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  1. Name Syntax Description cl_ignorepackets cl_ignorepackets [0 / 1] This is a command used in debugging. It forces the game client to ignore packets. cl_interp cl_interp [Value] Changes and sets your interpolation amount. This command can't be altered while playing, meaning you must be on the main menu or spectating a match. cl_interp_ratio cl_interp_ratio [Interp Ratio] This command sets the interpolation amount. The final value is determined from this command's value divided by the value of cl_updaterate. cl_interpolate cl_interpolate [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, enables interpolation (default). Setting this command to 0 disables interpolation. cl_lagcompensation cl_lagcompensation [Lag Compensation] This console command is used to compensate for server-side lag that can affect weapon performance. It can't be adjusted while playing, meaning you need to be in spectator mode or on the main menu. cl_leafsystemvis cl_leafsystemvis [0 / 1] This command produces a display in the top right of your screen that cycles through the various entities in use by showing their file names. cl_leveloverview cl_leveloverview [0 / 1] Using this command will tell you in your developer console exactly where you're standing on your current map. It can also make your screen turn black. Simply enter the command cl_leveloverview 0 to fix that. cl_mainmenu_blog_file cl_mainmenu_blog_file [File Name] This command loads in the blog file you specify. cl_modemanager_reload cl_modemanager_reload This cheat command reloads the metaclasses panels for anyone playing on a vgui screen. cl_mouselook cl_mouselook [0 / 1] This console command controls how you look around in game. You can set it between your mouse (default) or your keyboard. cl_obs_interp_enable cl_obs_interp_enable [0 / 1] This command is used to enable interpolation between multiple observer targets. cl_overdraw_test cl_overdraw_test [0 / 1] This console command covers your screen with a foggy grey panel, making it difficult to see anything and can slow your fps. To turn it off, use the command cl_overdraw_test 0. cl_panelanimation cl_panelanimation This command produces a list of the properties used in panel animation and pastes them in your developer console. cl_particles_show_bbox cl_particles_show_bbox [0 / 1] This command produces several green boxes around the map displaying their C_FUNC values. You can produce more boxes by shooting your weapon. cl_particles_show_controlpoints cl_particles_show_controlpoints [0 / 1] This command highlights areas of the game being adjusted by what you're doing. For example, shooting your gun will highlight your gun barrel and the bullet holes your shots create. cl_pclass cl_pclass [Class] Use this command to dump a group of entities based on their prediction classname. cl_pdump cl_pdump [-1 / 1] This command dumps info about ongoing entities on your actual game screen, rather than into your developer console. cl_phys_timescale cl_phys_timescale [Time] This is the console command that adjusts the timescale of client-side physics in game, also known as ragdolling. cl_precacheinfo cl_precacheinfo This command fills your developer console with technical information related to your pre cache info. cl_pred_track cl_pred_track [Entity Index] [Field Name] This command tracks changes to the entity index of the field name that you enter. cl_predict cl_predict [0 / 1] This command performs a prediction on the client side. It can't be edited while playing, so you'll need to be in the main menu to use this command. cl_predictioncopy_describe cl_predictioncopy_describe [Entity Index] This command produces a techical breakdown in your developer console of the entity index that you enter. cl_predictionlist cl_predictionlist [0 / 1] This command summons a display in the top right corner of your screen showing what entities are currently being predicted in your client. This can include weapons, player models and more. cl_predictweapons cl_predictweapons [0 / 1] This command performs a prediction of weapon effects on the client side. It can't be used while playing, so can only be used from the main menu. cl_reloadpostprocessparams cl_reloadpostprocessparams [Target File] This commands reloads post processor commands from the targeted file in the command. cl_remove_all_workshop_maps cl_remove_all_workshop_maps This console command removes all maps that you've saved from the community workshop to your game. If you have several maps saved and don't want to lose them, don't use this command. cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads cl_remove_old_ugc_downloads [0 / 1] Use this console command to remove old UGC downloads from your game files. cl_removedecals cl_removedecals This command doesn't work as intended. Use the command r_cleardecals instead to remove blood and bullet holes from around the map. cl_report_soundpatch cl_report_soundpatch This cheat command produces a value in your developer console of the number of current sound patches in the client. cl_resend_timeout cl_resend_timeout [Wait time] This is the total amount of time allowed to the client to resend a connect request to a server. cl_rumblescale cl_rumblescale [Scale] You can use this console command to adjust the sensitivity of rumble effects in game. cl_showanimstate_activities cl_showanimstate_activities [0 / 1] Use this command to enable showing activities in the client animation display. cl_showents cl_showents Produces a list in your developer console of all of the active entities in the client. cl_showerror cl_showerror [0 / 1 / 2] Produces a list of error commands in your console if any are relevant. cl_showpluginmessages2 cl_showpluginmessages2 [0 / 1] Determines whether or not plugins to the game client can show you messages. cl_skipfastpath cl_skipfastpath [0 / 1] This interesting console command prevents items on the map from rendering if they are seen to go through the model fast path. cl_skipslowpath cl_skipslowpath [0 / 1] This console command prevents items on the map that are deemed to disrupt the slow path not render. Commonly, this includes your character model's hands and weapons. cl_soundemitter_flush cl_soundemitter_flush Use this console command to flush (clear) the server's sounds.txt system. cl_soundemitter_reload cl_soundemitter_reload This console command reloads the server's sounds.txt system. cl_soundscape_flush cl_soundscape_flush This console command's use is to flush (clear) the soundscapes of the game client. cl_ss_origin cl_ss_origin This command will paste your origin data in your developer console in script format. cl_steamscreenshots cl_steamscreenshots Enter this command into your console to toggle between saving screenshots direct to Steam or not. cl_sunlight_ortho_size cl_sunlight_ortho_size cl_teamid_overhead cl_teamid_overhead [0 / 1] This command is used to display the Team ID over the heads over teammates. cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist [Max Distance] This console command sets the max distance that you will be able to see the icons above teammate's heads if team ID overhead is turned on. cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec [Max Distance] This console command is for spectators and observers, and determines the max distance you can see team icons at. cl_teammate_colors_show cl_teammate_colors_show [0 / 1] This command is used in competitive games, and you can set it so that players on your team have different colors on the radar and scoreboard (default) or you can turn it off. cl_timeout cl_timeout [Seconds] This network command is used to determine how many seconds your client will wait without receiving a packet from the server before disconnecting itself. cl_tree_sway_dir cl_tree_sway_dir This console command is used to set the level of sway in the trees and the wind direction and strength. cl_updaterate cl_updaterate [Packets p/second] This command is used to set the number of packets per second of updates you request from the server. cl_upspeed cl_upspeed [Upspeed] This command controls your upspeed. The default value for this is 320. cl_use_new_headbob cl_use_new_headbob [0 / 1] This command dictates whether or not your head bobs as you run. It can't be adjusted in matchmaking, but you can in private servers with cheats. cl_use_opens_buy_menu cl_use_opens_buy_menu [0 / 1] This console command chooses whether or not you can use the "+use" key (usually E) when in the buy zone to open the buy menu. cl_view cl_view Using this console command will set the view entity index, pasted into your developer console. cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt [Viewmodel Shift] This command sets how much the viewmodel moves to the left when shooting accuracy increases. cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt [Viewmodel Shift] This command sets how much the viewmodel moves to the right when shooting accuracy increases. cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy cl_weapon_debug_print_accuracy [0 / 1] Putting this command into your console prints out a detailed list of weapon accuracies. cl_winddir cl_winddir [0 / 1] This command is used to adjust the wind direction angle in game. cl_windspeed cl_windspeed [0 / 1] This command is used to adjust the wind speed in game. clientport clientport [Port ID] This is a command used to connect to a server directly, and can be useful in a LAN environment when multiple computers are operating from the same IP. closecaption closecaption [0 / 1] This command alters whether or not closed captions (subtitles) are available in game. closeonbuy closeonbuy [0 / 1] This command forces the buy menu to close after you've purchased a single time. collision_test collision_test Use this command to test the collision systems in game. Results will come through in your developer console. commentary_showmodelviewer commentary_showmodelviewer [Model Name] This command is used to display the commentary model viewer for a specific model. con_enable con_enable [0 / 1] This is the command used to toggle whether or not you can access the developer console. con_filter_enable con_filter_enable [0 / 1 / 2] Use this command to switch between the level of filtering your console output. If it's set to 1 or 2, you won't get feedback on your commands when you enter them into your console. con_filter_text con_filter_text [0 / 1] When console filter is enabled, this command can be used to filter what text is produced by the console. con_filter_text_out con_filter_text_out [0 / 1] This console command allows you to choose what text to filter out of the console. con_filter_enable must be set to 1 or 2 to use this command. condump condump This command is used to dump all of the text currently in the console to a text file. The first time you do this the file will be called condump000.txt, the second time condump001.txt and so on. confirm_abandon_match confirm_abandon_match Use this command to confirm that you are ready to abandom a game if asked by the server. confirm_join_friend_session_exit_current confirm_join_friend_session_exit_current When invited to a friend's session, you can use this console command to accept the invite and leave your current session. confirm_join_new_session_exit_current confirm_join_new_session_exit_current When invited to a session, this command will accept the invite and leave your current session to join it. connect connect [IP] This console command allows you to easily connect to other CS:GO servers if you know the server's IP address. connect_splitscreen connect_splitscreen [IP] This command connects you to the specified server, with multiple players. coverme coverme This console command forces your character to use the radio command "Cover Me!", which creates a small entry in the text chat box and is also audible out loud. crash crash This command causes your game engine to crash. We've warned you. CreatePredictionError CreatePredictionError This console command should generate a prediction error, but also makes your character glide a few spaces in a certain direction. Whichever way you face, you'll glide towards the same direction. cs_enable_player_physics_box cs_enable_player_physics_box [0 / 1] This command toggles player physics boxes on and off. cs_hostage_near_rescue_music_distance cs_hostage_near_rescue_music_distance [Distance] This command alters how far away you need to be from rescuing a hostage for the rescue music to start playing. cs_make_vip cs_make_vip In game modes where it's possible to make a player a VIP, this command sets them as one. cs_ShowStateTransitions cs_ShowStateTransitions [-2 / -1] This console command is used to show player transitions. CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval [Frequency] This command sets how frequently the server informs players that one of the players in the game damaged a teammate. csgo_download_match csgo_download_match [Match ID] This command is used to download a CS:GO match, provided you know its unique serial code . custom_bot_difficulty custom_bot_difficulty [Difficulty] This console command allows you to determine the difficulty of custom bots. dbghist_addline dbghist_addline [Category ID] [Line] Use this console command to add a line in the debug history. debug_map_crc debug_map_crc [0 / 1] This console command compiles a list of data for each map that's been lump loaded. debug_visibility_monitor debug_visibility_monitor [0 / 1] Activating this command attempts to debug the visiblity monitor. debugsystemui debugsystemui Entering this command shows/hides the system debug UI at the top right of your screen. default_fov default_fov This command will set your field of view (FOV) to the specified number. This command allows you to set your FOV to any value (no matter how high or small), and therefore requires sv_cheats to be enabled before it can be used (as otherwise it would give an advantage in matchmaking). demo_recordcommands demo_recordcommands [0 / 1] This command records any commands typed into the console and saves them in a .dem file. demoui demoui This command will toggle the visibility of the demo player UI. With the demo UI open, you can speed up and slow down demo playerback, skip rounds, etc. developer developer [Level] This command will set the "developer message level". A higher developer message level will mean that more debug messages are printed to the console. See argument information for the different levels. differences differences This command will print a list of all game convars that are not set to their default value to the console. disable_static_prop_loading disable_static_prop_loading [0 / 1] If set to 1, this command will not load static props when maps are loaded. By default, this is set to 0 (meaning static props are loaded when you load a map). disconnect disconnect This command will disconnect you from your current game and return you to the home screen (including offline games with bots, scenarios, etc). disp_list_all_collideable disp_list_all_collideable This command will list all collideable displacements in the console. display_elapsedtime display_elapsedtime This command will print to the console the amount of time, in seconds, that has passed since you opened your client. display_game_events display_game_events This command, if enabled, will print the name of each event that is fired in your game. E.g. when a bomb is dropped, "bomb_dropped" will be printed to console, when a player footstep noise is made, "player_footstep" will be printed to console. dlight_debug dlight_debug This command will spawn a dynamic light at the current location of your crosshair. Useful for debugging lighting issues. dm_togglerandomweapons dm_togglerandomweapons This command will toggle whether or not you spawn with random weapons after dying in the deathmatch gamemode. This effect is applied to all players. Name Syntax Description drawcross drawcross [X] [Y] [Z] This command will spawn a cross at the given X, Y and Z coordinates. Use the cl_showpos 1 command to find out your current coordinates (it is shown as "pos: X Y Z", where X Y and Z are your coordinates). drawline drawline [X Y Z] [X Y Z] This command will draw a line between two given sets of coordinates. drawoverviewmap drawoverviewmap This command will show the overview map, if not already open. The overviewmap is the map that is shown when you are spectating (usually the CTRL key). Use hideoverviewmap to hide the map. drawradar drawradar This command does not work since the introduction of Panorama. Previously, it would draw your radar on the screen when it was disabled. Use the cl_drawhud_force_radar -1 command to hide your radar and cl_drawhud_force_radar 1 command to show your radar. ds_get_newest_subscribed_files ds_get_newest_subscribed_files This command will make the game re-read the web api auth key and subscribed file lists from disk. If there are any available updates, it will download them files from steam dsp_db_min dsp_db_min dsp_db_mixdrop dsp_db_mixdrop dsp_dist_max dsp_dist_max dsp_dist_min dsp_dist_min dsp_enhance_stereo dsp_enhance_stereo dsp_mix_max dsp_mix_max dsp_mix_min dsp_mix_min dsp_off dsp_off dsp_player dsp_player dsp_reload dsp_reload dsp_slow_cpu dsp_slow_cpu dsp_volume dsp_volume dti_flush dti_flush This command only works when the client is started with the -dti launch parameter. It will print a list of all datatable instrumentation files. dump_entity_sizes dump_entity_sizes This command will print, to console, a list of all entities and their sizes. dump_globals dump_globals This command will print all global entities to the console, with their sizes. dump_particlemanifest dump_particlemanifest This command will print, to console, a list of all of the particles that the game currently has loaded into memory. dumpentityfactories dumpentityfactories This command will print, to console, a list of all entity factory names. dumpeventqueue dumpeventqueue This command will print, to console, a list of all objects currently in the entity I/O event queue. Usually this is empty. dumpgamestringtable dumpgamestringtable This command may not work. It will print, to console, a list of all entries currently in the game string table. dumpstringtables dumpstringtables This command will print, to console, a list of all string tables. echo echo [Text] This command will print a specified message to the console. Commonly used server-side to print a message to the console of all players (if you are in a private game, this command is a little useless). econ_build_pinboard_images_from_collection_name econ_build_pinboard_images_from_collection_name [Collection Name] This command will render and save all images from the specified collection name. econ_clear_inventory_images econ_clear_inventory_images This command will clear, and then regenerate, all images from the local inventory, econ_show_items_with_tag econ_show_items_with_tag [Tag] This command will list all items that have the specified tag. enable_fast_math enable_fast_math [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable (when set to 1, which is default) and disable (set to 0) fast math. When fast math is on (default) Denormals-Are-Zeroes and Flush-to-Zero are enabled. enable_skeleton_draw enable_skeleton_draw [0 / 1] This command will draw the "skeletal" wireframes of all eligible entities. This includes the wireframes of players and guns on the floor - which creates a "wallhack-like" effect. endmovie endmovie This command will stop recording a movie that you have previously started recording with the startmovie command. endround endround This command will end the current round. Note that this essentially restart the current round. At the start of the next round, the scores will remain the same (there will not be a winner or loser). enemydown enemydown This command will activate the "enemy down" radio command that sends a voice message and message in the chat. enemyspot enemyspot This command will activate the "enemy spotted" radio command that sends a voice message and message in the chat. engine_no_focus_sleep engine_no_focus_sleep This command can be used to disable, lengthen or shorten, the "sleeping" of the game engine when you are tabbed out, or CS:GO is not your current active window. Usually, when you tab out of CS:GO, the engine will "sleep" for a set amount of milliseconds (repeatedly) to reduce power and resource usage - this will lower your FPS and lag any locally hosted servers when tabbing out. Set this to 0 to completely disable the sleeping of the engine when tabbed out. ent_absbox ent_absbox [Entity / Class Name] This command will display the total bounding box for the specified entity. If you do not specify an entity or class name as an argument, the total bounding box for the entity under your crosshair will be shown. ent_attachments ent_attachments [Entity / Class Name] This command will display the attachment points for the specified entity. If you do not specify an entity or class name as an argument, the attachment points for the entity under your crosshair will be shown. ent_autoaim ent_autoaim [Entity / Class Name] This command will display the auto aim radius for the specified entity. If you do not specify an entity or class name as an argument, the auto aim radius for the entity under your crosshair will be shown. ent_bbox ent_bbox [Entity / Class Name] This command will display the movement bounding box for the specified entity. If you do not specify an entity or class name as an argument, the movement bounding box for the entity under your crosshair will be shown. ent_cancelpendingentfires ent_cancelpendingentfires This command will end all outputs created by ent_fire that are waiting for their delay to expire. ent_create ent_create [Entity Type] This command will create an entity of the specified type at the location your crosshair is over. ent_dump ent_dump This command dumps a list of all entities (to console) that have the specified entity name. ent_fire ent_fire ent_info ent_info ent_keyvalue ent_keyvalue ent_messages ent_messages ent_messages_draw ent_messages_draw ent_name ent_name ent_orient ent_orient ent_pause ent_pause ent_pivot ent_pivot ent_rbox ent_rbox ent_remove ent_remove ent_remove_all ent_remove_all ent_rotate ent_rotate ent_script_dump ent_script_dump ent_setang ent_setang ent_setname ent_setname ent_setpos ent_setpos ent_show_response_criteria ent_show_response_criteria ent_step ent_step ent_teleport ent_teleport ent_text ent_text ent_viewoffset ent_viewoffset error_message_explain_vac error_message_explain_vac This command will open up the "Disconnected by VAC: You cannot play on secure servers" page in your default browser ( escape escape This command fires the event that usually fires when the escape key is pressed. exec exec [File Name] This command will execute the specified script file (e.g. exec autoexec.cfg). You do not need to specify the .cfg file extention (i.e. you'd write just exec example for example.cfg). Place script files in the \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg\ folder. execifexists execifexists [File Name] This command will execute the specified script file, if it exists. This prevents errors that occur with the exec command when the specified exec file does not exist. execwithwhitelist execwithwhitelist [File Name] This command will execute the specified script file, but only run commands in it that have been added to the whitelist. If a command in the exec file is not on the whitelist, it will not be executed. explode explode This command will kill your player, but with explosive damage, as opposed to normal damage. explodevector explodevector [Player Name] [X] [Y] [Z] This command will kill a player by applying an explosive force, relative to the player's location and the specfied X, Y and Z coordinates. fadein fadein [Duration] [R G B] This command will fade your client in. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades in from. fadeout fadeout [Duration] [R G B] This command will fade your client out. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades out to. fallback fallback This command will play the "fall back!" radio command in voice and team chat. ff_damage_bullet_penetration ff_damage_bullet_penetration This command sets the multiplier for bullet penetration in friendly fire. Default is 0. If set to the maximum value (1), bullets will have no penetration power. ff_damage_reduction_bullets ff_damage_reduction_bullets [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for bullet damage made to friendly teammates. The amount of normal damage is multiplied by this number. So if you set this to 0.5 and your bullet would've done 20 damage, it'd be 20 * 0.5, which would mean only 10 damage is done in friendly fire. Setting this to 0 would mean bullets do 0 damage to friendly teammates. Note that this command only has an effect when friendly fire is enabled. ff_damage_reduction_grenade ff_damage_reduction_grenade [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for grenade damage from friendly fire. If set to 1, damage would be the same, if set to 0, there would be no damage from grenades thrown by teammates. Note that this command only has an effect when friendly fire is enabled. ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for grenade damage from grenades thrown by yourself. Note that this command only has an effect when friendly fire is enabled. ff_damage_reduction_other ff_damage_reduction_other [Multiplier] This command sets the multiplier for friendly fire damage made to teammates from things that aren't bullets and grenades. Note that this command only has an effect when friendly fire is enabled. find find [Search Text] This command will list all commands that contain the specified text in either their name or description. find_ent find_ent [Search Text] This command will print a of list all entities that have the specified text in their name. find_ent_index find_ent_index findflags findflags [Flag] This command will list commands that have the specified flag. firetarget firetarget This command will fire your target (the entity under your crosshair). firstperson firstperson This command will enable first person mode (provided you are not already in first person mode). fish_debug fish_debug [0 / 1] This command will show debug information for fish if set to 1. The default value is 0 (disabled). fish_dormant fish_dormant [0 / 1] This command will disable all fish behaviour if set to 1 (i.e. making them dormant). By default, this setting is set to 0 (fish are not dormant). flush flush This command will flush all unlocked cache memory (which crashes your client). flush_locked flush_locked This command will flush both locked and unlocked cache memory. fog_color fog_color [R] [G] This command sets the color of fog, if enabled. The value provided should be an RGB value (separated by spaces). fog_colorskybox fog_colorskybox [R] [G] This command sets the color of the fog skybox, if fog is enabled. An RGB value separated with spaces should be provided. fog_enable fog_enable [0 / 1] This command enables fog if set to 1. Note that you will need to set fog_override to 1 if your map's settings disable fog. fog_enable_water_fog fog_enable_water_fog [0 / 1] This command enables water fog if set to 1. If set to 0, water fog will be disabled. Note that you need to override your map's fog settings with fog_override 1. fog_enableskybox fog_enableskybox [0 / 1] This command will enable (1, default) whether or not fog should be applied to the skybox. fog_end fog_end [Distance] This command will set the "end" of the fog in relation to your player. Higher numbers will make the fog more distant. -1 will set to default. Fog will be shown in the distance between fog_start's value and this value. fog_endskybox fog_endskybox [Distance] This command will set how far you can see into the sky before fog appears. fog_hdrcolorscale fog_hdrcolorscale [Scale] This command sets the fog's HDR color scale. Specify a decimal value between 0 and 1. fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox [Scale] This command sets the fog's skybox HDR color scale. Specify a decimal value between 0 and 1. fog_maxdensity fog_maxdensity [Density] This command sets the maximum density of the fog, given as a decimal percentage. 0.5 would be 50% transparency, 1 would be completely opaque. Name Syntax Description fog_maxdensityskybox fog_maxdensityskybox [Density] This command sets the maximum density of the fog, given as a decimal percentage. 0.5 would be 50% transparency, 1 would be completely opaque. fog_override fog_override [0 / 1] This command will allow you to override the fog settings of the map if set to 1. Default is 0 (meaning you will by default use the map's fog settings). fog_start fog_start [Distance] This command sets the distance from the player at which the fog will start being rendered. fog_startskybox fog_startskybox [Distance] This command sets the distance from the player at which the skybox fog will start. fogui fogui This command will toggle the visibility of the fog control GUI. followme followme This command will cause you to make the "follow me" radio command, which plays a sound effect and says "Follow me!" in chat. force_audio_english force_audio_english [0 / 1] If set to 1, this command will force English audio, regardless of your client's language settings. If set to 0 (default), your language settings will be used for audio choices. force_centerview force_centerview foundry_engine_get_mouse_control foundry_engine_get_mouse_control If you are in foundry mode, this command will give the engine control of your mouse. foundry_engine_release_mouse_control foundry_engine_release_mouse_control If you are in foundry mode and have previously given the engine mouse control, this will give you back mouse control. foundry_select_entity foundry_select_entity [Entity Name] If you are in foundry mode, this command will select the entity under your crosshair. If you specify an entity name as an argument, that entity will be selected. foundry_sync_hammer_view foundry_sync_hammer_view This command will move the Hammer's 3D view to the same position as the engine's 3D view. foundry_update_entity foundry_update_entity This command will update your currently selected entity's position/angles. fov_cs_debug fov_cs_debug [FOV] This command will set your field of view (FOV) to the specified value, provided sv_cheats is set to 1. Unlike the viewmodel_fov command, this command does not have any limits, allowing you to set your FOV to any value you desire. fps_max fps_max [FPS Cap] This command will set the maximum frames-per-second (FPS) that will be rendered by your client. Your FPS will be capped at this number. Set this to 0 to disable the FPS cap. fps_max_menu fps_max_menu [FPS Cap] This command will set your FPS (frames-per-second) cap whilst you are in the main menu screen. Set to 0 to disable limit. fps_screenshot_frequency fps_screenshot_frequency [Seconds] If you have enabled fps_screenshot_threshold, this setting controls how often a screenshot will be taken if your FPS is below the threshold. By default this is set to 10, so when your FPS is below the threshold a screenshot will be taken, but if 10 seconds later your FPS is still below the threshold, another screenshot will be taken, etc. fps_screenshot_threshold fps_screenshot_threshold [FPS] If you set this value to a number above -1, a screenshot will be taken when your FPS drops below the given number. This is useful for debug purposes (allows you to locate what is on your screen causing the FPS drop). fs_clear_open_duplicate_times fs_clear_open_duplicate_times This command will clear the list of files that have been opened. fs_dump_open_duplicate_times fs_dump_open_duplicate_times This command will print a list of files that have been opened more than once, and the amount of time (in ms) that it took to read each file. fs_fios_cancel_prefetches fs_fios_cancel_prefetches This command cancels all prefectches that are currently in progress. fs_fios_flush_cache fs_fios_flush_cache This command flushes the HDD FIOS cache. fs_fios_prefetch_file fs_fios_prefetch_file [File Name (.bin)] This command prefetches a specified file with medium priority. fs_fios_prefetch_file_in_pack fs_fios_prefetch_file_in_pack [File Name (.ani)] This command prefetches a file that is in a pack with medium priority. fs_fios_print_prefetches fs_fios_print_prefetches This command prints a list of prefetches that are currently in progress. fs_printopenfiles fs_printopenfiles This command prints a list of the names of all files that are currently opened by the engine. fs_report_sync_opens fs_report_sync_opens [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets when the game should report the opening of files/syncs. See argument help for information. fs_syncdvddevcache fs_syncdvddevcache This is an XBOX 360 command. This command will force the game to get updated files that are in your your p4 changelist. fs_warning_level fs_warning_level [0 - 6] This command can be used to set the filesystem warning level. See argument information for help. func_break_max_pieces func_break_max_pieces fx_new_sparks fx_new_sparks [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable (1, default) or disable (0) the new spark effects. g15_dumpplayer g15_dumpplayer This command will print player data collected by the Logitech G-15. g15_reload g15_reload This command will reload the configuration of your Logitech G-15 keyboard. g15_update_msec g15_update_msec [Interval (ms)] This command sets the interval that the Logitech G-15 keyboard updates its data at. Default is 250ms. g_debug_angularsensor g_debug_angularsensor g_debug_constraint_sounds g_debug_constraint_sounds g_debug_ragdoll_removal g_debug_ragdoll_removal g_debug_ragdoll_visualize g_debug_ragdoll_visualize g_debug_trackpather g_debug_trackpather g_debug_vehiclebase g_debug_vehiclebase g_debug_vehicledriver g_debug_vehicledriver g_debug_vehicleexit g_debug_vehicleexit g_debug_vehiclesound g_debug_vehiclesound g_jeepexitspeed g_jeepexitspeed gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons This command will print a list of all lessons that are currently open (in use) by the game instructor. gameinstructor_enable gameinstructor_enable [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable and disable the game instructor. Default is 1, which is enabled. gameinstructor_find_errors gameinstructor_find_errors [0 / 1] This command will make the game instructor run every scripted command and alert you if there are any errors, if set to 1. Default is 0. gameinstructor_reload_lessons gameinstructor_reload_lessons This command will make the game instructor stop and reload (from the script file) all lessons currently in progress. gameinstructor_reset_counts gameinstructor_reset_counts This command will reset all display and success counts to 0. gameinstructor_save_restore_lessons gameinstructor_save_restore_lessons [0 / 1] This command can be used to disable the saving and loading of open lesson opportunities when in single player. gameinstructor_verbose gameinstructor_verbose [0 / 1 / 2] This command can be used to change the level of debug messages for the game instructor. See argument information for help. gameinstructor_verbose_lesson gameinstructor_verbose_lesson [Lesson Name] This command will print debug information for the lesson with the specified name. gamemenucommand gamemenucommand [Command] This command will issue the specified game menu command. Game menu commands open game menus within the main menu (e.g. openserverbrowser to open the community server browser). gamepadslot1 gamepadslot1 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 1 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gamepadslot2 gamepadslot2 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 2 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gamepadslot3 gamepadslot3 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 3 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gamepadslot4 gamepadslot4 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 4 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gamepadslot5 gamepadslot5 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 5 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gamepadslot6 gamepadslot6 This command will simulate pressing the gamepad slot 6 button (if you have gamepad enabled). gameui_activate gameui_activate This command shows the game UI (pause menu). gameui_allowescape gameui_allowescape By default, this command is enabled. This command will allow the game UI to be closed by pressing your ESC key. Use gameui_preventescape to disable this. gameui_allowescapetoshow gameui_allowescapetoshow By default, this command is enabled. This command will allow the game UI to be opened by pressing your ESC key. Use gameui_preventescapetoshow to disable this. gameui_hide gameui_hide This command will close the game UI (pause menu), provided it is open. gameui_preventescape gameui_preventescape This command will prevent the ESC key from closing the pause menu (game UI) when pressed. Use gameui_allowescape to re-enable. gameui_preventescapetoshow gameui_preventescapetoshow This command will prevent the ESC key from opening the pause menu (game UI) when pressed. Use gameui_preventescapetoshow to re-enable. gcmd gcmd getinpos getinpos This command will play the "Get in position" radio command. May not work since newer CS:GO versions. getout getout This command will play the "Get out of there, it's gonna blow" radio command which sends a voice message and text in chat. givecurrentammo givecurrentammo This command will top up your ammo to its maximum level for the weapons you currently have. gl_clear_randomcolor gl_clear_randomcolor This command will clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. This is useful for debugging, to spot open seams in geometry. global_event_log_enabled global_event_log_enabled [0 / 1] This command will enable the global event log system if set to 1. Default is 0 (disabled). global_set global_set [Variable Name] [0 / 1 / 2] This command will set the state of the specified global variable. See argument information for help with state types. glow_outline_effect_enable glow_outline_effect_enable [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable entity outline glow effects. Default is enabled. Set to 0 to disable. glow_outline_width glow_outline_width [Width] This command will set the width of glow outline effects, if they are enabled. god god This command will toggle god mode. In god mode, your player will not be able to take damage and will never die. gods gods This command will toggle god mode for all players (including bots) on your server. When in god mode, players will not take any form of damage and will not die. gotv_theater_container gotv_theater_container groundlist groundlist [Index] This command will print a list of all possible ground entities, and their instance count. If you specify an index (ID), you will only see the list of ground entities for that index. hammer_update_entity hammer_update_entity This is a hammer mode command, it will not work outside of hammer mode. It will update the positions and angles of all entities. hammer_update_safe_entities hammer_update_safe_entities This is a hammer mode command, it will not work outside of hammer mode. It will update the positions and angles of all entities, provided it is safe to do so. heartbeat heartbeat This command will force a heartbeat of master servers. help help [Command] This command will print to console help for the command with the specified name. You need to specify a full command (not just part of the command). hideconsole hideconsole This command will hide the console (same as pressing the console key again). hidehud hidehud [0 / -1] This command, if set to 1 (default) will show the game's HUD. If set to -1, the game's HUD will be hidden. hideoverviewmap hideoverviewmap This command will hide the overviewmap (if open) that shows when you are spectating. hidepanel hidepanel [Viewport Panel] This command will hide the specified viewport panel. hideradar hideradar This command does not work since the introduction of Panorama. Instead, use the cl_drawhud_force_radar -1 command to hide your radar and cl_drawhud_force_radar 1 command to show your radar. hidescores hidescores This command should hide the score panel but may not work. Use -showscores to hide the scoreboard instead if this is the case. holdpos holdpos This command will make the "Hold your positions" radio command play. This plays both the sound effect and sends a text message in chat. host_filtered_time_report host_filtered_time_report This command only works on dedicated servers. It will time the amount of time that was spent idle in the previous frame (ms). host_flush_threshold host_flush_threshold [Threshold] This command will set the memory theshold for the which host should flush caches between server instances. When below this value, the caches will be flushed. host_framerate host_framerate [Framerate] This command will change the "frame rate" of the host (server). Lower numbers will mean time passes faster, higher numbers will mean time passes slower. Set to 0 to disable. host_info_show host_info_show [0 / 1 / 2] This command can be used to change the amount of information that is shown when your server is queried (e.g. by server lists, the community server browser, etc). See argument information for options. 1 is the default setting for this command. host_map host_map This command will print to console the name of the map you are currently playing on. This can also be used to change the "host_map" that appears in server queries if you provide a map name as an argument. host_name_store host_name_store [0 / 1] This command will set whether or not the server's hostname is recorded in game events and on GOTV (demos and live). host_players_show host_players_show [0 / 1 / 2] This command will set how the playercount is disclosed when your server is queried. See argument information for options. host_reset_config host_reset_config This command will reset your host's config. NOTE: You cannot undo the effect of this command, so make sure to save your host's config before using this. host_rules_show host_rules_show [0 / 1] This command can be used to set whether or not your server rules show when your server is queried. Default is enabled (1). host_runofftime host_runofftime This command will make the server run off some time without rendering and updating sounds. host_sleep host_sleep [Milliseconds] This command will make the server sleep for the specified amount of milliseconds after each frame. Set to 0 to disable (default). Name Syntax Description host_timer_report host_timer_report This command would print out the CPU timer's jitter for the last 128 frames. host_timescale host_timescale [Multiplier] This can be used to speed up and slow down the speed of time on the server. In otherwords, you can make things go in slow motion or speed the server up with this command. host_workshop_collection host_workshop_collection [Workshop ID] This command will get the latest version of the specified workshop collection ID and set the maps in that collection as the server's map list. host_workshop_map host_workshop_map [Workshop ID] This command will get the latest version of the workshop map with the specified ID (the ID is the numbers at the end of the workshop URL) and set it as your server's map. host_writeconfig host_writeconfig [Config File] This command will save all of your server settings that you have set with host_ commands to your config.cfg, so that they apply even when the server restarts. hostage_debug hostage_debug [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable hostage AI debug information. Default is 0 (disabled). hostfile hostfile [File Name] This command can be used to set the hosts file (default is hosts.txt). If no argument is specified, this command will print to console the name of the hosts file the server is currently using. hostip hostip [IP] [hostip] [hostip localhost] This command can be used to assign the server an IP to run on. If not, the IP (bind to all available) will be used. hostname hostname [Hostname] [hostname] The hostname for the server to use (this is your server domain). hostport hostport [Port] [hostport 27015] [hostport 26123] The port your server should run on. We recommend you keep this as default. You can run multiple servers on the same IP address if you change this port to a port that isn't in use. hud_reloadscheme hud_reloadscheme This command will reload your HUD, meaning any changes you made to HUD config files would be applied. hud_scaling hud_scaling [0.5 - 0.95] This command can be used to scale the size of the HUD. Scale must be be between 0.5 and 0.95. Default is 0.85. hud_showtargetid hud_showtargetid [0 / 1] This command can enable or disable the red text with an enemy's that appears when you hover over an enemy. Default is enabled (1). hud_subtitles hud_subtitles [File Name] This command will play the subtitles in the specified file. hud_takesshots hud_takesshots [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable the auto-taking of a screenshot at the end of a match (when the scoreboard is up). Default is 0 (disabled). hunk_print_allocations hunk_print_allocations This command will print to console a list of all hunk allocations. hunk_track_allocation_types hunk_track_allocation_types [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable and disable the tracking of allocation types. impulse impulse [Impulse #] This command has a set of pre-defined effects, the one that will be applied is determined by the impulse # you provide as an argument. For exmaple, impulse 101 gives you maximum money. See argument information for more help. in_forceuser in_forceuser This command forces your user input to the specified split screen player (split screen mode only). incrementvar incrementvar [Convar] [Min] [Max] [Amount] This command will increment the specified convar by the specified amount. If the convar reaches the "max value" it will be set to "min value" and incremement from there. inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier [Spawn Interval] This command is used to influence the spawn intervals of molotv and incendiary grenades for each child. inferno_child_spawn_max_depth inferno_child_spawn_max_depth [Depth] This console command adjusts the max depth of the child spawn count in molotov and incendiary grenades. inferno_debug inferno_debug [0 / 1] This command attemps to debug issues that molotov and incendiary grenades may develop. If you notice any issues with them in your game, try using this command. inferno_dlight_spacing inferno_dlight_spacing [Spacing] This command edits the minimum distance that dlights can be together in the flame animation of molotovs and incendiary grenades. You will see this from a series of connected lasers that appear over the flames when adjusting this command. inferno_forward_reduction_factor inferno_forward_reduction_factor [Reduction Factor] This console command changes the forward reduction factor used in molotov and incendiary grenades. inferno_velocity_decay_factor inferno_velocity_decay_factor [Velocity] This console command is used to edit the velocity of the decay factor in the flames of molotov and incendiary grenades. inferno_velocity_factor inferno_velocity_factor [Velocity] This command adjusts the velocity of molotov and incendiary grenades. inferno_velocity_normal_factor inferno_velocity_normal_factor [Velocity] This command sets the normal factor of the velocity for molotov and incendiary grenades. inposition inposition This command is used to activate the radio command "I'm in position", which causes your character to say that phrase out loud in game and also in text chat. ip ip This console command is used to override the IP if you are in a server that has multiple hosts. This does not show your IP in console; to do that use the command status . ip_steam ip_steam [IP] This command is used to override the IP that binds Steam profiles on servers with multiple hosts. ip_tv ip_tv [IP] This command is used to override the IP that binds TV ports on servers with multiple hosts. joy_accelmax joy_accelmax [Acceleration] This command sets the max acceleration of your joystick, if you use one to play CS:GO. joy_accelscale joy_accelscale [Acceleration] Sets the acceleration scale of your joystick, if you use one to play CS:GO. joy_autoaimdampen joy_autoaimdampen [Aim Assistance] This console command controls how much input is required from the player on their joystick when their crosshair is on a target. joy_autoAimDampenMethod joy_autoAimDampenMethod [Range] This console command affects the sensitivty of your joystick input. joy_autoaimdampenrange joy_autoaimdampenrange This console command sets the stick range for when aim dampening kicks in. joy_axis_deadzone joy_axis_deadzone [Deadzone] This console command dictates where the deadzone is on your controller sticks that will stop feeding back movement to the game client. joy_axisbutton_threshold joy_axisbutton_threshold [Range] This command is used to control the axis range on your joystick's analog stick that decides when to register a button press. joy_circle_correct joy_circle_correct joy_curvepoint_1 joy_curvepoint_1 [Value] This is a client only command. joy_curvepoint_2 joy_curvepoint_2 [Value] This is a client only command. joy_curvepoint_3 joy_curvepoint_3 [Value] This is a client only command. joy_curvepoint_4 joy_curvepoint_4 [Value] This is a client only command. joy_curvepoint_end joy_curvepoint_end [Value] This is a client only command. joy_diagonalpov joy_diagonalpov [0 / 1] This command causes the point of view (POV) manipulator when using a joystick operate on a diagonal basis when turned on. joy_display_input joy_display_input [0 / 1] When using a joystick, this allows you to display its input when the command is turned on. joy_forwardsensitivity joy_forwardsensitivity [Sensitivity] This is the console command used to control the forward sensitivity if you are using a joystick to play. joy_forwardthreshold joy_forwardthreshold [Threshold] This is a client only command that sets the joystick's forward threshold if you use one in CS:GO. joy_gamma joy_gamma [Gamma] This a client only command that only affects people who play with a joystick. joy_lowend joy_lowend [Value] This is a client only command that affects people who play with a joystick. joy_lowend_linear joy_lowend_linear [Value] This is a client only command that affects people who play with a joystick. joy_lowmap joy_lowmap [Value] This is a client only command that affects people who play with a joystick. joy_name joy_name [Name] This command sets the name of your joystick inside the game client. joy_no_accel_jump joy_no_accel_jump [0 / 1] This is a client only command that affects people who play with a joystick. joy_pitchsensitivity joy_pitchsensitivity [Sensitivity] This console command sets the pitch sensitivity if you're using a joystick to play. joy_pitchthreshold joy_pitchthreshold [Value] This is a joystick command that adjusts your pitch threshold to the value you enter. joy_response_look joy_response_look [0 / 1] This console command sets the look stick response mode when using a joystick to play. joy_response_look_pitch joy_response_look_pitch [0 / 1] This console command sets the look stick response mode for pitch when playing with a joystick. joy_sensitive_step0 joy_sensitive_step0 [Value] This is a client only command for people who play with a joystick. joy_sensitive_step1 joy_sensitive_step1 [Value] This a client only command that only affects people who play with a joystick. joy_sensitive_step2 joy_sensitive_step2 [Value] This is a client only command for people who play with a joystick. joy_sidethreshold joy_sidethreshold [Value] This is a joystick command that sets your sideways threshold. joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack [0 / 1] This is a joystick command that, when activated, enables a wingman warrior hack related to turning axes. joy_yawsensitivity joy_yawsensitivity [Sensitivity] This command sets the joystick's yaw sensitivity. joyadvancedupdate joyadvancedupdate This console command produces a list of advanced joystick settings in your console that show what each axis is mapped to. joystick joystick [0 / 1] This command sets whether your joystick is on or off, if you have one connected. joystick_force_disabled joystick_force_disabled [0 / 1] This command prevents any joystick input from being pushed through, for cases where a piece of hardware that isn't a joystick is mistakenly identified as one by the game client. kdtree_test kdtree_test This command is meant to test spatial partition for entity queries, but it can crash your client, so use with caution . kickid kickid [User ID] [Message] This console command is used to kick a player in your lobby based on their unique user ID. It also allows you to give a message, such as why they were kicked. kickid_ex kickid_ex [User ID] [Force 0 / 1] [Message] This command is used to kick, or vote to kick, a player in your lobby. It also provides the option for a force-to-kick flag and for you to write them a message. killserver killserver Entering this command will shutdown the server you are playing on, so only use it if you know what you are doing. killvector killvector [Name] [X Value] [Y Value] [Z Value] This command kills a player by locating their vector. lastinv lastinv This console command immediately equips the weapon/item you took out most recently in your inventory. lightprobe lightprobe [File Name] This console command produces a cubemap and a file that is used to sample the lighting environment of the file you specify. linefile linefile Use this command to parse the map leak data from the map you're currently on. list_active_casters list_active_casters This console command is used to list any active casters that may be commentating your match. If there is no one casting your match, the console will just print "None." listid listid Use this command in your console to print a list of the user IDs that are currently banned from the server you're on. listip listip Use this command in your console to print a list of the IP addresses that are currently banned on the server you're on. listmodels listmodels This console command produces a list of all the models that have been loaded into your session. listRecentNPCSpeech listRecentNPCSpeech This console command creates a list in your developer console of the most recent 5 things that NPCs have said. loadcommentary loadcommentary This command loads in any game commentary that is saved. It can also open your game menu as well. loader_dump_table loader_dump_table This command prints a list of values into your developer console of queued loads and jobs to do for the client. locator_split_len locator_split_len [Value] This is a client only command. locator_split_maxwide_percent locator_split_maxwide_percent [Value] This is a client only command. lockMoveControllerRet lockMoveControllerRet [0 / 1] This is a client only command. log log [On/Off] Using this command begins logging server data to your file and your console. log_dumpchannels log_dumpchannels This console command is used to dump all of the information pertaining the logging channels in game into your developer console. log_flags log_flags This cheat command produces a detailed list in the developer console on how to set up flags for the logging channel. log_level log_level This cheat command produces a detailed list in the developer console on how to set up the spew level for the logging channel. logaddress_add logaddress_add [IP address:port] This command allows you to set the IP address and port number for a remote host to use. logaddress_del logaddress_del [IP address:port] This command allows you to remove an IP address and port number for a remote host. logaddress_delall logaddress_delall This command is used to remove all of the UDP addresses logged in the server list. logaddress_list logaddress_list This lists all of the network addresses currently being used by logaddress. lookstrafe lookstrafe [0 / 1] This command is used to toggle the client only look strafe command on and off. loopsingleplayermaps loopsingleplayermaps [0 / 1] This console command should begin to run the single player maps in CS:GO on a loop, though it can be faulty and not work. m_forward m_forward [Value] This console command is used to set the mouse forward factor. m_side m_side [Side Factor] This console command is used to set your mouse side factor. map_background map_background [Map Code] This command will make the specified map become the background of the main menu. May not work since Panorama mode (new CS:GO UI). map_commentary map_commentary [Map Code] This command starts playing the specified map with commentary. Name Syntax Description map_edit map_edit [Map Code] This command may not work. It should load the specified map in edit mode. map_setbombradius map_setbombradius [Damage / Radius] This command sets the bomb damage to the specified value and adjusts the radius to 3.5 the damage amount. map_showbombradius map_showbombradius This command shows the bomb radius from the center the map's bomb plant spot(s). map_showspawnpoints map_showspawnpoints This command will show the map's spawn points. Invalid spawn points will be of the red color (valid are green). Will be hidden after 60 seconds. mapcycledisabled mapcycledisabled [0 / 1] If you set this command to 1 (default 0), the same map will be replayed at the end of each game (instead of moving to the next map in the map pool). mapgroup mapgroup [Map Group] This command will set the server's map group to the specified map group. Map groups are the groups of maps that a server will cycle through. mapoverview_allow_client_draw mapoverview_allow_client_draw mapoverview_allow_grid_usage mapoverview_allow_grid_usage maps maps This command prints to console a list of all of the maps you have installed/downloaded. mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down mat_ambient_light_b mat_ambient_light_b mat_ambient_light_g mat_ambient_light_g mat_ambient_light_r mat_ambient_light_r mat_aniso_disable mat_aniso_disable mat_autoexposure_max mat_autoexposure_max mat_autoexposure_max_multiplier mat_autoexposure_max_multiplier mat_autoexposure_min mat_autoexposure_min mat_bloomamount_rate mat_bloomamount_rate mat_bumpbasis mat_bumpbasis mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside mat_colorcorrection mat_colorcorrection mat_configcurrent mat_configcurrent mat_crosshair mat_crosshair mat_crosshair_edit mat_crosshair_edit mat_crosshair_explorer mat_crosshair_explorer mat_crosshair_printmaterial mat_crosshair_printmaterial mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial mat_custommaterialusage mat_custommaterialusage mat_debug_bloom mat_debug_bloom mat_debug_postprocessing_effects mat_debug_postprocessing_effects mat_debugalttab mat_debugalttab mat_disable_bloom mat_disable_bloom mat_displacementmap mat_displacementmap mat_drawflat mat_drawflat mat_drawgray mat_drawgray mat_drawwater mat_drawwater mat_dynamic_tonemapping mat_dynamic_tonemapping mat_dynamiclightmaps mat_dynamiclightmaps mat_dynamicPaintmaps mat_dynamicPaintmaps mat_edit mat_edit mat_exposure_center_region_x mat_exposure_center_region_x mat_exposure_center_region_y mat_exposure_center_region_y mat_fastclip mat_fastclip mat_fastnobump mat_fastnobump mat_fillrate mat_fillrate mat_force_bloom mat_force_bloom mat_force_tonemap_min_avglum mat_force_tonemap_min_avglum mat_force_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels mat_force_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels mat_force_tonemap_percent_target mat_force_tonemap_percent_target mat_force_tonemap_scale mat_force_tonemap_scale mat_forcedynamic mat_forcedynamic mat_frame_sync_enable mat_frame_sync_enable mat_frame_sync_force_texture mat_frame_sync_force_texture mat_fullbright mat_fullbright mat_hdr_enabled mat_hdr_enabled mat_hdr_uncapexposure mat_hdr_uncapexposure mat_hsv mat_hsv mat_info mat_info mat_leafvis mat_leafvis mat_loadtextures mat_loadtextures mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override mat_local_contrast_scale_override mat_local_contrast_scale_override mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override mat_lpreview_mode mat_lpreview_mode mat_luxels mat_luxels mat_measurefillrate mat_measurefillrate mat_monitorgamma mat_monitorgamma mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled mat_morphstats mat_morphstats mat_norendering mat_norendering mat_normalmaps mat_normalmaps mat_normals mat_normals mat_postprocess_enable mat_postprocess_enable mat_powersavingsmode mat_powersavingsmode mat_proxy mat_proxy mat_queue_mode mat_queue_mode mat_queue_priority mat_queue_priority mat_queue_report mat_queue_report mat_reloadallcustommaterials mat_reloadallcustommaterials mat_reloadallmaterials mat_reloadallmaterials mat_reloadmaterial mat_reloadmaterial mat_reloadtextures mat_reloadtextures mat_remoteshadercompile mat_remoteshadercompile mat_rendered_faces_count mat_rendered_faces_count mat_rendered_faces_spew mat_rendered_faces_spew mat_reporthwmorphmemory mat_reporthwmorphmemory mat_reversedepth mat_reversedepth mat_savechanges mat_savechanges mat_setvideomode mat_setvideomode mat_shadercount mat_shadercount mat_show_histogram mat_show_histogram mat_show_texture_memory_usage mat_show_texture_memory_usage mat_showcamerarendertarget mat_showcamerarendertarget mat_showframebuffertexture mat_showframebuffertexture mat_showlowresimage mat_showlowresimage mat_showmaterials mat_showmaterials mat_showmaterialsverbose mat_showmaterialsverbose
  2. Postaram się stworzyć listę komend CSGO i wprowadzić ład w komendach na forum- opisywać je będziemy dokładniej w osobnych wątkach i kategoriach. Nazwa komendy Syntax Opis bot_add bot_add [T / CT] [Difficulty] [Name] This command adds a bot to your current game. If you specify a team (T or CT), the bot will be added to that team. You can also optionally specify a difficulty and a name (if there is an existing profile). bot_add_ct bot_add_ct [Difficulty] [Name] This console command adds a bot to the CT side. If the bot spawns dead, it will respawn at the start of the next round. You can optionally specify a difficulty and a name (if there is an existing profile). bot_addWszystkie _t bot_add_t [Difficulty] [Name] This command adds a bot to the T side. If the bot spawns dead, it will respawn at the start of the next round. You can optionally specify a difficulty and a name (if there is an existing profile). cl_crosshairgap cl_crosshairgap [Gap] This console command will adjust the size of the gap in the middle of your crosshair. The smaller the value, the smaller the gap. cl_crosshairsize cl_crosshairsize This command controls the length and size of the 4 lines that make up a standard crosshair. Using a low value will give your crosshair very slight lines, and using a large value makes your crosshair have very long lines. cl_crosshairstyle cl_crosshairstyle [Style] This command sets the style of your crosshair such as its general shape and whether or not it opens up whenever your character moves around. cl_crosshairthickness cl_crosshairthickness [Thickness] This console command customizes the thickness of your in game crosshair. cl_hud_color cl_hud_color [HUD Color] This is the console command used to change and customize the color of your HUD (heads up display). It can be changed to a variety of colors, which we have listed examples for. cl_hud_playercount_showcount cl_hud_playercount_showcount [0 / 1] This useful console command customizes your HUD by changing the display of players alive on each team from showing each of their Steam avatars to just showing a number for how many of each team is alive. cl_hud_radar_scale cl_hud_radar_scale [Radar Scale] This useful console command controls how much room in your HUD your radar takes up. You can choose to make it a smaller feature or larger than the default value. cl_radar_scale cl_radar_scale [Radar Scale] This command adjusts the scale of your radar, which affects how zoomed in or out the radar is. A lot of players use this command to zoom the radar out and have a complete view of the map. cl_righthand cl_righthand [0 / 1] This is the command that moves your gun to your left hand, also known as the switch hand command. Your gun and other weapons will be on the left side of your screen, which some people prefer. cl_showfps cl_showfps [0 / 1] This command produces a simple FPS (frames per second) count in the top left corner of your screen. Unlike the net_graph command, the only value shown is your FPS, which some players like for its simplicity. demo_pause demo_pause This useful console command is used to pause the demo you're watching. Playback can be resumed with the command demo_resume. demo_resume demo_resume This useful command is used to resume the demo you're watching, if you have previously paused it. To pause demos, use the command demo_pause. demo_timescale demo_timescale [Playback speed] This command sets how quickly the demo is played. In other words, it can be used to fast forward through rounds you're not interested in watching. demo_togglepause demo_togglepause Use this command when watching demos to toggle between being paused or not. The good thing about this command is then it will pause or play the demo, depending on if its running when the command is entered. game_mode game_mode [Game Mode] This command can be used in conjunction with the game_type command to change the type of game you are playing (casual, deathmatch, etc). See argument information for help. game_type game_type [Game Type] This command can be used with the game_mode command to change the game you are playing (e.g. arms race, competitive, etc). See argument information for combinations and help. give give [Kod broni] Komenda pozwalająca na dodanie dowolnej broni. Kody broni znajdziesz tu. hurtme hurtme [Damage] This command will hurt your character with the specified amount of damage (1 = 1HP). mp_ignore_round_win_conditions mp_ignore_round_win_conditions [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable and disable round win conditions. If round win conditions are disabled (ignored), then the conditions that would usually make a round end (e.g. bomb exploding, team being eliminated) will no longer make the round end - the round would last forever, until manually ended. By default, this command is disabled (meaning win conditions are not ignored). mp_warmup_end mp_warmup_end Komenda na koniec rozgrzewki. noclip noclip This command will toggle noclip for your player. When in noclip, you can fly and will pass through solid objects like walls. say say [Message] This command will make you say the specified message in chat. say_team say_team [Message] This command will make you say the specified message in team chat. sensitivity sensitivity [Sensitivity] This command sets your mouse sensitivity to the specified value. unbind unbind [Key] This command removes any bind bound to the specified key. viewmodel_fov viewmodel_fov [FOV] This command sets your client's FOV to the specified number. You can set your FOV to a maximum of 68 using this command. The default field of view is 60. viewmodel_offset_x viewmodel_offset_x [X Offset] This command sets the X offset of your view model - i.e. how far left or right it is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2.5 and the minimum value is -2.5. viewmodel_offset_y viewmodel_offset_y [Y Offset] This command sets the Y offset of your view model - i.e. how close or far from your character is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2. viewmodel_offset_z viewmodel_offset_z [Z Offset] This command sets the Z offset of your view model - i.e. how far up or down it is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2. voice_enable voice_enable [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not voice communication is enabled for your client. Setting this to 0 will disable voice. Default is 1 (enabled). bind bind [Bind Key] ["Bind Command"] This command will bind a command, or list of commands, to a key on your keyboard or button on your mouse. Binds can make your CS:GO experience much more convenient, and is a very important command in the game. bind_osx bind_osx [Bind Key] ["Bind Command"] This command will bind a command, or list of commands, to a key on your keyboard or button on your mouse. This command is for OSX (Mac). bot_difficulty bot_difficulty [Difficulty] This console command sets the difficulty of any bots you add to a private server. Set this to 0 for easy bots, 1 for normal bots, 2 for hard bots and 3 for expert bots. bot_quota bot_quota [Amount] This command adjusts the maximum number of bots you can have in your server. The default value is 10. cl_crosshair_drawoutline cl_crosshair_drawoutline [0 / 1] This console command can be used to enable and disable the small black outline that is around your crosshair. This can enhance crosshair visibility for some players. cl_crosshair_outlinethickness cl_crosshair_outlinethickness [Thickness] This useful console command adjusts how thick the outline of your crosshair is. It is an important command to adjust to ensure your aim is as good as it can be. cl_crosshaircolor cl_crosshaircolor This console command sets the color that your crosshair shows up as. You can set a value between 0 and 4. cl_draw_only_deathnotices cl_draw_only_deathnotices [0 / 1] This console command is especially useful for CS:GO fragmovie makers, as it strips down the UI to only include the crosshair and the kill feed. These are the two things needed in videos. cl_radar_always_centered cl_radar_always_centered [0 / 1] This command decided whether or not your radar is always centered to your location. Turning this feature off can be useful, as when you're by the edge of the map less of the radar's space is taken up by empty space, meaning you can see your surroundings more clearly. cl_radar_rotate cl_radar_rotate [0 / 1] This command toggles whether or not your radar rotates as you rotate and look around with your camera. Some players find disabling this feature makes it easier to use the radar. joy_inverty joy_inverty [0 / 1] This console command is used to set whether you want to invert the Y axis for looking around on a joystick. When this command is turned on, moving the joystick up, or forward, will make your character look down. joy_movement_stick joy_movement_stick [0 / 1 / 2] This console command is used to determine which stick on the joystick controls the movement of your player model. key_listboundkeys key_listboundkeys This console command lists all of the keys and buttons you have that have a specific action bound to them (e.g. the space bar being bound to jump). sv_infinite_ammo sv_infinite_ammo [0 / 1 / 2] This command, if set to 1, will give you infinite ammunition for your weapon allowing you to fire your gun continuously. If you set this command to 2, you will have infinite ammo to reload with, but you will still run out of ammo after firing all of the bullets in your gun's clip. cl_autowepswitch cl_autowepswitch [0 / 1] This command changes whether or not you automatically equip a weapon you just picked up. cl_color cl_color This useful command sets your preference for what color you like to be in matchmaking. This color is shown on the radar and on your Steam avatar when in the lobby. cl_crosshairalpha cl_crosshairalpha [Alpha Value] This command sets how transparent your crosshair is on your screen. The lower the value, the less visible your crosshair is. cl_hud_playercount_pos cl_hud_playercount_pos [0 / 1] Use this command to adjust where the player count (players who are in the server) menu is shown on your HUD. This also changes where the scoreboard is, that shows rounds won by each team. You can place it at the top of your screen or at the bottom. cl_pitchdown cl_pitchdown [Degrees] This fun command controls how many degrees down from eye level you can move your camera. That means you can edit this command to allow you to look under you, effectively looking through your character model's legs at what is behind you. cl_pitchup cl_pitchup [Degrees] This fun console command controls how many degrees from eye level you can look up into the sky. This can be adjusted to let you look so far around that you end up seeing behind you. cl_radar_icon_scale_min cl_radar_icon_scale_min [Icon Scale] This console command changes how large your character dot appears on the radar. cl_showpos cl_showpos [0 / 1] This command will show you values for where exactly on the map you are located. This will appear in the top left of your screen by default. It also shows your velocity (run speed). clear clear This console command clears all of the previous entries and data from the developer console. It is good to do every so often to make the console more readable. inferno_damage inferno_damage [Damage Per Second] This fun console command is used to change how much damage molotov and incendiary grenades do . When cheats are activated, you can set this value to be incredibly high or incredibly low. inferno_flame_lifetime inferno_flame_lifetime [Burn Time] This console command changes how long the fires burn from molotov and incendiary grenades. It allows you to make them last for just a moment, or for an extended period of time. inferno_max_range inferno_max_range [Range] This command sets the maximum distance that flames from a molotov or incendiary grenade can spread from their initial point of impact with the ground. jpeg jpeg [File Name] This command is used to take a screenshot. You can specify the file name in the command. map map [Map Code] Use this console command to instantly change the map you're currently playing to a different map. mp_afterroundmoney mp_afterroundmoney [Amount] This command sets the amount of money that is award to every player on every team at the end of each round, regardless of win/loss. Default is 0 (win/loss bonus is set with a different command). mp_autokick mp_autokick [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the auto kick feature should be enabled. The auto kick feature kicks people for being idle (AFK) and team damage. Default is 1 (enabled). mp_autoteambalance mp_autoteambalance [0 / 1] This command can be used to enable or disable the auto team balance feature. This feature will swap players around teams at the end of a round if there are an unequal amount of players on either time (i.e. if team A has 1 player and team B has 3, at the end of the round, 1 player from team B would be automatically moved over to team A). net_graph net_graph [0 / 1 / 2 / 3] This command will enable (set to 1) and disable (set to 0) the net graph display, which shows ping, FPS and other client variables. notarget notarget This command toggles whether or not bots are aware of your player. When this is enabled, bots will not attack you (or even react to you). sv_grenade_trajectory sv_grenade_trajectory [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (1), shows the trajectory of grenades (as colored lines). Default is 0 (disabled). viewmodel_presetpos viewmodel_presetpos [1 / 2 / 3] This command will set your X/Y/Z viewmodel offsets to a preset configuration. See argument information for help. -cl_show_team_equipment -cl_show_team_equipment This command disables the effect of the +cl_show_team_equipment, which puts the names/equipment of the members of your team permanently above their head. +cl_show_team_equipment +cl_show_team_equipment This command puts the names of your teammates and the equipment they're carrying above their head permanently (usually just shows at the start of the round). Use -cl_show_team_equipment to disable. mp_drop_knife_enable mp_drop_knife_enable [0 / 1] This command allows players to drop their knives. sv_autobunnyhopping sv_autobunnyhopping [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make you automatically bunny hop by holding down the space bar. Default is disabled (1). snd_mvp_volume snd_mvp_volume [Volume] This useful console command sets how long the MVP music is when a player with a MVP kit wins MVP award that round. sv_ledge_mantle_helper sv_ledge_mantle_helper [0 / 1 / 2] This console command, when enabled, makes it easier to crouch jump into windows or ledges. sv_prime_accounts_only sv_prime_accounts_only [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, makes it so that only prime accounts can connect to the server. Default on most servers is 0 (meaning non-prime players can connect). BindToggle BindToggle [Bind Key] ["Bind Command"] This command assigns a hotkey (key on your keyboard, or button on your mouse) to switch through the various values a specified console command has (when pressed or clicked). This is useful for setting up binds that toggle a certain feature. For example,"voice_enable" would be toggled between 0 and 1 (disabled and enabled). cl_autobuy cl_autobuy [Weapon codes] This command is used to set up your autobuy preferences, meaning you can purchase the most vital gear each round by just typing "autobuy" into your console once this is set up. cl_crosshaircolor_b cl_crosshaircolor_b [Blue Value] This console command allows you to set the color of your crosshair with detail, by adjusting its level of blue. The same command exists for red and green. cl_crosshaircolor_g cl_crosshaircolor_g [Green Value] This console command allows you to set the color of your crosshair with detail, by adjusting its level of green. The same command exists for red and blue. cl_crosshaircolor_r cl_crosshaircolor_r [Red Value] This console command allows you to set the color of your crosshair with detail, by adjusting its level of red. The same command exists for green and blue. cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue [0 / 1] When activated, this command will dynamically adjust the size of your crosshair depending on what weapon you have equipped at the time. cl_disablehtmlmotd cl_disablehtmlmotd [0 / 1] This command can be used to disable HTML "messages of the day" (MOTDs)in the client (by setting it to 1). HTML MOTDs are the the web pages/text that pops up when you join a server, sometimes they play volume or loud ads. Default is 0, which makes HTML MOTDs enabled. cl_forwardspeed cl_forwardspeed [Speed] This movement console command is used to set the speed you run at when moving forward. cl_hideserverip cl_hideserverip [0 / 1] This console command is used to hide the IP of your server in your console. This is particularly useful if you're streaming and don't want viewers to be able to catch your IP address, giving them the chance the DDoS the server. cl_hud_healthammo_style cl_hud_healthammo_style [0 / 1] This command is used to toggle between whether or not you want your health & armor bars at the bottom of your screen to show their numeric value (e.g 80 health) and a bar to represent this, or just show the number. cl_idealpitchscale cl_idealpitchscale [Pitch Value] This console command adjusts the pitch of the sound in game, and can cause shooting bullets sound different to usual. cl_rebuy cl_rebuy [Item Order] This console command sets the order in which the game client rebuys your gear. It can be adjusted to give priority to other purchases, such as defuse kits, grenades and more. cl_sidespeed cl_sidespeed [Speed] This movement console command sets how quickly you can move while running sideways. inferno_friendly_fire_duration inferno_friendly_fire_duration [Duration] This command sets how long after you've damaged a teammate with a molotov or an incendiary grenade the server tells you that you've damaged someone on your team. inferno_scorch_decals inferno_scorch_decals [0 / 1] You can use this console command to prevent molotovs and incendiary grenades you throw from leaving scorch decals (scorch marks) on the ground once they burn out. listissues listissues This useful console command produces a list in your developer console of the different things you can vote for in your server . This includes voting to change the map and voting to kick a player. m_rawinput m_rawinput [0 / 1] This command enables raw input from your mouse, if set to 1 (default). When raw input is enabled, input is taken directly from your mouse and your operating system settings (like acceleration, delay, etc) will not come into play. mm_dedicated_search_maxping mm_dedicated_search_maxping [Max Ping] This console command is used to set your max preferred ping when connecting to matchmaking servers. It can be beneficial to adjust this command if you find yourself being put in laggy servers. mp_buy_allow_grenades mp_buy_allow_grenades [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not players can purchase any form of grenade from the buy menu. Default is 1 (enabled). mp_buy_anywhere mp_buy_anywhere [0 / 1 / 2 / 3] This command can be used to set whether or not players can access the buy menu when they are outside of the buyzone. Note that they still need to be within the buy time period - you can change the buy time period with mp_buytime. mp_buy_during_immunity mp_buy_during_immunity [0 / 1 / 2 / 3] This command makes it so that players can buy when they are immune, regardless of the current buy time. This is used commonly in deathmatch servers. See argument information for options. Default is 0 (disabled). mp_buytime mp_buytime [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time (in seconds) that players have after a round starts to purchase items. This is the time period AFTER the round countdown. So players have the countdown at the start of the round (usually 15 seconds), plus this time period to buy. mp_c4timer mp_c4timer [Seconds] This command sets how many seconds it takes for the bomb to explode after it has been planted by the terrorists. Default is 40 seconds or 35 seconds, depending on gamemode. mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time [Seconds] This command sets the amount of time (in seconds) that the scoreboard will show for (or voting time there will be) after a competitive match ends. Default is 15 seconds. mp_ct_default_grenades mp_ct_default_grenades [Grenade Code(s)] This command sets the default grenades that counter terrorists spawn with. Default is none (0). Separate multiple grenades with spaces. Name Syntax Description mp_ct_default_melee mp_ct_default_melee [Weapon Code(s)] This command sets the default melee weapon that counter terrorists spawn with at the start of the round. Default is weapon_knife. mp_ct_default_primary mp_ct_default_primary [Weapon Code(s)] This command sets the default primary weapon that counter terrorists spawn with at the start of the round. Default is none (0). mp_ct_default_secondary mp_ct_default_secondary [Weapon Code(s)] This command sets the default secondary weapon that counter terrorists spawn with at the start of the round. Default is weapon_hkp2000. mp_death_drop_c4 mp_death_drop_c4 [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the C4 (bomb) is droppable. Default is 1 (droppable). mp_death_drop_defuser mp_death_drop_defuser [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not defuse kits are dropped on death. Default is 1 (dropped on death). mp_death_drop_grenade mp_death_drop_grenade [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets which grenade (if any) to drop when a player is killed. See argument information for help. Default is 1 (their best). mp_death_drop_gun mp_death_drop_gun [0 / 1 / 2] This command sets which gun should be dropped when a player is killed. Default is 1 (their best). mp_deathcam_skippable mp_deathcam_skippable [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not the deathcam can be skipped. Default is 1 (skippable). mp_default_team_winner_no_objective mp_default_team_winner_no_objective [Team] If your map does not have an objective, this command will set who wins the game when the time runs out. mp_defuser_allocation mp_defuser_allocation [0 / 1 / 2] This command can be used to set whether or not players should receive defusers (for free) at the start of the round, and if so, who should receive the defusers. mp_disable_autokick mp_disable_autokick [User ID] This command will stop the user with the specified userid from being autokicked. Note that this user id is not their steam ID, the user ID is the number that shows in the "status" command. mp_display_kill_assists mp_display_kill_assists [0 / 1] This command will set whether or not assists are shown in the killfeed. Default is yes (1). mp_dm_bonus_length_max mp_dm_bonus_length_max [Seconds] This command sets the maximum duration of the bonus time in deathmatch. A random time between this value and mp_dm_bonus_length_min will be chosen. voice_scale voice_scale [0 - 1] This command sets the volume of voice communications (i.e. how loud all other players microphones are). Default is 1 (loudest), 0 would mute, 0.5 would be 50% volume. +use +use This command will prompt you to perform the "use" action on an item or object if its applicable. For example, this command will make you plant the bomb if you're on a bombsite carrying the bomb when you use it. It can also open doors if you're in front of one. It acts in a similar way to the E key on a default keyboard setup. Use the -use command afterwards, as otherwise you will not be able to use this command again. -use -use If you have previously used the +use command, you must run this command after (to deactivate it), so that you can use the +use command again. addip addip [Minutes Banned] [IP Address ] This console command bans the specified IP from the server for the specified amount of minutes. Specify 0 as the amount of minutes to ban permanently. alias alias [Alias] ["Command"] The alias command in CS:GO allows you to assign a longer command or commands to a custom phrase that you enter into your console. banid banid [Minutes] [User ID] This command will ban the user with the specified ID from the server, and add them to the banlist so that they cannot reconnect. The user ID of a user can be obtained by typing status into the console: the user ID is first number before a player's name in the list of players that is printed by that command. banip banip [Minutes] [IP Address ] This command is an alias of the "addip" command. This console command bans the specified IP from the server for the specified amount of minutes. Specify 0 as the amount of minutes to ban permanently. bot_dont_shoot bot_dont_shoot [0 / 1] This command can be used to prevent NPC characters (bots) from being able to fire guns. bot_kill bot_kill [Kill Criteria] This command kills all of the bots in your selected criteria. Unlike the bot_kick command, this doesn't remove them from server, and means that all killed bots will respawn on the next round. bot_knives_only bot_knives_only [0 / 1] This console command forces all bots on the server to use knives. cl_backspeed cl_backspeed [Movement speed] This console command changes how quickly your character runs backwards. cl_bobamt_lat cl_bobamt_lat [Value] This console command adjusts how much your viewmodel & gun barrel moves side to side when you're running. cl_cmdrate cl_cmdrate [Packets sent] This command sets the max number of command packets that are sent from your client to the CS:GO servers each second. cl_crosshairdot cl_crosshairdot [0 / 1] This command adds a dot in the center of your crosshair. If you reduce cl_crosshairsize to 0, you can set it so you only have a dot. cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding [Bind Key] This command allows you to change what key turns mouse selection on while you have the scoreboard open . This is defaulted to +attack2 (usually right-click), and is what lets you use your mouse to click on people's names when you toggle open the scoreboard. cl_spec_mode cl_spec_mode [0 / 1] This useful console command is used to save your most recent spectator mode and settings for the next time you spectate a game. cl_wpn_sway_scale cl_wpn_sway_scale [Sway Value] This fun command adjusts how much your gun sways when you look around with the camera. On law values the weapon will hardly move, and at high values a slight movement will have your gun flying around. demo_gototick demo_gototick [Tick] Forces the demo you're watching to skip to a certain tick. exit exit This command will quit your game. inferno_max_flames inferno_max_flames [Max Flames] This command is used to set the maximum number of flames that can be created from a single molotov or an incendiary grenade. inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration [Time] This command is the time in seconds that each new flame in an incendiary grenade or molotov will try to create new flames. invnext invnext This command switches to the next item in your inventory. If you have your rifle equipped it will swap to your pistol, and if you have your pistol equipped it will swap you to your knife. invnextgrenade invnextgrenade This command switches what you have equipped to the next grenade in your inventory. That means if your rifle is drawn you will switch to a grenade, and then using the command again will cycle you through to the next available grenade on you. invnextitem invnextitem This command switches to the next item in your inventory. This does not include guns, so will move between items such as your knife and grenades only. invnextnongrenade invnextnongrenade This command equips the next item in your inventory that isn't a grenade. It also ignores knives, so will only switch between the guns you have in your inventory. invprev invprev This command works backwards through your inventory, equipping you with the item that is the previous selection of what you currently have out. That means that using this command when you have your knife out equips your pistol, and using it with your pistol out equips your rifle (if you have one). m_pitch m_pitch [Y Sensitivity] This command controls the sensitivity of your Y axis . That means it only adjusts your look sensitivity when looking up or down. m_yaw m_yaw [X Sensitivity] This console command is used to adjust your mouse sensitivity only on the X axis , which is looking left/right. mp_give_player_c4 mp_give_player_c4 [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not a player (on T side) should be given a bomb at the start of the round. Default depends on gamemode, for demolition gamemodes, this setting is enabled (1). sv_maxvelocity sv_maxvelocity [Speed] This command sets the maximum speed any moving object in the game can reach. Default is 3500. Use sv_maxspeed for player speed. player_nevershow_communityservermessage player_nevershow_communityservermessage [0 / 1] This console command is used to toggle between whether you want to show the custom message whenever you join a community server that has one. +showscores +showscores This command will make the in game scoreboard appear. Unlike holding TAB, it will stay on your screen without you needing to press anything. Disable it with the -showscores command. +zoom +zoom This command will make make your AWP, or any other weapon with a scope (e.g. scout) scope in. The weapon will continue to be scoped in/out until the command -zoom is used. The command may activate the "zoom" feature of other weapons like the stab of a knife or the burst fire switch of the glock. -score -score This command hides the CS:GO scoreboard if you brought it up with a command like +score. -showscores -showscores This command dismisses the scoreboard if you've brought up it permanently through a command like +showscores or +score. bot_freeze bot_freeze [0 / 1] This cheat command prevents bots (NPC characters) from being able to move. bot_loadout bot_loadout [Weapon Codes] This command sets what bots in your server will spawn with, such as particular weapon and grenade setups. bot_max_vision_distance_override bot_max_vision_distance_override [-1 / 1] This command overides the max distance value that bots are set, meaning they will or won't (depending on setting) be able to see you from much further across the map than usual. bot_mimic bot_mimic [0 / 1] This command, if enabled (set to 1), will make all bots relay your actions. If you jump, all bots will jump, if you shoot, all bots will shoot, etc. bot_stop bot_stop [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, causes bots to stop what they're doing. This means they will stop moving, shooting and all other processes until you turn the command off (by setting it to 0, which is default). callvote callvote This command brings up the option to call a vote in game, either to kick a player or to change map. You can select which vote you're calling after entering the command, and if the vote you call then receives a large majority of player votes to one side or another that decision is forced (e.g. the player you're voting to kick would be kicked if the large majority of players voted yes). changelevel changelevel [Map Name] This command is used to change the map you're playing on. cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio [Ratio] This console command is what determines the ratio of the inner and outer lines when using the cl_crosshairstyle 2 command. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod [Alpha Value] When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the command that adjusts the transparency of the inner crosshair. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod [Alpha Value] When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this is the command that adjusts the transparency of the outer crosshair. cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist [Value] When using cl_crosshairstyle 2, this command sets how far apart the two crosshairs move apart when your character model moves. cl_disablefreezecam cl_disablefreezecam [0 / 1] This console command is used to disable the freezecam that replays your death to you in certain servers. Some players choose to remove it to save time and reduce tilt. cl_hud_background_alpha cl_hud_background_alpha [Alpha Value] This console command adjusts how transparent some areas of your HUD (heads up display) appear on your screen. An example of this is how visible the shaded box is behind your current amount of money to the left of your screen. cl_hud_bomb_under_radar cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [0 / 1] This command toggles whether or not your HUD (heads up display) includes the image of a bomb underneath your radar whenever you are carrying the bomb. cl_resend cl_resend [Wait time] This command sets the amount of time the game client will wait before resending a connection attempt, should the previous one have failed. cl_show_clan_in_death_notice cl_show_clan_in_death_notice [0 / 1] This console command determines whether or not a player's clan tag shows up in your kill feed. By default this is turned on, but it can be turned off. inferno_flame_spacing inferno_flame_spacing [Spacing] This console command changes the distance between separate flame spawns when using molotov and incendiary grenades. joystick_force_disabled_set_from_options joystick_force_disabled_set_from_options [0 / 1] Sets external controllers you've connected to the game enabled or disabled, depending on the command's setting. This command manually changes the selected option for whether controllers are enabled in the game settings, too. key_findbinding key_findbinding [Bind Key] This console command produces a list in your developer console of what certain keys are bound to, such as the B key on your keyboard being bound to opening the buy menu. kick kick [Username] This command is used to kick, or to vote to kick, a certain player in the game, that you specifiy by entering their username. kill kill This command will kill your character instantly, whatever health they are on. m_customaccel m_customaccel [0 / 1 / 2 / 3] This command is used to choose what level of custom mouse acceleration you have. It can be set to disabled, or from a couple of choices. m_customaccel_exponent m_customaccel_exponent [Start Point] This is the command that sets what speed you need to be moving your mouse before the custom mouse acceleration kicks in, if you have that command enabled too. m_customaccel_max m_customaccel_max [Max Point] This is the console command that determines the limit for how fast your mouse can move depending on how fast you're moving it in real life. It can be set to have no limit. m_customaccel_scale m_customaccel_scale [Scale] This is the command that determines what the value is for the custom mouse acceleration command. The higher this is, the faster your mouse acceleration will be. m_mouseaccel1 m_mouseaccel1 [Value] This console command sets the mouse acceleration value for its initial threshold, up to 2x movement speed. m_mouseaccel2 m_mouseaccel2 [Value] This console command sets the mouse acceleration value for its second threshold, up to 4x movement speed. m_mousespeed m_mousespeed [0 / 1 / 2] This is the command used to set your preferences for Windows mouse acceleration. mp_halftime mp_halftime [0 / 1] This command sets whether or not teams are switched at half time. Default is 1, which is enabled. mp_halftime_duration mp_halftime_duration [Seconds] This command sets the duration of half time, in seconds. unbindall unbindall This command removes all binds from all keys. Note that this will remove binds from keys like W, A, S and D, so you won't be able to move until re-binding. bot_kick bot_kick [Kick Criteria] This console command is used to kick bots from the server. You can select from kicking all bots, a certain team's bots, or only bots of a certain difficulty depending on what values you enter with the command. bot_place bot_place This will spawn a bot on your server based on where your player model is standing. You don't need to add anything additional to this command - its plain form will spawn a bot in front of you. You sometimes need to enter this command a few times for it to place a bot. buddha buddha Entering this command toggles buddha mode on and off. Buddha mode means that you still take damage when shot, but you can't die. When you reach 0 hp your health bar will show 1 hp, no matter how much you keep getting shot. It works very similarly to the "god" command to toggle god mode. buyrandom buyrandom This console command purchases a random primary and secondary weapon. You do need the funds to make the purchase though, meaning this command is mainly used in deathmatch and other servers where you have unlimited money. cash_player_killed_enemy_factor cash_player_killed_enemy_factor [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets how much money is earned or lost by killing an enemy player with one of the main weapons (default pistols, primary rifles like the AK/M4, etc) cl_crosshairusealpha cl_crosshairusealpha [0 / 1] Adjusts the transparency of your crosshair. cl_disable_ragdolls cl_disable_ragdolls [0 / 1] This command is used to turn ragdolling off, something that can sometimes cause dead bodies to behave weirdly as it attempts to display the animation in a more detailed way. cl_drawhud cl_drawhud [0 / 1] This command can be used to completely hide all features of your HUD (heads up display) or to enable them to show again. cl_maxrenderable_dist cl_maxrenderable_dist [Render Distance] This command allows you to set the max distance from the camera that an object can be rendered onto your screen. cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard [0 / 1] This command decided whether the radar is a square or a circle whenever you toggle the scoreboard open. cl_showhelp cl_showhelp [0 / 1] This console command controls showing on-screen help tips while you're in game. You can turn this off in the settings menu and also with this command. cl_spec_stats cl_spec_stats [0 / 1] This command is used to hide or show stats in spectator mode, something many observers choose to hide. crosshair crosshair [0 / 1] You can use this console command to toggle whether or not your crosshair is visible in game. demo_listhighlights demo_listhighlights This command produces a list of the highlights data extracted from the demo you're watching. Data will be pasted into your developer console. demo_listimportantticks demo_listimportantticks Use this command for a list of the ticks that the game client determined to be important in a specific demo. rcon rcon [Command] This command will issue the specified rcon command (i.e. issues the specified command on your server). Rcon means remote console - it allows you to execute server commands from the client. rcon_address rcon_address [IP Address] The IP address of the remote console you wish to connect to (default is the address of your own server). Change this only if the rcon address for the server you are connected to is different from the server's IP. rcon_password rcon_password [Password] This command will authenticate you for rcon with the specified password. sv_noclipspeed sv_noclipspeed [Multiplier] This command sets the speed multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you can reach speeds 5 times as fast as those set by sv_maxspeed. voice_forcemicrecord voice_forcemicrecord [0 / 1] This command, if set to 0, will make CS:GO not use your operating system's device set as the default microphone device. voice_loopback voice_loopback [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make your microphone playback via your speakers (i.e. you will hear your microphone). Default is 0 (disabled). Usually there is a little delay, this is normal. Name Syntax Description voice_threshold voice_threshold [Threshold] This command sets the volume theshold at which your microphone will be enabled if you are using voice activation. In other words, when your microphone is louder than this value, it will be transmitted in-game. bot_allow_grenades bot_allow_grenades [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use grenades. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_machine_guns bot_allow_machine_guns [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use machine guns. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_pistols bot_allow_pistols [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use pistols. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_rifles bot_allow_rifles [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use rifles. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_rogues bot_allow_rogues [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to "go rogue" randomly, when bots are rogue, they don't respond to radio commands. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_shotguns bot_allow_shotguns [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use shotguns. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_snipers bot_allow_snipers [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use sniper rifles. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_allow_sub_machine_guns bot_allow_sub_machine_guns [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, allows bots to use SMGs. Default is 1, set to 0 to disallow. bot_coop_force_throw_grenade_chance bot_coop_force_throw_grenade_chance [0 - 1] This command sets the chance a bot has of forcefully throwing a grenade in a coop mission. bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance [Distance] This command sets the maximum distance at which bots can see enemies in cooperative missions when they are idle, dormant, hiding or asleep. bot_ignore_players bot_ignore_players [0 / 1] [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make bots be unable to see/react to players that aren't bots. Default is 0 (disabled). cameraman_override cameraman_override [0 / 1] This command (if set to 1) will make you override the primary camera man, provided you are the secondary camera man. mp_damage_headshot_only mp_damage_headshot_only [0 / 1] Turning this command on means that damage to other players can only be done through headshots. Time to test your aim. +alt1 +alt1 This command activates the ALT1 (left ALT) key on your keyboard (the same as holding down the ALT key). Use -alt1 to deactivate. +alt2 +alt2 This command activates the ALT2 (right ALT) key on your keyboard (the same as holding down the ALT key). Use -alt2 to deactivate. +attack +attack This console command causes you to attack repeatedly. Use the command -attack to stop this. If you have a gun equipped while using this command it will make you fire until you need to reload. +attack2 +attack2 This command will activate your secondary attack repeatedly. To stop this, use the -attack2 command. For example, this command makes you scope in with an AWP, or stab if you have your knife out. +back +back This command will make your character move backwards continuously. Type -back into your console to disable this. +break +break This command wil activate the break key on your keyboard. Usually called "Pause / Break". This command does not work with most keyboard formats. +duck +duck This movement console command will make your character crouch, similarly to how holding the left CTRL key on a keyboard works. -duck will make you stand up again. +forward +forward This movement command makes your character move forward infinitely. Use -forward to disable this. +graph +graph This console command brings up a graph on your screen displaying stats like FPS, ping and choke. It is similar to using your net graph. +jump +jump This movement command causes your character to jump once into the air. It will also unbind your jump key, so enter -jump into your console to fix this. +movedown +movedown This command only works in noclip mode and in demos: this command will make you (or your free-roam camera in demos) move downwards. Use -movedown to stop moving downwards. +moveleft +moveleft This command will make your character move to the left. The -moveleft console command will stop your character from moving to the left after running this command. +moveright +moveright This command will make your character move to the right. The -moveright console command will stop your character from moving to the left after running this command. +moveup +moveup This command only works in noclip mode and in demos: this command will make you (or your free-roam camera in demos) move upwards. Use -moveup to stop moving upwards. +reload +reload This command will prompt your character to reload their weapon if any bullets have been fired, and if not deactivated, will cause your character to reload instantly after firing a single bullet. Deactivate this command with the -reload command. +right +right This command makes your camera spin endlessly to the right. Using the command -right will stop this effect. +score +score This command will bring up the match scoreboard that displays statistics such as kills, deaths, and how many MVP medals each player has. Use the command -score to hide the scoreboard. -alt1 -alt1 This command will deactivate the alt1 key, which is usually activated with the +alt1 command. -alt2 -alt2 This console command stops the action that the command +alt2 commands. -attack -attack This is the command needed to stop firing or attacking if you've the +attack command. -attack2 -attack2 This is the command you need to stop the infinite attack cycle that +attack2 causes, such as repeatedly stabbing if you have your knife equipped. -back -back Using this console command stops your character walking backwards if you previously used the +back command. -duck -duck If you're crouched, this cheat command will make you stand back up. -forward -forward This is the command to use to stop your character walking forward if you've got them in an endless movement cycle. -graph -graph This cheat command will dismiss the statistics graph that can be summoned by using the +graph command. -movedown -movedown This command will deactivate the +movedown command (will stop you or your camera from moving downwards). -moveleft -moveleft This cheat command stops your character from moving if they've been set to move endlessly to the left. -moveright -moveright This command prevents your character from moving any further if they've been set to move endlessly to the right. -moveup -moveup This command will deactivate the +moveup command (will stop you or your camera from moving upwards). -reload -reload This command will deactivate the +reload command (as after using the +reload command, you will instantly reload after firing any bullets). -right -right This console command stops your camera from spinning in circles if you've set it to rotate endlessly to the right. -speed -speed This command will return the speed of your character back to running speed/normal if you've slowed it down with a command like +speed. -strafe -strafe This command disables the effect from the +strafe command, where your mouse will move your character sideways rather than look around with the camera. -zoom -zoom This command breaks the infinite loop cycle of scoping in and out on a scoped weapon like the AWP or stabbing with your knife that +zoom causes. bot_crouch bot_crouch [0 / 1] This command, if set to 1, will make all bots in the game crouch. Set to 0 to disable. bot_join_team bot_join_team [T / CT / Any] This console command is used to set which team bots should join when adding more to a server with the "bot_add" command. You can choose between Terrorist side, Counter-Terroists or any team. bot_quota_mode bot_quota_mode [Mode] The mode that the number of bots should be controlled by. Options are: normal, fill and match. Normal is normal behaviour. Fill will fill the server with as many bots as "bot_quota" is set to. Match will keep a 1 human : bot_quota ratio of bots. bot_randombuy bot_randombuy [0 / 1] This command clears the preference settings of what bots are programmed to buy, and instead casues them to purchase items randomly with the money they have. bot_snipers_only bot_snipers_only This cheat command restricts bots to only be able to use sniper rifles, such as the AWP. bot_zombie bot_zombie [0 / 1] Puts bots into zombie mode, causing them idle and not to attack or fire their guns. buymenu buymenu This command will show or hide the buy menu, as long as you are standing in the buy zone and are within the time limit to buy items. It works similarly as pressing B on a default keyboard setup. c_maxdistance c_maxdistance [Maximum distance] This command controls how far away your camera be at a maximum from your camera in third person mode. Set c_mindistance to the same value to avoid third person camera stuttering. c_mindistance c_mindistance [Minimum distance] This command controls how close the minimum distance your camera can be away from your character when in third person mode. Set c_maxdistance to the same value to avoid third person camera stuttering. cash_team_elimination_bomb_map cash_team_elimination_bomb_map [Money Earned/Lost] This console command sets how much money each team member earns when they eliminate all 5 enemies in a bomb defusal map , like Mirage or Dust II. cl_bobup cl_bobup [Value] Adjusts how much your viewmodel & weapon bobs up when running. cl_fixedcrosshairgap cl_fixedcrosshairgap [Gap] This console command alters the gap inbetween the pips (the four lines that form a crosshair) when using the fixed crosshair. cl_freezecameffects_showholiday cl_freezecameffects_showholiday [0 / 1] This command is used to set whether or not the freezecam (kill cam) is decorated in a festive theme, such as with snow around to commemorate Christmas. cl_showloadout cl_showloadout [0 / 1] Use this console command to toggle between showing your current loadout or not. This includes your weapons and grenades that show up in the bottom left of your screen. cl_spec_follow_grenade_key cl_spec_follow_grenade_key [0 / 1 / 2] This console command is used by observers or anybody spectating the game. It assigns a key that you can press to follow the trajectory of a grenade as it's being thrown. cl_spec_show_bindings cl_spec_show_bindings [0 / 1] You can use this console command in spectator mode to toggle a list of the spectator binds that are possible to set up. getpos getpos This command would print your current location to the console (both position and camera angle) as setpos and setang commands. Using these commands will return you to the position you are at when you typed the getpos command. getpos_exact getpos_exact This command would print to the console your origin and camera angle to the console. inferno_initial_spawn_interval inferno_initial_spawn_interval [Time] This command sets how long it takes for a molotov or incendiary grenade to bloom out and reach its maximum spread. If you set this value higher than the time the molotov is active, it will never reach its full size and stay contained to just a small section of where you threw it. inferno_max_child_spawn_interval inferno_max_child_spawn_interval [Time] Use this command to set the longest period of time that can pass before a molotov or incendiary grenade's child flames spawn. joy_sidesensitivity joy_sidesensitivity [Sensitivity] This is a joystick command that sets what sensitivity your sideways camera movement uses. The higher you set this value, the less you need to move the joystick to look sideways. load load [Game Name] This command allows you to load a saved file. You can use this when you're not in multiplayer to bring up a demo file of yours or something similar. writeid writeid This command saves the list of user IDs that have been banned to banned_user.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts. writeip writeip This command saves the list of IPs that have been banned to banned_ip.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts. mp_buy_allow_guns mp_buy_allow_guns [1 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 255] This console command adjusts the rules in your server on what guns players can purchase. +speed +speed This console command will slow down the movement speed of your character. Type the command -speed to return your movement speed back to normal. +strafe +strafe This command prevents your mouse from being able to adjust where your player model is looking. Instead, your mouse will cause you to move to the side, or strafe. Turn this off with the -strafe command. +voicerecord +voicerecord This a useful console command that, when activated, will start continuously transmitting what you say to your teammates in game, meaning you don't need to hold down a mic hotkey. The command -voicerecord disables this command and stops transmitting what you say to your team. Check our examples for a way to bind this to a key. -voicerecord -voicerecord This console command will stop transmitting voice communication if you've used a command that lets you communicate without holding down a hotkey. Check the examples for a bind to toggle between transmitting voice and not doing so. ammo_338mag_max ammo_338mag_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .338 MAG ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. This ammo is used only by the AWP. ammo_357sig_max ammo_357sig_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .357 SIG ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. This ammo is used by the: P228, P250 and P2000. The P250, however, has a value that's set/overriden by the ammo_357sig_p250_max command. ammo_357sig_min_max ammo_357sig_min_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the clip size (amount of bullets before you need to reload) for guns with .357 SIG ammo. If this value is lower than the default, this is the amount you will receive in your clip when you respawn with, or buy guns with this ammo. If higher than the default, you will need to top-up your clip with the givecurrentammo command. ammo_357sig_p250_max ammo_357sig_p250_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for the P250 (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_357sig_small_max ammo_357sig_small_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .357 SIG ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. This ammo is used by the: P228, P250 and P2000. The P250, however, has a value that's set/overriden by the ammo_357sig_p250_max command. ammo_45acp_max ammo_45acp_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .45 ACP ammo (the amount of extra bullets you carry to reload with). This is also the amount of ammo that you will respawn with/receive when you buy a gun. This ammo is used by the: MAC-10, UMP45 and the USP-S. The USP-S, however ammo_50AE_max ammo_50AE_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_556mm_box_max ammo_556mm_box_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_556mm_max ammo_556mm_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_556mm_small_max ammo_556mm_small_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_57mm_max ammo_57mm_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_762mm_max ammo_762mm_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_9mm_max ammo_9mm_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with .50 AE ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_buckshot_max ammo_buckshot_max [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of ammo you can carry for guns with buckshot ammo (the amount of extra bullets you spawn with/receive when you buy a gun, that you can reload with). If this value is lower than the default amount, you will spawn with this amount of extra ammo. If this is higher than the default amount that you spawn with, you will need to use the givecurrentammo command to top your ammo up to its new maximum level. ammo_grenade_limit_default ammo_grenade_limit_default [Maximum Amount] This command sets the amount of any grenade type that isn't a flashbang you can carry at a given time, provided you have room in your grenade slots. With this at 1 (default) you could carry only 1 HE grenade at any given time, with this at 2, you could carry 2 HE grenades at any given time, etc. ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum amount of flashbangs you can buy/carry at any given time. ammo_grenade_limit_total ammo_grenade_limit_total [Maximum Amount] This command sets the maximum total amount of grenades you can carry at any given time. With this at 3, you can only carry a total of three grenades at any given time. bot_all_weapons bot_all_weapons Using this command will allow bots on a private server to use all weapons if the option to do so has been disabled. bot_chatter bot_chatter [Value] This command sets the rules for what the bots can say in game. Possible values are "off", "radio", "minimal", or "normal". bot_show_battlefront bot_show_battlefront [0 / 1] This command highlights the areas of the map where rushing bots (and players if they run straight from spawn) from both teams will encounter each first. This is areas such as A Ramp and the Window in mid on Mirage. It can be useful to see where you will encounter enemies when rushing, though it does need cheats enabled. bot_traceview bot_traceview This command, if enabled (set to 1), will enable "traceview" debug features, in which bots "tracers" (the line of their sight) will be drawn on your screen. cash_player_bomb_defused cash_player_bomb_defused [Money Earned/Lost] This command changes how much money a player earns for defusing the bomb. It can't give more than the max amount of money you can hold in a specific server. cash_player_bomb_planted cash_player_bomb_planted [Money Earned/Lost] This cheat command alters how much money a player gets for planting the bomb. You can't earn more than the max money on a specific server. Name Syntax Description cash_player_killed_teammate cash_player_killed_teammate [Money Earned/Lost] This cheat command sets how much money is earned or lost for killing a teammate. cash_player_rescued_hostage cash_player_rescued_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] Sets the money earned or lost for rescuing a hostage safely in hostage mode. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct [Money Earned/Lost] This console command sets how much money each team member earns on the CT side when they eliminate all 5 Terrorists on a hostage map. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets how much money each Terrorist earns for winning a round in a hostage map by elimination. cash_team_hostage_alive cash_team_hostage_alive [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the amount of money earned or lost for a hostage surviving a round. The default is $0. cash_team_hostage_interaction cash_team_hostage_interaction [Money Earned/Lost] This console command chooses how much money is earned or lost for a player interacting with a hostage. cash_team_loser_bonus cash_team_loser_bonus [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the base cash earned by a team for losing a round. This then rises in set increments, which is controlled by a separate command. cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds [Money Earned/Lost] This console command sets the cash increase for a string of losses to climb by. Having this value at $500 (default) means each consecutive lost round awards $500 more than the previous to the losing team, up until 5 lost rounds in a row. cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the amount of money the Terrorist team earns for planting a bomb that is ultimately defused. This stacks along with the round loss bonus. The default value is $800. cl_clanid cl_clanid This console command will generate a unique ID based on the current clan tag you have active. If you aren't displaying a clan tag, the command won't do anything. cl_dm_buyrandomweapons cl_dm_buyrandomweapons [0 / 1] When this command is enabled, each time you spawn in deathmatch you will have a random weapon. cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic [0 / 1] This command adjusts whether freezecams (kill cams) show movement in its kill panel. By default this is set to on. cl_game_mode_convars cl_game_mode_convars Use this command to produce a list of the active convars in your current game server, such as bot difficulty and the game mode you're playing. cl_jiggle_bone_debug cl_jiggle_bone_debug [0 / 1] This command shows the player debugging information related to the bone physics in NPCs and other character models. It will create light beams showing how each bone is working at that time, so is useful for fixing issues with physics. cl_observercrosshair cl_observercrosshair [0 / 1] This is the console command that controls whether or not you have a crosshair when spectating/observing players. cl_ragdoll_gravity cl_ragdoll_gravity [Gravity Value] This console command dictates the gravity that controls the physics of ragdolls (death animations). cl_reload_hud cl_reload_hud This command is used to reset the HUD scale back to default, and tweaks the border settings back to their original value. clear_anim_cache clear_anim_cache This command wipes (clears) the animation cache, which frees up its memory until the next time you need to streaming animblock. clear_debug_overlays clear_debug_overlays This command is used to wipe (clear) all the debug overlays active. demolist demolist Prints the demo sequence list in your developer console for you to see. demos demos This command returns you to the homescreen of CS:GO, though in some cases it can crash your game . inferno_spawn_angle inferno_spawn_angle [Degrees] This console command adjusts the angle from which child flames burn to their parent. You can use it to edit slightly the way that molotovs spread when they burn. inferno_surface_offset inferno_surface_offset [Offset] This command edits the surface offset used in incendiary grenades and molotovs when they hit the ground and begin burning. joy_response_move joy_response_move [0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5] This console command sets the movement stick reponse mode on a joystick. key_updatelayout key_updatelayout Use this console command to update your in game keyboard layout to match your current keyboard layout on windows. light_crosshair light_crosshair This command prints the luxel value of your crosshair in the console. listdemo listdemo When in a demo file, putting this command into your console will show you a list of the contents in this particular demo. slot0 slot0 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 0. slot1 slot1 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 1. slot10 slot10 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 10. slot11 slot11 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 11. slot2 slot2 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 2. slot3 slot3 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 3. slot4 slot4 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 4. slot5 slot5 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 5. slot6 slot6 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 6. slot7 slot7 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 7. slot8 slot8 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 8. slot9 slot9 This command switches your active slot (what you are holding in your hand) to slot 9. voice_mute voice_mute [Player #] This command mutes the user with the specified ID. Find the ID of a user with the voice_show_mute command. voice_show_mute voice_show_mute This command prints a list of players (with their player #s) who can be muted. voice_unmute voice_unmute [Player #] This command unmutes a player who you have previously muted with the voite_mute command. Use voice_reset_mutelist to reset all mutes. mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 [0 / 1] This console command allows any player, T or CT, to pick up the C4 if it's on the ground. mp_c4_cannot_be_defused mp_c4_cannot_be_defused [0 / 1] This console command sets whether or not the C4 can be defused once it has been planted. mp_consecutive_loss_max mp_consecutive_loss_max [Rounds Lost] This command is used to set how many rounds in a row it takes for teams to start earning the max loss bonus. mp_coop_force_join_ct mp_coop_force_join_ct [0 / 1] When this command is turned on, whenever a real player joins the server (not a NPC), they will auto join the CT side. mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset [Offset] This command sets the difficulty offset modifier for bots during co-op missions only. mp_death_drop_taser mp_death_drop_taser [0 / 1] This console command is used to decide whether or not the taser (zeus) is dropped when a player dies. +camdistance +camdistance Third person mode only command. This command will put your client in "cam distance mode", when in cam distance mode, moving your mouse will zoom the camera in and out (changing the camera distance). +camin +camin Third person mode only command. This command will zoom your camera as close-in as it possibly can zoom to your player (or the player you're spectating). +cammousemove +cammousemove This command will stop your mouse movements from controling your player, allowing you to move the camera to a different position. For example, you could move the camera in front of the player after enabling this command: if this command was not enabled, your player would rotate as you move your mouse. Use -cammousemove to re-activate normal behaviour. +camout +camout Third person mode only command. This command will move your camera as far out as it possibly can be from your character (or the player you're spectating). Use -camout to revert to normal. +campitchdown +campitchdown Third person mode only. This command will set your camera's pitch value (the pitch axis, aka the up/down axis) to its lowest possible value, making your camera face the player from the ground. Use -campitchdown to restore to normal. +campitchup +campitchup Third person mode only. This command will set your camera's pitch value (the pitch axis, aka the up/down axis) to its highest possible value, making your camera face the player from the sky. Use -campitchup to restore to normal. +camyawleft +camyawleft Third person mode only. This command will rotate your camera in a leftwards direction around your character along its yaw axis (left/right). Use -camyawleft to restore to normal. +camyawright +camyawright Third person mode only. This command will rotate your camera in a rightwards direction around your character along its yaw axis (left/right). Use -camyawright to restore to normal. +commandermousemove +commandermousemove This command will move the mouse of the Commander from the "Weapons Course", which has since been removed from the game. +jlook +jlook This console command allows you to use a joystick to move your camera. +klook +klook This command prevents you from being able to move forward with your keyboard. Use the -klook command to disable it. +left +left This command causes your camera to endlessly rotate in a left direction. Using the -left command will end the cycle. +mat_texture_list +mat_texture_list Toggles a display of the textures in the game. This command can frequently crash your CS:GO client, so use with caution. +showbudget +showbudget This console command brings up a display panel on your screen that displays various technical statistics about CS:GO and your network. Entering -showbudget will hide the panel. +showbudget_texture +showbudget_texture Using this cheat command brings up a display on the left side of your screen that displays statistics about your game textures on a per frame basis. These include skybox textures, world textures and more. -showbudget_texture will hide this graph. +showbudget_texture_global +showbudget_texture_global This command will summon a technical display onto your screen giving you detailed statistics on textures in CS:GO. You can dismiss is with the -showbudget_texture_global command. +showvprof +showvprof This cheat command will cause you to open the VPROF display in CS:GO, giving you statistics on the game, world rendering and displacement rendering. Hide it with the command -showvprof. +vgui_drawtree +vgui_drawtree This console command causes a graph to appear on the right side of your screen display an assortment of technical statistics about CS:GO's rendering and popups. The command -vgui_drawtree will hide the display. -break -break This command wil activate the break key on your keyboard. Usually called "Pause / Break". This command does not work with most keyboard formats. -camdistance -camdistance Third person mode only command. This command will take your client out of "cam distance mode", when in cam distance mode, moving your mouse will zoom the camera in and out (changing the camera distance). By disabling this mode, your mouse will control the angle/rotation of the camera around the player. -camin -camin Third person mode only command. This command zoom your camera back to its original position, if you have previously ran the "+camin" command. -cammousemove -cammousemove Provided you have previously used the +cammousemove, this command will make your player be controlled by your mouse movements (as well as the camera) again. -camout -camout Provided you have previously used the +camout command, this command will restore your camera to its previous position. -campitchdown -campitchdown This command will restore your camera to its previous position, provided you have previously ran the +campitchdown command. -campitchup -campitchup This command will restore your camera to its previous position, provided you have previously ran the +campitchup command. -camyawleft -camyawleft This command will stop your camera from attempting to move left as a result of the +camyawleft command. -camyawright -camyawright This command will stop your camera from attempting to move rightas a result of the +camyawright command. -commandermousemove -commandermousemove This command will stop the mouse of the commander (from the Weapons Course) moving. -jlook -jlook This cheat command can be used to prevent a joystick that you may have plugged into your computer from being able to adjust where the in game camera is looking. -jump -jump This command will deactivate the effect of the +jump command. -klook -klook This command will allow you to move forward using your keyboard if you've purposefully or accidentally disabled that function. -left -left This is the console command that will stop your camera from rotating to the left on an unlimited loop, such as the command +left does. -mat_texture_list -mat_texture_list This command hides the display of CS:GO textures that +mat_texture_list brings up. Both commands can frequently cause CS:GO to crash though, so use carefully. -showbudget -showbudget This command is used to dismiss the show budget graph that is brought up with the command +showbudget. -showbudget_texture -showbudget_texture This is the command used to dismiss the statistics panel that +showbudget_texture summons. -showbudget_texture_global -showbudget_texture_global This console command is what will dismiss the panel that +showbudget_texture_global will put on your screen. -showvprof -showvprof Hides the graph produced when using the +showvprof command. -vgui_drawtree -vgui_drawtree This command dismisses the display produced by the +vgui_drawtree. _autosave _autosave This command saves your game in certain single-player instances of CS:GO. _bugreporter_restart _bugreporter_restart This command restarts the bug reporter .dll _resetgamestats _resetgamestats This console command will wipe your current game stats and start a new file for you, so don't use if you want to keep your stats in tact. achievement_debug achievement_debug [0 / 1] When sv_cheats 1 is on this command will turn on achievement debug messages. achievement_disable achievement_disable [0 / 1] This console command turns off in-game achievements in CS:GO. ai_disable ai_disable Causes NPCs (bots) to bypass their logic programming and instead just perform their idle animations. ai_drawbattlelines ai_drawbattlelines [0 / 1] This console command will cause battle lines to show where an NPC has moved to to decide whether ground has been lost or gained. ai_drop_hint ai_drop_hint [Hint ID] This command draws up a list of the different hint types you can trigger in CS:GO. ai_resume ai_resume This command resets NPC (bots) movements if they are bugged from the command ai_step. ai_set_move_height_epsilon ai_set_move_height_epsilon This command sets how high you can set NPCS (bots) to bump up ground walkers when checking steps. ai_setenabled ai_setenabled [0 / 1] This cheat command toggles whether or not AI customization is on, similarly to the effect of ai_disable. ai_step ai_step This command causes NPCs (bots) to freeze after finishing their last action. ai_test_los ai_test_los This command tests the line of sight of NPCs (bots). Use with caution: this command can make your game client crash. ainet_generate_report ainet_generate_report This console command generates a report inside the developer console. Name Syntax Description ainet_generate_report_only ainet_generate_report_only This command creates a report inside the developer console. air_density air_density [Air Density ] This console command changes the air density inside of CS:GO. This is only used in drag computations. askconnect_accept askconnect_accept This command causes you to accept a redirect request if your server has sent you one. asw_engine_finished_building_map asw_engine_finished_building_map This is a command used to notify the game engine that a map has been finished being built. It won't be used by the majority of CS:GO players. audit_save_in_memory audit_save_in_memory This command initiates an audit in CS:GO's save-to-memory system. autobuy autobuy If you have set up an autobuy command with the cl_autobuy command then this command will attempt to purchase those items. autosave autosave This command will save your game in certain single player instances in CS:GO. autosavedangerous autosavedangerous This console command saves your game in certain single player modes of CS:GO. bench_end bench_end This console commands ends the testing of your average framerate that the command bench_start counts. bench_showstatsdialog bench_showstatsdialog This command will show you your recent benchmark stats if you've recently tested them. bench_start bench_start This cheat command will begin testing your average framerate (FPS) over a period of time. You can end the test and receive your results with the command bench_end. bench_upload bench_upload This console command uploads your most recent result from a benchmark test (triggered by bench_start and ended with bench_end) to the Valve servers. benchframe benchframe [Demo Name] [Frame] [TGA Filename] This command takes a snapshot from a particular frame in a CS:GO demo. blackbox_dump blackbox_dump This console command dumps the values of your black box in your developer console for you to view their data and file location. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high Sets the difficulty rating of bots to high. The default value for bots' difficulty is 5, the minimum is -20 and the maximum is 20. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low Sets the difficulty rating of bots to low. The default value for bots' difficulty is 5, the minimum is -20 and the maximum is 20. bot_debug bot_debug [0 / 1] This command will toggle (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled) bot debug features. bot_debug_target bot_debug_target This console command debugs bot issues but is primarily used for testing purposes. bot_defer_to_human_goals bot_defer_to_human_goals [Value] This command prevents bots from doing scenario tasks when it is set on. bot_defer_to_human_items bot_defer_to_human_items [Value] This console command prevents bots from taking scenario items when it is set on. bot_join_after_player bot_join_after_player [0 / 1] This cheat command can be used to only have bots join the server you're on once another live player joins, which can be helpful to balance teams. bot_pistols_only bot_pistols_only [0 / 1] Restricts bots on your server to only use pistols, meaning they can't use other weapons like Rifles or SMGs. bot_show_nav bot_show_nav [0 / 1] This is command, when enabled (set to 1), will show each bots navigation mesh. bot_show_occupy_time bot_show_occupy_time [0 / 1] This command brings up a display on your screen showing each area that can be first reached by either team. This is most of a map, so this command will cause low FPS for players using older and less powerful computers. budget_averages_window budget_averages_window [Tested Frames] This command sets the number of frames you want the game client to test when figuring out your average frame count. budget_background_alpha budget_background_alpha [Translucency] This command alters the translucency of the budget panel. Its default is set at 128. bug bug This command shows the bug reporting UI in certain instances in game, though typically won't work in servers. bugreporter_username bugreporter_username [Username] Sets your username for the bug reporter. buildcubemaps buildcubemaps This command is used by the development team. Using it can cause your weapon to vanish from the screen, so avoid using it. building_cubemaps building_cubemaps This command is used by the development team. Using it can cause your weapon to vanish from the screen, so avoid using it. buildmodelforworld buildmodelforworld This command is used by the development team and can cause your game client to crash , so avoid using it. cache_print cache_print This command prints a list into your console of all of the cached resources you have saved, along with how much memory they're taking up and what percentage that is of your total available space. cache_print_lru cache_print_lru This command, just like the "cache_print" command, prints out a list of the cached resources you have into your developer console, as well as how much space that takes up in your files. cache_print_summary cache_print_summary This console command prints only the summary of all your cached content in game. This means it doesn't spam your developer console with thousands of lines of data, letting you see what resources you have cached in a user friendly manner. cam_collision cam_collision [0 / 1] You can use this command to attempt to make the third person experience in CS:GO run smoother, activated with the command "thirdperson". When turned on, it can prevent your camera from coliding with walls around the map. cam_command cam_command [0 / 1 / 2] This command adjusts your in game camera view between first person (default) and third person. cam_idealdelta cam_idealdelta [Camera speed] This command adjusts the speed that your camera attemps to fix any discrepancies between its angles when in third person mode. cam_ideallag cam_ideallag [Camera speed] This command controls how fast you can move your camera around when in third person mode. The default value is 4. cam_showangles cam_showangles [0 / 1] This command will enable a menu in the top right of your screen displaying the exact statistics for your camera angles when in third person. cam_snapto cam_snapto [0 / 1] This command will snap your camera up its default position when in third person mode. cash_player_damage_hostage cash_player_damage_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the money lost or earned for damaging a hostage. By default this deducts $30 from the player for each time the hostage is damaged, and can be set to deduct even more or to award the player. cash_player_get_killed cash_player_get_killed [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the money earned or lost for getting killed by an enemy. By default this is $0, but can be changed to either award the player or take money from them. cash_player_interact_with_hostage cash_player_interact_with_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the money earned or lost for interacting with a hostage. By default this is $150, but can be changed to either award the player more or take money from them. cash_player_killed_enemy_default cash_player_killed_enemy_default [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets how much money is earned or lost by killing an enemy player with a default weapon. cash_player_killed_hostage cash_player_killed_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] This console command dictates how much money is earned or lost when a player kills a hostage. cash_player_respawn_amount cash_player_respawn_amount [Money Earned/Lost] Sets how much money players respawn with. cash_team_rescued_hostage cash_team_rescued_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] This command changes the amount of money that the whole team earns for one player rescuing the hostage. cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the amount of cash won by each player on the Terrorist team when they win a round by the bomb exploding. cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb [Money Earned/Lost] This console command sets the amount of money the CT team earns for winning a round by defusing the bomb. cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue [Money Earned/Lost] This cheat command changes the amount of money won by team members when they win a round by rescuing a hostage. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb This command sets the amount of money that the CT players earn from winning a round by the time running out, meaning the Terrorists didn't get a bomb down or eliminate all the CT's in the required time limit. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage [Money Earned/Lost] This command sets the amount of money won by the team guarding the hostages if they win the round by not allowing any hostages to be rescued within the time limit. cast_hull cast_hull This command tests the game's hull collision detection by spawning a blue, cube-shaped object from the position your player model is standing across to reach the nearest solid surface you're looking at. cast_ray cast_ray This console command tests the game's collision detection by spawning a small ray from where your character is standing to where they are looking. cc_findsound cc_findsound [File Name] This command searches the game files for the file name you specify in the argument. cc_flush cc_flush This cheat command flushes the game's cached and async'd captions, though you'll rarely be able to see them. cc_lang cc_lang [Language] Attempts to adjust the game's close caption language settings. As this command is rarely used, most of the languages you enter won't be found and the client will default you to English. cc_linger_time cc_linger_time [Time] This command sets how long closed captions linger on the screen for. cc_predisplay_time cc_predisplay_time [Time] This command is used to determine how long the delay is before showing a closed caption compared to when it's triggered. cc_random cc_random This command should emit a random caption, but commonly causes the CS:GO client to crash, so use with caution. cc_subtitles cc_subtitles [0 / 1] This command decides whether or not to show subtitles in CS:GO during times where there are voiceovers. ch_createairboat ch_createairboat This command should spawn an airboat in front of you, but produces an error message when used stating it can't create it as it's an unknown entity. ch_createjeep ch_createjeep This command should spawn a jeep in front of you, but produces an error message when used stating it can't create it as it's an unknown entity. changelevel2 changelevel2 [Map Name] This command changes the map you're playing on into a single player instance. Doing this can cause the map you're trying to load into to freeze. cl_allowdownload cl_allowdownload [0 / 1] This command is client based and allows you to download customization files to the game. cl_allowupload cl_allowupload [0 / 1] This command is client based and allows you to upload customization files to the game. cl_animationinfo cl_animationinfo cl_avatar_convert_rgb cl_avatar_convert_rgb This console command converts any PNG avatars (steam profile pictures) in the avatars directory to RGB images. cl_bob_lower_amt cl_bob_lower_amt [Value] This console command adjusts how much your gun barrel moves back towards you when you're running. cl_bobamt_vert cl_bobamt_vert [Value] This command changes how much your viewmodel & gun barrel moves up and down when you're moving forward. cl_brushfastpath cl_brushfastpath cl_camera_follow_bone_index cl_camera_follow_bone_index [-2 / -1 / 0] This command adjusts how the camera follows the index of the bone. cl_chatfilter_version cl_chatfilter_version cl_clearhinthistory cl_clearhinthistory This command clears the game's memory of what in game hints (that pop up on your screen to prompt you to do something) it has shown you. This can make it show you those hints again. cl_clock_correction cl_clock_correction [0 / 1] This command gives you the ability to toggle between being able to correct the in game clock. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount [Milliseconds] This console command adjusts the maximum number of milliseconds it is possible to adjust the clock by. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset [Milliseconds] This console command sets the maximum value (in milliseconds) the clock offset can be set to. cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset [Milliseconds] This console command sets the minium value (in milliseconds) the clock offset can be set to. cl_clock_showdebuginfo cl_clock_showdebuginfo [0 / 1] This console command will produce a range of data in your developer console in an attempt to debug your client's clock. cl_clockdrift_max_ms cl_clockdrift_max_ms [Milliseconds] The maximum amount of time the clock can be falty before it latches on to the server's clock in milliseconds. cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode cl_crosshairscale cl_crosshairscale cl_csm_server_status cl_csm_server_status This command allows you to check in on the server status. cl_csm_status cl_csm_status Produces several statistics in your developer console about the status of your CSM. cl_custommaterial_debug_graph cl_custommaterial_debug_graph [0 / 1] This command summons a debug graph to the left side of your screen in game. cl_debug_ugc_downloads cl_debug_ugc_downloads cl_debugrumble cl_debugrumble cl_decryptdata_key cl_decryptdata_key [Message] This console command can be used to decrypt GOTV messages if you know the message ID. cl_decryptdata_key_pub cl_decryptdata_key_pub [Message] This cheat command can be used to decrypt GOTV messages, if you know the message ID. cl_detail_avoid_force cl_detail_avoid_force [Percentage] This command alters the force with which you'd like to avoid players. cl_detail_multiplier cl_detail_multiplier cl_download_demoplayer cl_download_demoplayer [0 / 1 / 2] This command is used to decide whether or not downloading an external resource is allowed in the demo player. cl_downloadfilter cl_downloadfilter [Filter] This determines what files can be downloaded from a few different options. cl_entityreport cl_entityreport [0 / 1] This console command is used in debugging issues with the game. It produces a detailed list of statistics on your screen about the different entities used. cl_extrapolate_amount cl_extrapolate_amount [Seconds] This console command adjusts how many seconds the game client extrapolates entities for when prompted. cl_find_ent cl_find_ent [Substring] This command finds and then produces a list of all the client entites that exist within CS:GO that match a substring you enter. cl_find_ent_index cl_find_ent_index [Index] This command searches the game files and produces a list in your console of all client side entities that match the index you specifiy. cl_flushentitypacket cl_flushentitypacket [Amount] This command is used for debugging and foces the game engine to flush an entity packet. cl_forcepreload cl_forcepreload [0 / 1] This command is to decide whether or not preloading should be forced on a server. cl_fullupdate cl_fullupdate Using this command causes the server to produce and send a full update packet.
  3. W konsoli (~) wpisz: Komenda podstawowa: give [Kod broni] Cheaty muszą być włączone: sv_cheats 1 enabled Kody broni to: Nazwa broni Kod broni Cała komenta na broń Kevlar Armor (Vest, No Helmet) item_kevlar give item_kevlar Kevlar Armor and Helmet item_assaultsuit give item_assaultsuit Defuse Kit item_defuser give item_defuser Zeus (Taser) weapon_taser give weapon_taser Smoke Grenade weapon_smokegrenade give weapon_smokegrenade Flashbang Grenade weapon_flashbang give weapon_flashbang High Explosive Grenade weapon_hegrenade give weapon_hegrenade Incendiary Grenade weapon_incgrenade give weapon_incgrenade Molotov Grenade weapon_molotov give weapon_molotov Decoy Grenade weapon_decoy give weapon_decoy AK-47 weapon_ak47 give weapon_ak47 AUG weapon_aug give weapon_aug AWP weapon_awp give weapon_awp Bomb (C4) weapon_c4 give weapon_c4 CZ75-Auto weapon_cz75a give weapon_cz75a Desert Eagle weapon_deagle give weapon_deagle Dual Berettas weapon_elite give weapon_elite FAMAS weapon_famas give weapon_famas Five-SeveN weapon_fiveseven give weapon_fiveseven G3SG1 (Terrorist Auto Sniper) weapon_g3sg1 give weapon_g3sg1 Galil AR weapon_galilar give weapon_galilar Glock-18 weapon_glock give weapon_glock P2000 (P2K) weapon_hkp2000 give weapon_hkp2000 Knife weapon_knife give weapon_knife Golden Knife (Arms Race) weapon_knifegg give weapon_knifegg M249 weapon_m249 give weapon_m249 M4A4 weapon_m4a1 give weapon_m4a1 M4A1-S (Silenced M4) weapon_m4a1_silencer give weapon_m4a1_silencer MAC-10 weapon_mac10 give weapon_mac10 MAG-7 weapon_mag7 give weapon_mag7 MP5-SD weapon_mp5sd give weapon_mp5sd MP7 weapon_mp7 give weapon_mp7 MP9 weapon_mp9 give weapon_mp9 Negev weapon_negev give weapon_negev Nova weapon_nova give weapon_nova P250 weapon_p250 give weapon_p250 P90 weapon_p90 give weapon_p90 Sawed-Off Shotgun weapon_sawedoff give weapon_sawedoff SCAR-20 (CT Auto Sniper) weapon_scar20 give weapon_scar20 SG 553 weapon_sg556 give weapon_sg556 SSG 08 (Scout Sniper) weapon_ssg08 give weapon_ssg08 TEC-9 weapon_tec9 give weapon_tec9 UMP-45 weapon_ump45 give weapon_ump45 USP-S weapon_usp_silencer give weapon_usp_silencer XM1014 weapon_xm1014 give weapon_xm1014 R8 Revolver weapon_revolver give weapon_revolver Rescue Kit (Hostage) item_cutters give item_cutters Dog Tags (Hydra Operation's Kill Confirmed Gamemode) item_dogtags give item_dogtags Medi-Shot (Operation Wildfire) weapon_healthshot give weapon_healthshot Tactical Awareness Grenade (Operation Wildfire) weapon_tagrenade give weapon_tagrenade Heavy Assault Suit (War Games) item_heavyassaultsuit mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1; give item_heavyassaultsuit Night Vision Goggles item_nvgs give item_nvgs; nightvision Soda Can item_sodacan give item_sodacan
  4. Ekonomia prowadzenia serwerów - jak prowadzić serwer, by na nim nie tracić, a żeby przyciągał graczy. Hosting WWW, vps, dedyk czy może własny domowy serwer? Co się najbardziej opłaca do postawienia serwera CS:GO? Czy właściciele sieci mają trudne życie? Czy mają w ogóle czas wolny? (Fajnie by było jakbyś zdobył wypowiedzi jakichś właścicieli serwerów) Sieć serwerów od zaplecza, czyli odkrywamy co się dzieje za kulisami? Hosting WWW, vps, dedyk czy może własny domowy serwer? Co się najbardziej opłaca do postawienia naszej strony WWW? Sourcemod, czyli co powinieneś wiedzieć przed postawieniem serwera. Jak działają ataki ddos i jak się przed nimi bronić? Jak zainstalować plugin, jak edytować plugin? Jaki serwer CS założyć? co się opłaca, a co się nie opłaca w inwestowaniu na własnej sieci serwerów? Jaki mod serwera wybrać? w jakiej firmie hostingowej? od czego zacząć, aby założyć swój własny serwer? jak się połączyć z serwerem za pomocą FTP? Firmy hostingowe posiadają również bazy wiedzy, gdzie są odpowiedzi na najprostsze pytania - możesz się również nimi sugerować pisząc własny poradnik, czy artykułu - zwał jak zwał. No ok trzeba ogarnąć. Jeśli ktoś może zająć się jakimś punktem i mnie odciążyć - proszę śmiało pisać w tym temacie
  5. Sprawdzone i działa dobrze. Jeśli coś jest nie tak - proszę dokładnie dać przykłady - co się nie wyświetla, gdzie, pozwoli to dokładniejsze powielenie problemu.
  6. O które posty Ci chodzi na przykład? Prócz rss i działu steam jest tam wszystko.
  7. Podaj temat który warto wg Ciebie omawiać, bo zbyt ogólnie napisałeś.
  8. Wychodzę z zapytaniem, jaki temat cyklicznych artykułów najbardziej by Was interesował? Jakie pojedyncze zagadnienie chcielibyście omówić? Mile widziane propozycje takich tematów.
  9. W drugiej części tego poradnika dowiesz się jak krok po kroku zrobić swoją własną mapę do Counter Strike’a Global Offensive. Poradnik ten jest skierowany tylko i wyłącznie dla osób, które znają już podstawy programu SDK. Jeżeli jesteś totalnie zielony w tym temacie, to polecam tobie, abyś przeczytał pierwszą część poradnika. Znajdziesz ją tu: Część I. Na wstępie chciałbym powiedzieć kilka słów o konstrukcji tego artykułu. Zostanie on podzielony na etapy. W każdym z nich jest opisana inna część procesu tworzenia map np. Tworzenie tekstur. Piszę tę informację dla osób, które chcą się dowiedzieć tylko jednej rzeczy np. Tak jak wspomniałem wcześniej jak stworzyć teksturę. Myślę, że po tym krótkim wstępie możemy zaczynać. Jak stworzyć tzw. “Box”, czyli puste pudełko? Aby twoja mapa działała poprawnie musisz stworzyć miejsce, fundament całej mapy. Poniżej krok po kroku przedstawię tobie jak wykonać tę czynność. 1. Otwórz narzędzie “Toggle Texture Application” 2. Naciśnij na przycisk “Browse”. Otworzy to przeglądarkę tekstur, w którą możesz wpisać nazwę tekstury, która akurat ciebie interesuje np. “wood”, czyli drewno. Pamiętaj, aby wpisywać ich angielskie nazwy, tak jak to zrobiłem ja powyżej. Aby wybrać daną teksturę, wystarczy kliknąć na nią podwójnie. 3. Następnie musisz wykonać ziemię. W tym celu wybierz narzędzie pędzla i otwórz widok z góry. Za pomocą myszki stwórz kształt jaki ciebie interesuje np. Kwadrat, a potem wciśnij klawisz enter. Twoja podłoga powinna być już gotowa. 4. Teraz zrób 4 kopie wcześniej utworzonego kształtu i ustaw je jako ściany. Pamiętaj tylko, aby miały one wysokość 128 jednostek, ponieważ jest to wartość standardowa dla praktycznie wszystkich map. 5. Aby twoja mapa nie była tylko zwykłą teksturą i aby miała właściwości fizyczne musisz przenieś kamerę 3D do ramki i wybierz narzędzie “Entity Tool”. Po zrobieniu tego powinno się wyświetlić tobie pole, za pomocą którego możesz zobaczyć, którą jednostkę gry wybrałeś. Widać, że domyślnie wybraną jednostką jest punkt “spawnu”, czyli odrodzenia terrorystów. Teraz wystarczy, że klikniesz w miejsce, gdzie chcesz, aby znajdował się ten spawn, a on automatycznie się tam ustawi. 6. Następnie, żeby mapa poprawnie działała, musisz ją skompilować. Jeśli tego nie zrobisz żadna zmiana dokonana na mapie nie zostanie przetłumaczona na wersję do gry, więc jeśli zmodyfikujesz mapę po kompilacji i otworzysz mapę w grze, nie zobaczysz żadnych zmian. W takim razie aby skompilować swoją mapę naciśnij klawisz F9, a kiedy program poprosi o zapisanie mapy po prostu kliknij “OK”, a po chwili powinna uruchomić się gra. Rozbudowywanie mapy o nowe elementy: Jak zauważyłeś po uruchomieniu twoja mapa jest strasznie pusta, dlatego też teraz zajmiemy się rozbudowywaniem jej, aby nie była po prostu zwykłą, pustą przestrzenią. Na początku zajmiemy się światłem. Wybierz z listy narzędzi narzędzie “światło”, gdy to zrobisz ujrzysz wiele różnych rodzajów światła. Wybierz takie, które jest dla ciebie najbardziej odpowiednie. Następnie w widoku 3D możesz dodać światło, gdzie chcesz po prostu klikając. Najlepiej jest to zrobić w suficie. Światło możesz modyfikować w różny sposób, ale to nie jest temat na ten artykuł, jeżeli chcesz, aby powstał osobny tekst na ten temat, to daj znać w komentarzu. Po ustawieniu światła możemy zająć się robieniem różnych bloków, rzeczy, za którymi będziemy się np. Mogli chować lub takich, które po prostu sprawią, że nasza mapa będzie wyglądała lepiej. Tam, gdzie ustawiłeś światło możesz ustawić lampę, dzięki czemu twoja mapa będzie wyglądała bardziej realistycznie. W zależności jakiego obiektu potrzebujesz, to możesz go wyszukać. W lewym dolnym rogu powinien znajdować się filtr, w który będziesz mógł wpisać jakiego rodzaju obiektów potrzebujesz. Jeżeli np. Potrzebujesz obiektów “sufitowych” to wpisz w ten filtr “ceiling”. Dzięki temu, będziesz mógł znaleźć każdy element, który jest ci potrzebny do stworzenia twojej wymarzonej mapy. Na koniec tego poradnika wspomnę tylko, żebyś był bardzo kreatywny podczas tworzenia swojej własnej mapy. Pamiętaj, że musi wyglądać ona niecodziennie, musi być piękna, jeżeli chcesz, aby ktokolwiek zwrócił na nią uwagę.
  10. angel

    Farcry 5 do pobrania

    Grę można pobrać ze steama.
  11. angel

    Dota 2 za darmo

    Gra jest udostępniona za darmo.
  12. angel

    Red alert 4

    Ciekawe kiedy klasyki ciąg dalszy?
  13. angel

    Mushroom wars 2

    Kto zna ten wie jak bardzo wciągająca może być ta gra.
  14. Czym jest hasło Rcon oraz jakie daje nam możliwości? W poniższym artykule dowiesz się co to właśnie jest hasło Rcon oraz poznasz wszystkie komendy, które możesz z nim użyć. Rcon (z ang. Remote console) jest to zdalna konsola, która pozwala graczowi na wysyłanie komend bezpośrednio z poziomu gry do serwera za pomocą konsoli gracza. Korzystając z niego , możesz wydawać polecenia w celu podania hasła do swojego serwera, zmienić mapę na inną, ponownie ją uruchomić, zatrzymać grę, a nawet zbanować jakiegoś gracza, który zachowuje się niezgodnie z regulaminem twojego serwera. Wszystkie komendy, które możesz użyć posiadając Rcon na swoim serwerze: rcon_password - hasło rcon. Tą komendą możemy się zalogować do rcona. Przykład: rcon_password “twoje hasło”, rcon sv_restartround 1 - restart rundy (podajemy w sekundach). Przykład: rcon sv_restartround “liczba sekund, o którą chcemy zrestartować mapę”, rcon changelevel - komenda do zmiany mapy. Przykład: rcon changelevel “nazwa mapy”, rcon exec - ładowanie konfiguracji. Przykład: rcon exec weaponspawncfgbyblue.cfg, rcon sv_password - zakładanie lub zmienianie hasła na serwerze. Przykład: rcon sv_password “twoje hasło”, rcon sv_restart 1 - restart rundy. Trzykrotne wpisanie tej komendy da nam trzy restarty itp. rcon kick - wyrzucanie graczy z serwera. Aby sprawdzić numer gracza wystarczy wpisać vote w konsoli. Przykład: rcon kick “numer gracza, którego chcemy wyrzucić”, rcon hostname - zmiana nazwy serwera. Przykład: rcon hostname “nowa nzawa serwera”, rcon sv_gravity - zmiana grawitacji. Przykład: sv_gravity 800 (zmiana grawitacji na standardową), rcon mp_freezetime - czas zamrożenia, czyli okresu, podczas którego będziemy nieruchomi na początku rundy. Przykład: rcon mp_freezetime 0 (brak zamrożenia), rcon mp_startmoney - ilość pieniędzy na początku rundy. Przykład: rcon mp_startmoney “pieniądze, które chcesz otrzymać na starcie rundy np. 12000”, rcon mp_friendlyfire - możliwość strzelania w sprzymieżeńców.. Przykład: rcon mp_friendlyfire 1 (1 = włączone, 0 = wyłączone), rcon status - lista graczy na serwerze. To samo co vote, rcon map - zmiana mapy wraz z wyrzuceniem wszystkich graczy. Przykład: rcon map “nazwa mapy”, rcon mp_fadetoblack - FTB, czyli tzw. "ciemny ekran". Przykład: rcon mp_fadetoblack 0 (1 = włączony, 0 = wyłączony), rcon say - Pisanie na czacie z prefixem takim samym jak nazwa serwera. Przykład: rcon say BLUE (wyświetli się [Nazwa serwera]BLUE), rcon mp_autoteambalance - balans drużyny (1 = włączony, 0 = wyłączony), rcon mp_footsteps - odgłosy biegania (1 = włączony, 0 = wyłączony), rcon mp_forcechasecam - możliwość oglądania innych graczy i innych typów kamery (1 = włączony, 0 = wyłączony), rcon banid - banowanie gracza. Wpisujemy vote i bierzemy jego numer. Tak samo jak przy wyrzucaniu. Przykład: rcon banid “numer gracza”, rcon sv_stepsize - Wchodzenie na przeszkody. Można się z tym spotkać np. na surfie Przykład: rcon sv_stepsize 300 (wchodzenie na przeszkody. Aby włączyć wartość musi być ustawiona na 14).
  15. Jak dodać swój własny serwer CS:GO na W tym krótkim, ale treściwym artykule dowiesz się jak zareklamować swój serwer na portalu oraz jak używać API. Możemy, więc zaczynać. Możliwość dodania serwera na wyżej wymienione forum jest tylko dostępna, gdy jesteś zalogowany. Jeżeli nie posiadasz jeszcze konta na, to musisz je utworzyć. W prawym górnym rogu masz do wyboru kilka opcji. Możesz zarejestrować się za pomocą swoich kont Facebook, Steam lub standardowa poprzez e-mail. Po założeniu konta możesz już przystąpić do dodania swojego serwera na forum. W tym celu wejdź w zakładkę “Lista serwerów”, a następnie wybierz opcję “Dodaj serwer”. W miarę twoich możliwości wypełnij wszystkie informacje, czyli: 1. Typ serwera. W naszym przypadku jest to Counter Strike Global Offensive. 2. Adres IP serwera. 3. Tryb gry serwera np. Arena 1vs1 (opcjonalne). 4.Adres forum (opcjonalne). 5. Link do głosowania (opcjonalne). 6. Link do sklepu (opcjonalne). 7. Link do statystyk (opcjonalne). 8. Link do HLTV (opcjonalne). 9. Krótki opis serwera (opcjonalne). Osobiście zachęcam jednak, abyś wypełnij jak najwięcej z wyżej wymienionych opcji, ponieważ pozytywnie wpłynie to na popularność twojego serwera. Na pewno warto zadbać o dodanie adresu twojego forum (oczywiście jeżeli takie posiadasz). Jest to ważne, ponieważ działa w taki sposób, że jeżeli wstawisz serwer na swoje forum, to otrzymasz dodatkowe punkty do jego promocji w rankingu naszego forum. Na każdy serwer dodany na forum użytkownicy mogą głosować. Serwer z największą liczbą głosów pojawi się w zakładce serwerów. Dodatkowo na stronie możesz pobrać własny baner dla serwera, który będzie się dynamicznie wyświetlał, zliczając każde wyświetlenie. Banner możesz umieszczać na innych forach aby złapać jak największą ilość wyświetleń bannera. Serwer, który ma najwięcej wyświetleń banera jest promowany na stronie głównej forum! Każdego dnia! Wszystkie dodane przez ciebie serwery, możesz zobaczyć i edytować w każdej chwili, jeszcze raz wchodzą w zakładkę “Lista serwerów”, ale tym razem klikając w opcję “Moje serwery”. Czym jest API i jak to działa na naszym forum? Jak być może zauważyłeś w zakładce “Lista serwerów” występuje również trzecia opcja, czyli “API serwerów”. API (Application Programming Interface) to zbiór reguł ściśle opisujący, w jaki sposób programy lub podprogramy komunikują się ze sobą. API jest przede wszystkim specyfikacją wytycznych jak powinna przebiegać interakcja między komponentami programowymi. Kiedy klikniesz w wyżej wymienioną opcję, to pojawią się tobie trzy “tabelki”. 1. Na samej górze znajduje się przykład komunikatu zwrotnego. 2. Poniżej widzimy przykładowy tekst 3. Na samym dole jest tabelka z statystykami serwerów. Są tam podane informacje o tym, ile jest wszystkich serwerów, jaka jest liczba aktualnych graczy itd. Kiedy dodasz swój własny serwer, to masz opcję, aby pobrać dane swojego serwera (w formie tabelki). Następnie pobrane dane, możesz udostępnić na swoim forum. Na koniec, mam nadzieję, że ten dosyć krótki poradnik zachęcił ciebie do dodania swojego serwera na naszą stronę. - Dodaj swoją sieć także tu: Lista Waszych sieci - Zainstaluj własną tabelkę serwerów - pobierz naszą darmową aplikację IPS 4.x
  16. Jeśli ktoś udziela się regularnie to nie musi być wcześniej moderatorem żeby zostać zasłużonym. A zasłużony to 1 etap do dalszych rang.
  17. Też tak będzie. Nie każdy spammer zostanie rozpatrzony pozytywnie przecież.
  18. Polska reprezentacja w dziedzinie esportu na ostatnich mistrzostwach CS nie pokazała się najlepiej. Spędzając czas w domu nie narażasz siebie i innych, wykorzystaj to na szkolenie aby reprezentować Polskę w egamingu. Zalecamy skorzystanie z naszych porad, tutoriali oraz listy serwerów.
  19. Od dzisiaj nie obsługuję zgłoszeń "daj moda" na PW. Aby aplikować na daną rangę proszę o złożenie aplikacji. Link: Centrum aplikacji umożliwia aplikację na: Zasłużonego użytkownika Właściciela sieci Supportera Redaktora Moderatora
  20. Witam, rozważam wprowadzenie rangi Supporter na forum. Zadaniem supportera będzie udzielanie się na forum z możliwością obsługi systemu ticketów za skromną opłatą. Osoby zainteresowane proszone o kontakt na PW, niebawem udostępnię także formularz aplikacji na różne stanowiska. Druga propozycja to możliwość sprzedaży za pośrednictwem forum swoich skryptów (transakcje Escrow), chodzi o system płatności za pomocą forum a nie bezpośrednich przelewów, środki będą wypłacane dopiero po zatwierdzeniu udanego przekazania skryptu, mapy, paczki modów, pluginów itp.
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