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Treść opublikowana przez MrKuBx

  1. MrKuBx

    Problem z banem

    Usunołem nawet tego bana z sourcebansa. A użytkownikowi pisze twój dostęp na serwerze został zablokowany
  2. MrKuBx

    Problem z banem

    Jeden użytkownik na moim serwerze próbując łaczyć sie na serwer pisze mu "Twój dostęp do serwera został zablokowany" Lecz ban na sourcbansie wygasł wpisujac sm_unban id pisze [SourceBans++] No active bans found for that filter. Mapa została zmieniona server zresetowany.
  3. błedy usunięte na tym configu wszystko smiga a na tym od modeli nawet !shop nie działa
  4. @SeeQ jesli to o te chodzi
  5. jest to config z stąd więc chyba klamry są okej
  6. Po zmienieniu configu na ten: "Store" { "Custom Knives" { "Tri-Dagger Black" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_tridagger_v2.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "50"  "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Tri-dagger Steel" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_tridagger_steel.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife"  "price" "100" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" }  "Black Dagger" {  "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_reaper.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "200" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Kabar" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_kabar_v2.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "300" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "CS 1.6 Knife" { "model" "models/weapons/crashz.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "400" "type" "CustomModel"  "slot" "0" }  "Ultimate Knife" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_ultimate.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "500" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Gong fu"  { "model" "models/weapons/v_gongfu.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "600" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Caleon" { "model" "models/weapons/caleon1/screwdriver/v_knife_screwdriver.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/caleon1/screwdriver/w_knife_screwdriver.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "600" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } } "Custom Weapons" { "Miku awp" {  "model" "models/weapons/v_hmikuawp.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/w_hmikuawp.mdl" "entity" "weapon_awp"  "price" "300" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "1" } "Anime awp" { "model" "models/weapons/v_animeawp.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/w_animeawp.mdl" "entity" "weapon_awp" "price" "50" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "1" } "Dual finity" { "model" "models/weapons/v_pist_dualinfinity.mdl" "entity" "weapon_elite" "price" "150" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "2" } "HE-Grenade Pokeball" { "Store" { "Custom Knives" { "Tri-Dagger Black" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_tridagger_v2.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "50"  "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Tri-dagger Steel" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_tridagger_steel.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife"  "price" "100" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" }  "Black Dagger" {  "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_reaper.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "200" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Kabar" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_kabar_v2.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "300" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "CS 1.6 Knife" { "model" "models/weapons/crashz.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "400" "type" "CustomModel"  "slot" "0" }  "Ultimate Knife" { "model" "models/weapons/v_knife_ultimate.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "500" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Gong fu"  { "model" "models/weapons/v_gongfu.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "600" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } "Caleon" { "model" "models/weapons/caleon1/screwdriver/v_knife_screwdriver.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/caleon1/screwdriver/w_knife_screwdriver.mdl" "entity" "weapon_knife" "price" "600" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "0" } } "Custom Weapons" { "Miku awp" {  "model" "models/weapons/v_hmikuawp.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/w_hmikuawp.mdl" "entity" "weapon_awp"  "price" "300" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "1" } "Anime awp" { "model" "models/weapons/v_animeawp.mdl" "worldmodel" "models/weapons/w_animeawp.mdl" "entity" "weapon_awp" "price" "50" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "1" } "Dual finity" { "model" "models/weapons/v_pist_dualinfinity.mdl" "entity" "weapon_elite" "price" "150" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "2" } "HE-Grenade Pokeball" { "model" "models/weapons/v_hegrenade_pokeball.mdl" "entity" "weapon_hegrenade" "price" "100" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "3" } }  }  "model" "models/weapons/v_hegrenade_pokeball.mdl" "entity" "weapon_hegrenade" "price" "100" "type" "CustomModel" "slot" "3" } }  } !shop przestaje działać
  7. W tym momencie zrobić vipa nie jest trudno sa 2 generatory które maja w sobie prawie wszystko. Bardziej rozbudowany: Mniej rozbudowany:
  8. Tak trudno w pisać w google
  9. mógł by mi ktoś podać komendy na talk bo mi te w pliku gamemode_cusual nie smiga
  10. #6 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <sdkhooks> #include <scp> public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn); } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { if(IsValidPlayer(client)&&GetUserFlagBits(client)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1)) { CS_SetClientClanTag(client, "[VIP]"); } } public Action:Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); if(IsValidPlayer(client)&&GetUserFlagBits(client)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1)) { SetEntityHealth(client, GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth")+150); } } public Action:OnChatMessage(&author, Handle:recipients, String:name[], String:message[]) { if(IsValidPlayer(author)&&GetUserFlagBits(author)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1)) { Format(name, MAXLENGTH_NAME, "%s", name); new MaxMessageLength = MAXLENGTH_MESSAGE - strlen(name) - 5; Format(name, MaxMessageLength, " [VIP]%s",name); return Plugin_Changed; } return Plugin_Continue; } stock bool IsValidPlayer(client) { if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client) ) return true; return false; } Na granat wzmacniajacy masz plugin
  11. MrKuBx


    Witam Mam problem z pluginem : Po wgraniu ustawienia wszystkiego wyskakuja zamiast spreji małe czarne kwadraty.
  12. Witam chciał bym zeby ktos napisał mi skrypt który będzie działał na takiej zasadzie gdzie po wpisaniu w czacie !podziel Podzieli Wszystkich żywych terorystów na 2 drużyny gdzie kolor gracza będzie np. (SetEntityRenderColor(client, 0, 255, 0, 255)
  13. MrKuBx

    nowy vip

    mogł bys to edytowac bo jeszcze zle nawiasy poustawiam
  14. MrKuBx

    nowy vip

    Witam chcaiłbym poprosic o dodanie do tego vipa Takich rzeczy jak: weapon_healthshot x2 weapon_tagrenade x1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <sdkhooks> #include <scp> int g_fLastButtons[MAXPLAYERS+1]; int g_fLastFlags[MAXPLAYERS+1]; int g_iJumps[MAXPLAYERS+1]; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "VIP Generator", author = "mastah7991", description = "Automatycznie wygenerowany VIP", version = "1.0", url = "" } public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn); } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { if(IsValidPlayer(client)&&GetUserFlagBits(client)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3)) { CS_SetClientClanTag(client, "[SVIP]"); } } public Action:Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); if(IsValidPlayer(client)&&GetUserFlagBits(client)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3)) { SetEntityHealth(client, GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth")+150); SetEntityGravity(client, 1.5); SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 125); } } public Action OnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int &buttons, int &impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int &weapon) { if(IsValidPlayer(client)&&GetUserFlagBits(client)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3)) { int fCurFlags = GetEntityFlags(client); int fCurButtons = GetClientButtons(client); if (g_fLastFlags[client] & FL_ONGROUND) { if (!(fCurFlags & FL_ONGROUND) &&!(g_fLastButtons[client] & IN_JUMP) && fCurButtons & IN_JUMP) { g_iJumps[client]++; } } else if (fCurFlags & FL_ONGROUND) { g_iJumps[client] = 0; } else if (!(g_fLastButtons[client] & IN_JUMP) && fCurButtons & IN_JUMP) { if ( 1 <= g_iJumps[client] <= 2) { g_iJumps[client]++; float vVel[3]; GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", vVel); vVel[2] = 250.0; TeleportEntity(client, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vVel); } } g_fLastFlags[client] = fCurFlags; g_fLastButtons[client] = fCurButtons; } } public Action:OnChatMessage(&author, Handle:recipients, String:name[], String:message[]) { if(IsValidPlayer(author)&&GetUserFlagBits(author)&(1<<ADMFLAG_CUSTOM3)) { Format(name, MAXLENGTH_NAME, "%s", name); new MaxMessageLength = MAXLENGTH_MESSAGE - strlen(name) - 5; Format(name, MaxMessageLength, " [SVIP]%s",name); return Plugin_Changed; } return Plugin_Continue; } stock bool IsValidPlayer(client) { if(client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && !IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientInGame(client) ) return true; return false; }
  15. Do zamkniecia Juz mam
  16. Opis:Kupie forum i domene pod Serwery Csgo Cena:do negocjaci Kontakt:GG: 58064932
  17. Witam chciałbym poprosić o pomoc z pluginem timer zipcore proszę o komplikacje folderu scripting na pliki smx tu link do pluginu
  18. Witam mam problem z timerem shawit tu link nie działa mi !wr czyli worldrecord proszę o pomoc
  19. czy da się dodać Prywatne spreye csgo plugin od franuga jak wgrac
  20. Tutaj logi z servera:logi servera - Tutaj logi z konsoli gracza:logi z konsoli - Sourcemod najnowszy tak jak metamod 1.7.3
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