates. The default setting for this command depends on gamemode. Competitive game modes have friendly fire enabled, casual do not. mp_ggprogressive_random_weapon_kills_needed mp_ggprogressive_random_weapon_kills_needed [Amount] If you have set mp_ggprogressive_use_random_weapons to enabled (1), this command can be used to set the amount of kills that are required to progress to the next weapon. Default is 2. This is used for gamemodes such as Arms Race (Gun Game). mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay [Seconds] This command sets how long it takes for an Arms Race (Gun Game) match to restart after someone has won. Default is 15 seconds. mp_ggprogressive_use_random_weapons mp_ggprogressive_use_random_weapons [0 / 1] If you enable this setting, in Arms Race mode, random weapons from each progression category will be selected, as opposed to the same weapons. mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus [Amount] This command sets the amount of bonus upgrades CTs will be awarded with if and when they defuse a bomb in Arms Race (Gun Game). mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus [Amount] This command sets the amount of bonus upgrades Ts will be awarded when they successfully detonate a bomb in Arms Race (Gun Game). mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash [Amount] This command sets the amount of kill points required in order for a player to receive a bonus flashbang grenade in Arms Race. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he [Amount] This command sets the amount of kill points required in order for a player to receive a bonus HE grenade in Arms Race. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov [Amount] This command sets the amount of kill points required in order for a player to receive a bonus molotov, or incendiary grenade, in Arms Race. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade [Amount] This command sets the amount of kill points required for a player to receive a weapon upgrade in Arms Race. mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay [Seconds] This command sets the amount of seconds to delay before the bomb should become available to someone who has respawned in Gun Game (i.e. after respawning, you must wait this duration before being able to use the bomb). mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus [Amount] This command sets the amount of bonus points that a player receives, in demolition mode, when a knife kill is the winning kill for the round. mp_ggtr_halftime_delay mp_ggtr_halftime_delay [Seconds] This command sets the halftime "break" or "delay" duration for TR mode. Default is 0 (half time disabled). mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the half should be ended when a player gets a kill with the final weapon in Arms Race mode. mp_ggtr_num_rounds_autoprogress mp_ggtr_num_rounds_autoprogress [Amount] This command sets how many rounds a player must go without an upgrade before an upgrade is automatically given to them. Default is 3, meaning if a player went for 3 rounds in Arms Race mode without an upgrade, then they would automatically receive an upgrade on the fourth. mp_halftime_pausetimer mp_halftime_pausetimer [0 / 1] This command can make it so that the match is paused at half time, and will not resume until unpaused manually. By default this is disabled (0). mp_hostages_max mp_hostages_max [Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of hostages that should be spawned at the start of the round. mp_hostages_rescuetime mp_hostages_rescuetime [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not extra time should be added to the round if/when a hostage is rescued. Default is 1 (enabled). Name Syntax Description nav_check_connectivity nav_check_connectivity nav_check_file_consistency nav_check_file_consistency nav_check_floor nav_check_floor nav_check_stairs nav_check_stairs nav_chop_selected nav_chop_selected nav_clear_attribute nav_clear_attribute nav_clear_selected_set nav_clear_selected_set nav_clear_walkable_marks nav_clear_walkable_marks nav_compress_id nav_compress_id nav_connect nav_connect nav_coplanar_slope_limit nav_coplanar_slope_limit nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement nav_corner_adjust_adjacent nav_corner_adjust_adjacent nav_corner_lower nav_corner_lower nav_corner_place_on_ground nav_corner_place_on_ground nav_corner_raise nav_corner_raise nav_corner_select nav_corner_select nav_create_area_at_feet nav_create_area_at_feet nav_create_place_on_ground nav_create_place_on_ground nav_crouch nav_crouch nav_debug_blocked nav_debug_blocked nav_delete nav_delete nav_delete_marked nav_delete_marked nav_disconnect nav_disconnect nav_displacement_test nav_displacement_test nav_dont_hide nav_dont_hide nav_draw_limit nav_draw_limit nav_edit nav_edit nav_end_area nav_end_area nav_end_deselecting nav_end_deselecting nav_end_drag_deselecting nav_end_drag_deselecting nav_end_drag_selecting nav_end_drag_selecting nav_end_selecting nav_end_selecting nav_end_shift_xy nav_end_shift_xy nav_flood_select nav_flood_select nav_gen_cliffs_approx nav_gen_cliffs_approx nav_generate nav_generate nav_generate_fencetops nav_generate_fencetops nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas nav_generate_incremental nav_generate_incremental nav_generate_incremental_range nav_generate_incremental_range nav_generate_incremental_tolerance nav_generate_incremental_tolerance nav_jump nav_jump nav_ladder_flip nav_ladder_flip nav_load nav_load nav_lower_drag_volume_max nav_lower_drag_volume_max nav_lower_drag_volume_min nav_lower_drag_volume_min nav_make_sniper_spots nav_make_sniper_spots nav_mark nav_mark nav_mark_attribute nav_mark_attribute nav_mark_unnamed nav_mark_unnamed nav_mark_walkable nav_mark_walkable nav_max_view_distance nav_max_view_distance nav_max_vis_delta_list_length nav_max_vis_delta_list_length nav_merge nav_merge nav_merge_mesh nav_merge_mesh nav_no_hostages nav_no_hostages nav_no_jump nav_no_jump nav_place_floodfill nav_place_floodfill nav_place_list nav_place_list nav_place_pick nav_place_pick nav_place_replace nav_place_replace nav_place_set nav_place_set nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance nav_precise nav_precise nav_quicksave nav_quicksave nav_raise_drag_volume_max nav_raise_drag_volume_max nav_raise_drag_volume_min nav_raise_drag_volume_min nav_recall_selected_set nav_recall_selected_set nav_remove_from_selected_set nav_remove_from_selected_set nav_remove_jump_areas nav_remove_jump_areas nav_run nav_run nav_save nav_save nav_save_selected nav_save_selected nav_select_blocked_areas nav_select_blocked_areas nav_select_damaging_areas nav_select_damaging_areas nav_select_half_space nav_select_half_space nav_select_invalid_areas nav_select_invalid_areas nav_select_obstructed_areas nav_select_obstructed_areas nav_select_overlapping nav_select_overlapping nav_select_radius nav_select_radius nav_select_stairs nav_select_stairs nav_selected_set_border_color nav_selected_set_border_color nav_selected_set_color nav_selected_set_color nav_set_place_mode nav_set_place_mode nav_shift nav_shift nav_show_approach_points nav_show_approach_points nav_show_area_info nav_show_area_info nav_show_compass nav_show_compass nav_show_continguous nav_show_continguous nav_show_danger nav_show_danger nav_show_light_intensity nav_show_light_intensity nav_show_node_grid nav_show_node_grid nav_show_node_id nav_show_node_id nav_show_nodes nav_show_nodes nav_show_player_counts nav_show_player_counts nav_show_potentially_visible nav_show_potentially_visible nav_simplify_selected nav_simplify_selected nav_slope_limit nav_slope_limit nav_slope_tolerance nav_slope_tolerance Name Syntax Description nav_snap_to_grid nav_snap_to_grid nav_solid_props nav_solid_props nav_splice nav_splice nav_split nav_split nav_split_place_on_ground nav_split_place_on_ground nav_stand nav_stand nav_stop nav_stop nav_store_selected_set nav_store_selected_set nav_strip nav_strip nav_subdivide nav_subdivide nav_test_node nav_test_node nav_test_node_crouch nav_test_node_crouch nav_test_node_crouch_dir nav_test_node_crouch_dir nav_test_stairs nav_test_stairs nav_toggle_deselecting nav_toggle_deselecting nav_toggle_in_selected_set nav_toggle_in_selected_set nav_toggle_place_mode nav_toggle_place_mode nav_toggle_place_painting nav_toggle_place_painting nav_toggle_selected_set nav_toggle_selected_set nav_toggle_selecting nav_toggle_selecting nav_transient nav_transient nav_unmark nav_unmark nav_update_blocked nav_update_blocked nav_update_lighting nav_update_lighting nav_update_visibility_on_edit nav_update_visibility_on_edit nav_use_place nav_use_place nav_walk nav_walk nav_warp_to_mark nav_warp_to_mark nav_world_center nav_world_center needbackup needbackup This command makes your character perform the "Need Backup!" radio command sending a message in chat and over sound. net_allow_multicast net_allow_multicast [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not multicast is enabled. Default is 1 (enabled). net_blockmsg net_blockmsg [0 / 1 / Name] This command can be used to block incoming messages (network messages, not chat messages). Default is 0 (disabled). 1 would disable all messages. You can specify a network message name to block only that message. net_channels net_channels This command prints to console network channel information. net_droponsendoverflow net_droponsendoverflow [0 / 1] This command, if enabled, will end a connection (e.g. kick a player) when the client sends too much data (causing a buffer overrun). Default is 0 (disabled). net_droppackets net_droppackets [Amount] This command will drop the specified amount of packets. If you were to enter 10, the next 10 packets your client receives would be dropped. net_dumpeventstats net_dumpeventstats This command prints to console debug information about network events. net_earliertempents net_earliertempents net_fakejitter net_fakejitter [Milliseconds] This command will will cause your client to "jitter" (fake lag) for the specified amount of milliseconds. net_fakelag net_fakelag [Milliseconds] This command will simulate lag (high latency/packet delay) for the specified amount of milliseconds. net_fakeloss net_fakeloss [Percentage] This command will simulate packet loss on the specified percentage of packets (i.e. 50% would drop 50% of packets). net_graphheight net_graphheight [Pixels] This command sets the height of the net graph display in pixels. This is the amount of pixels it will be from the bottom of the screen. Default is 64. net_graphholdsvframerate net_graphholdsvframerate net_graphmsecs net_graphmsecs [Milliseconds] This command sets the amount of seconds that the latency graph should represent. Default is 400. net_graphpos net_graphpos [Position #] This command sets the position of the screen the netgraph display is placed at. Default is position 1 (right corner). Left corner is 0. Middle is 2. net_graphproportionalfont net_graphproportionalfont [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not net graph font should be made proportional. Default is 1 (enabled). net_graphshowinterp net_graphshowinterp [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not interpolation should be shown in net_graph (when on a setting above net_graph 1). net_graphshowlatency net_graphshowlatency [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not latency should be shown in net_graph (when on a setting above net_graph 1). net_graphshowsvframerate net_graphshowsvframerate [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will draw the server framerate graph. Default is 0 (disabled). net_graphsolid net_graphsolid [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the net graph display is solid. Default is enabled (1). net_graphtext net_graphtext [0 / 1] The command sets whether or not the text fields like FPS, etc should be drawn in net_graph. Default is 1 (enabled). net_maxroutable net_maxroutable [Bytes] This command sets the maximum packet size for the client before they are split. net_public_adr net_public_adr [IP Address] This command sets the public IP of the server (NAT/DHCP). net_scale net_scale net_showreliablesounds net_showreliablesounds [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default 0), will enable the printing of information about reliable sounds to the console. net_showsplits net_showsplits [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default 0), will enable the printing of information about split packets to the developer console. net_showudp net_showudp [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default 0), will enable the printing of information about UDP packets to the console. net_showudp_oob net_showudp_oob [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default 0), will enable the printing of information about OOB UDP packets to the console. net_showudp_remoteonly net_showudp_remoteonly [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1 (default 0), will enable the printing of information about remote UDP packets to the console. net_splitrate net_splitrate [Amount] The maximum amount of fragments (parts) of a split packet that can be sent/read each server frame. net_start net_start This command will start multiplayer network sockets. net_status net_status This command prints to console information about your network. net_steamcnx_allowrelay net_steamcnx_allowrelay [0 / 1] This command will set whether or not steam connections are allowed to attempt to use relay servers as fallback. Default is 1 (enabled). net_steamcnx_enabled net_steamcnx_enabled net_steamcnx_status net_steamcnx_status net_threaded_socket_burst_cap net_threaded_socket_burst_cap net_threaded_socket_recovery_rate net_threaded_socket_recovery_rate net_threaded_socket_recovery_time net_threaded_socket_recovery_time nextdemo nextdemo This command will make the next demo in your current demo sequence be played. nextlevel nextlevel [Map Code] This command will make the server load/progress to the specified map at the end of the current game. In other words, this command sets the next map in the map cycle. nextmap_print_enabled nextmap_print_enabled npc_ally_deathmessage npc_ally_deathmessage npc_ammo_deplete npc_ammo_deplete npc_bipass npc_bipass npc_combat npc_combat npc_conditions npc_conditions npc_create npc_create npc_create_aimed npc_create_aimed npc_destroy npc_destroy npc_destroy_unselected npc_destroy_unselected npc_enemies npc_enemies npc_focus npc_focus npc_freeze npc_freeze npc_freeze_unselected npc_freeze_unselected npc_go npc_go npc_go_random npc_go_random npc_heal npc_heal npc_height_adjust npc_height_adjust npc_kill npc_kill npc_nearest npc_nearest npc_relationships npc_relationships npc_reset npc_reset npc_route npc_route npc_select npc_select npc_set_freeze npc_set_freeze npc_set_freeze_unselected npc_set_freeze_unselected npc_squads npc_squads npc_steering npc_steering npc_steering_all npc_steering_all npc_task_text npc_task_text npc_tasks npc_tasks Name Syntax Description npc_teleport npc_teleport npc_thinknow npc_thinknow npc_viewcone npc_viewcone observer_use observer_use option_duck_method option_duck_method option_speed_method option_speed_method paintsplat_bias paintsplat_bias paintsplat_max_alpha_noise paintsplat_max_alpha_noise paintsplat_noise_enabled paintsplat_noise_enabled panel_test_title_safe panel_test_title_safe particle_simulateoverflow particle_simulateoverflow particle_test_attach_attachment particle_test_attach_attachment particle_test_attach_mode particle_test_attach_mode particle_test_file particle_test_file particle_test_start particle_test_start particle_test_stop particle_test_stop password password path path pause pause This command will pause the game, provided you have sv_pausable set to 1 (otherwise this command won't work). perfui perfui perfvisualbenchmark perfvisualbenchmark perfvisualbenchmark_abort perfvisualbenchmark_abort phys_debug_check_contacts phys_debug_check_contacts phys_show_active phys_show_active physics_budget physics_budget physics_constraints physics_constraints physics_debug_entity physics_debug_entity physics_highlight_active physics_highlight_active physics_report_active physics_report_active physics_select physics_select picker picker ping ping This command prints to the console your current ping (to the server you're connected to). pixelvis_debug pixelvis_debug play play [Sound] This command will play the specified sound. play_distance play_distance [Distance] This command sets the distance at which sounds played with the sound command are played from. Default is 1. play_with_friends_enabled play_with_friends_enabled [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not play with friends is enabled. Default is 1 (enabled). playdemo playdemo [Demo File Name] This command plays the specified demo file. Demos should be placed in your Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo folder. If you place them in your "replays" folder, you need to specify "replays/" before the demo name. player_botdifflast_s player_botdifflast_s [Difficulty] This command sets the difficulty of bots when they are the last man standing. Default is 2. player_competitive_maplist_8_4_0_EF00F6A0 player_competitive_maplist_8_4_0_EF00F6A0 [Map List] This command sets your competitive map list. Separate each map code with a comma (no space). player_debug_print_damage player_debug_print_damage [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will print debug information about all of the damage your player takes to the console. Default is 0 (disabled). playflush playflush [Sound] This command plays the specified sound file after reloading it from your files (incase of changes made since the file was loaded). playgamesound playgamesound [Sound] This command plays the specified sound that is defined the game_sounds.txt file. playoverwatchevidence playoverwatchevidence This command will play the evidence for your current overwatch case. playsoundscape playsoundscape playvideo playvideo playvideo_end_level_transition playvideo_end_level_transition playvideo_exitcommand playvideo_exitcommand playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt playvideo_nointerrupt playvideo_nointerrupt playvol playvol plugin_load plugin_load plugin_pause plugin_pause plugin_pause_all plugin_pause_all plugin_print plugin_print plugin_unload plugin_unload plugin_unpause plugin_unpause plugin_unpause_all plugin_unpause_all post_jump_crouch post_jump_crouch press_x360_button press_x360_button print_colorcorrection print_colorcorrection print_mapgroup print_mapgroup print_mapgroup_sv print_mapgroup_sv progress_enable progress_enable prop_crosshair prop_crosshair prop_debug prop_debug prop_dynamic_create prop_dynamic_create prop_physics_create prop_physics_create pwatchent pwatchent pwatchvar pwatchvar quit quit This command is the same as the "exit" command, it will close your game. quit_prompt quit_prompt r_AirboatViewDampenDamp r_AirboatViewDampenDamp r_AirboatViewDampenFreq r_AirboatViewDampenFreq r_AirboatViewZHeight r_AirboatViewZHeight r_alphafade_usefov r_alphafade_usefov r_ambientfraction r_ambientfraction r_ambientlightingonly r_ambientlightingonly r_avglight r_avglight r_avglightmap r_avglightmap r_brush_queue_mode r_brush_queue_mode r_cheapwaterend r_cheapwaterend r_cheapwaterstart r_cheapwaterstart r_cleardecals r_cleardecals r_ClipAreaFrustums r_ClipAreaFrustums r_ClipAreaPortals r_ClipAreaPortals r_colorstaticprops r_colorstaticprops r_debugcheapwater r_debugcheapwater r_debugrandomstaticlighting r_debugrandomstaticlighting r_depthoverlay r_depthoverlay r_disable_distance_fade_on_big_props r_disable_distance_fade_on_big_props r_disable_distance_fade_on_big_props_thresh r_disable_distance_fade_on_big_props_thresh r_disable_update_shadow r_disable_update_shadow r_DispBuildable r_DispBuildable r_DispWalkable r_DispWalkable r_dlightsenable r_dlightsenable r_drawallrenderables r_drawallrenderables r_DrawBeams r_DrawBeams r_drawbrushmodels r_drawbrushmodels r_drawclipbrushes r_drawclipbrushes r_drawdecals r_drawdecals Name Syntax Description r_DrawDisp r_DrawDisp r_drawentities r_drawentities r_drawfuncdetail r_drawfuncdetail r_drawleaf r_drawleaf r_drawlightcache r_drawlightcache r_drawlightinfo r_drawlightinfo r_drawlights r_drawlights r_DrawModelLightOrigin r_DrawModelLightOrigin r_drawmodelstatsoverlay r_drawmodelstatsoverlay r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance r_drawmodelstatsoverlayfilter r_drawmodelstatsoverlayfilter r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin r_drawopaquerenderables r_drawopaquerenderables r_drawopaqueworld r_drawopaqueworld r_drawothermodels r_drawothermodels r_drawparticles r_drawparticles r_DrawPortals r_DrawPortals r_DrawRain r_DrawRain r_drawrenderboxes r_drawrenderboxes r_drawropes r_drawropes r_drawscreenoverlay r_drawscreenoverlay r_drawskybox r_drawskybox r_drawsprites r_drawsprites r_drawstaticprops r_drawstaticprops r_drawtracers r_drawtracers r_drawtracers_firstperson r_drawtracers_firstperson r_drawtracers_movetonotintersect r_drawtracers_movetonotintersect r_drawtranslucentrenderables r_drawtranslucentrenderables r_drawtranslucentworld r_drawtranslucentworld r_drawunderwateroverlay r_drawunderwateroverlay r_drawvgui r_drawvgui r_drawviewmodel r_drawviewmodel r_drawworld r_drawworld r_dscale_basefov r_dscale_basefov r_dscale_fardist r_dscale_fardist r_dscale_farscale r_dscale_farscale r_dscale_neardist r_dscale_neardist r_dscale_nearscale r_dscale_nearscale r_dynamic r_dynamic r_dynamiclighting r_dynamiclighting r_eyegloss r_eyegloss r_eyemove r_eyemove r_eyeshift_x r_eyeshift_x r_eyeshift_y r_eyeshift_y r_eyeshift_z r_eyeshift_z r_eyesize r_eyesize r_eyewaterepsilon r_eyewaterepsilon r_farz r_farz r_flashlightambient r_flashlightambient r_flashlightbacktraceoffset r_flashlightbacktraceoffset r_flashlightbrightness r_flashlightbrightness r_flashlightclip r_flashlightclip r_flashlightconstant r_flashlightconstant r_flashlightdrawclip r_flashlightdrawclip r_flashlightfar r_flashlightfar r_flashlightfov r_flashlightfov r_flashlightladderdist r_flashlightladderdist r_flashlightlinear r_flashlightlinear r_flashlightlockposition r_flashlightlockposition r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov r_flashlightnear r_flashlightnear r_flashlightnearoffsetscale r_flashlightnearoffsetscale r_flashlightoffsetforward r_flashlightoffsetforward r_flashlightoffsetright r_flashlightoffsetright r_flashlightoffsetup r_flashlightoffsetup r_flashlightquadratic r_flashlightquadratic r_flashlightshadowatten r_flashlightshadowatten r_flashlightvisualizetrace r_flashlightvisualizetrace r_flushlod r_flushlod r_hwmorph r_hwmorph r_itemblinkmax r_itemblinkmax r_itemblinkrate r_itemblinkrate r_JeepFOV r_JeepFOV r_JeepViewBlendTo r_JeepViewBlendTo r_JeepViewBlendToScale r_JeepViewBlendToScale r_JeepViewBlendToTime r_JeepViewBlendToTime r_JeepViewDampenDamp r_JeepViewDampenDamp r_JeepViewDampenFreq r_JeepViewDampenFreq r_JeepViewZHeight r_JeepViewZHeight r_lightcache_invalidate r_lightcache_invalidate r_lightcache_numambientsamples r_lightcache_numambientsamples r_lightcache_radiusfactor r_lightcache_radiusfactor r_lightcachecenter r_lightcachecenter r_lightcachemodel r_lightcachemodel r_lightinterp r_lightinterp r_lightmap r_lightmap r_lightstyle r_lightstyle r_lightwarpidentity r_lightwarpidentity r_lockpvs r_lockpvs r_mapextents r_mapextents r_modelAmbientMin r_modelAmbientMin r_modelwireframedecal r_modelwireframedecal r_nohw r_nohw r_nosw r_nosw r_novis r_novis r_occlusionspew r_occlusionspew r_oldlightselection r_oldlightselection r_particle_demo r_particle_demo r_partition_level r_partition_level
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