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  1. Description This plugin will check if AMX Mod X is running the latest build Cvars update_notice - (default "1.9") amxx version to look after to Modules Requires < sockets > InstallWorks on AMXX 1.8.1 Drag amxx_update_notice.sma to amxmodx/scripting folder Click "Get Plugin" and drag amxx_update_notice.amxx to amxmodx/plugins folder Type amxx_update_notice.amxx in amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file Type update_notice "<AMXX_VERISON>" in amxmodx/configs/amxx.cfg file Additional information If a new version is released, the plugin will alert all admins 5 minutes after the map change. Image Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (amxx_update_notice.sma - 2.4 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  2. Hello Every one QuickDroLLL, so basicly iam loking for plugin that make the he grenade when it tuch the ground it will explode directly i know there is plugin name Nade Modes but iam loking for plugin do that only you can say specify plugin sorry for my bad english and yeah hope any one find or create it to me bcz iam loking for it so much in my server done :) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. Good morning, I have a server in a host / TC-ADMIN, I have a problem, we still play mix 5 vs 5 almost every other day and sometimes a player asks for a pause in freezetime (anyone can pause, if it is configured) the problem that's not the problem that the server hangs after 3 minutes and restarts, but I have noticed that this happens when the server has a password, but when It does not have a password and they pause, it can last up to 10 minutes, that is what I tried) My question is if there is any plugin which, when pressing the pause key, can automatically remove the password from the server? , (any user) , thank you.:cry: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Hi. I need a plugin of CSGO that with a command like "!people" or "!play" send a messege to my discord server with a rol tag and saying than need people to play. Its for a AutoMix server (5vs5), im using pugsetup. Cand somebody help me? Thanks Sorry for my english :D Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. QuickPeek Description This plugin allows you to spectate other players while being alive so your gameplay will not be interrupted. It can be useful for gamemodes where it's not against the rules to have info on other players' movement. It can make it more fun in turn-based gamemodes like trikz: oftentimes your gameplay depends on your partner's actions, so it's not that fun having to just wait for the partner to complete some sub-level in an obscured area where you cannot see their progress - and this is exactly what this plugin is to address, i.e. by enabling you to observe their actions first-person. While peeking, you retain the ability to move, you can switch targets using mouse buttons (+attack/+attack2) and you can see the current target displayed at the bottom half of the screen. It follows standard interpolation settings, and to reduce latency, set low interp values. You can take a look at the video to get idea of the plugin: At the moment, there may be a problem with the sounds while peeking. Plugin was tested only in CS:S but the concept should work in any other game (may need to update offsets). Installation Simply place quickpeek.smx and in addons/sourcemod/plugins and addons/sourcemod/gamedata folders respectively. It is recommended to set high network rates (especially sv_minupdaterate and sv_maxupdaterate cvars) to improve usability of the plugin. Usage There are two in-game console commands differing in just their usage: qpeek - toggle peeking, i.e. you'd stop peeking once you press the corresponding button once more; +qpeek - start peeking, i.e. the peeking would stop as soon as you release the corresponding button. It is recommended to bind one of them. Also, there is additional qpeek angles sub-command to turn on/off turning your player. It is disabled by default. Technical Details This plugin uses replay system that allows you to literally take place of any player by receiving the same frames that were generated for them. There is sv_maxreplay cvar which determines the number of seconds the engine keeps for replaying. Since the idea of the plugin is real-time spectating, the plugin, with some excess, sets this cvar to 1.0 and forces to send only the most recent frames. But in order to drastically change the flow of frames later, need to fully update game information on the client. And it needs to send a lot of packets quickly. Setting high updaterate will help you to increase speed of this. Also, we can't send a request for a full update too often, until the current update is completed. The plugin has an internal mechanism that takes into account ping to cope with it. I believe there are better options to find out whenther the client is fully updated or not, but this one is enough Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (quickpeek.sp - 14.6 KB) (1.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  6. A player creates a code for himself. If a player uses this code, both earn credits. As the player using the code plays on the server, the owner and the person using the code will earn credit per hour. By opening the reference system menu, the accumulated credits are withdrawn. The image is in Turkish. The plugin has been translated but needs minor adjustments. Cmdssm_usecode <code> sm_createcode <code> sm_topref sm_refinfo sm_ref or sm_ref <code> || see the statistics of the referral code cfg/Plugincim_com/Referral_System.cfg is will auto creating. Cvars"ref_kod_kullanana", "1", "Give credit to the player who used the code? 0 == OFF" "ref_kodu_kullanana_saatlik", "1", "How many credits per hour should be given to the player using the referral code? 0 == OFF" "ref_kodu_kullanilana", "2", "How many credits should be given to the player whose code is used? 0 == OFF" "ref_kodu_kullanana", "2", "How many credits per hour should be given to the player whose referral code is used? 0 == OFF" "ref_bilgi_mesaji", "300.0", "In how many seconds should an information message be sent about the reference?" Attached Files Referral_System.smx (10.8 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Referral_System.sp - 27.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Description This plugin will override your name to steam community name Cvars steam_api_key - mandatory for using the steam api - InstallCompile on AMXX 1.9 and later Drag steam_community_name.sma to amxmodx/scripting folder Drag steam_community_name.amxx to amxmodx/plugins folder Type steam_community_name.amxx in amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file Type steam_api_key "<API_KEY>" in amxmodx/configs/amxx.cfg file Credits ConnorMcLeod - block name change VEN - dead name change swank - obtain steam64 from steamid Shadows Adi - only standard ascii characters in name (detailed credits inside script file) Beware This plugin will collide with other plugins that may change player's name and the functionality and output may not be as expected. Additional information Due to the rules of json formatting, using certain characters in a name is not possible as it would cause the json limitations to be exceeded, therefore they are replaced with random numbers. If the json name is left blank, it will automatically be assigned 8 random digits(not sure how). The removal of the characters [ and ] was a main reason for this to function seamlessly, as there was no other way around. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (steam_community_name.sma - 3.7 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Not sure if this is the right forum, or even the right website. I want to bring back nostalgic 2000's CSS gamemodes for a new generation of players in CSGO. I'm starting with Jailbreak. I will pay someone to program unique plugins for my server, and I'll need an explanation of how they operate as well. Send me a private message and we will discuss payment and I'll tell you what I need. Payment will be conducted via Crypto or Paypal at your request. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Hi, I would like to buy plugins from someone who is making funny plugins for cs:go. Please DM me if You have any experience and You know how it works. Have a nice day <3 Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. public function_name() server_print("executed %function%") Przeczytaj cały wpis
  11. Hi, I want locking base at 20 seconds of end rounds. I tried to time it but i've got errors. PHP Code: public cmdLockBlock(id) { if (!access(id, LOCK_BLOCKS)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new ent, bodypart get_user_aiming (id,ent,bodypart) new tname[7], cname[10]; entity_get_string(ent, EV_SZ_targetname, tname, 6); entity_get_string(ent, EV_SZ_classname, cname, 9); if (!ent || !is_valid_ent(ent) || is_user_alive(ent) || ent == g_iEntBarrier || !equal(cname, "func_wall") || equal(tname, "ignore")) return PLUGIN_HANDLED if (!IsBlockLocked(ent) && !g_MovingEnt[ent]) { LockBlock(ent) DispatchKeyValue(ent, "rendermode", "1"); DispatchKeyValue(ent, "rendercolor", "125.0 0.0 0.0"); g_OwnedEnts[g_EntOwner[ent]]-- g_EntOwner[ent] = 0 } else if (IsBlockLocked(ent)) { UnlockBlock(ent) DispatchKeyValue(ent, "rendermode", "0"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (basebuilder54.sma - 51.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. hello i am looking for a simple nade plugin that only allows the damage of a nade nothing more trying to keep things minimalistic also we're looking for a plugin to force players with a K/D to only use pistols kind of like antiroxx but allot simpler and smaller scale we want it to check the players K/D as they play or each round basically blocking the slot 1 weapon spot any help with this would be greatly apricated please contact me Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. The plugin can show the crosshair when the sniper rifle is not on the scope. When your sniper rifle does not open the scope, it will display the crosshair in the center of your screen, and it will disappear automatically when the scope is opened, which does not affect the opening of the scope! Tested for css only and i don't know if it works for other games Features: 1. Referring to Black Haze's code (, I removed the cheat flag for the "r_screenoverlay" command. Now you can use this plugin even when cheat mode is not enabled! (stand-alone test passed, online has not been tested) 2. This plugin is compatible with the hit feedback plugin and the kill feedback plugin. Now this plugin does not conflict with these two plugins and can be used with them. 3. There are two types of crosshairs: red dots and CSS-like green crosshairs (please refer to the screenshot below for details). You can set the default style in the configuration file. You can also switch styles in-game using the console command "crosshair_switch". Commands: crosshair_switch - enable/disable the plugin crosshair_type - switch sniper rifle crosshair style (red dot / CSS-like green crosshair) Configuration file: cstrike/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.crosshair_with_noscope.cfg Cvars: sm_crosshair_with_noscope_enable Whether to enable the plugin 0 = disabled 1 = enabled sm_crosshair_with_noscope_type The crosshair style of the sniper rifle 1 = red dot 2 = the green crosshair imitating CSS sm_crosshair_with_noscope_time The time to temporarily disable the crosshair when injuring the enemy It is consistent with the time displayed by the hit feedback plugin, which is generally 0.15 or 0.1. If you do not install the hit feedback plugin, please fill in 0 Default Values: 0 sm_crosshair_with_noscope_time2 The time to temporarily disable the crosshair when killing an enemy It same as the display time of the kill feedback plug-in, and the display time of the kill feedback plugin is generally 1.0-3.0. If you do not install the kill feedback plugin, please fill in 0 Default Values: 0 My English is not good, the expression may not be clear, please forgive me. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Is it possible instead of the current weapon to appear the entire inventory? Whether primary, secondary weapon, knife and grenades Weapon Icon Display ( zenix ) Attached Thumbnails Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Hey Guys, I Need a plugin when people enter my server that plays a song not on the loading screen but when they press ct or t Thanks you all <3 Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSGrab Player

    Hello I have a problem when I grab a player, I don't want him to go through the wall Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. This plugin allows cs:s to manually inspect weapons like csgo. I am the author of the plugin. The premise is that the weapon model itself has an inspection action, whether it is an independent action or included in the idle action, it is eligible.Tested for css only and i don't know if it works for other games. The plugin comes with a viewable weapon module for reference only. Commands sm_lookat - manually inspect your current weapon. And you can open autoexec CFG (if not found, open autoexec.cfg of cstrike\cfg\), search bind "P", delete it if found, and then add a line: bind "P" "sm_lookat", save it. Only (setting other keys is also OK, P is only recommended) Configuration file:cstrike\addons\sourcemod\configs\Weapons LookAtAction.txt Please read the instruction carefully in the installation package carefully before use. Tutorial video: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Manual Inspect (17.34 MB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Run Lookat01.sp - 18.1 KB) WeaponsLookAtAction.txt (24 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  18. Will someone be able to fix this code? There are currently prices for these weapons Scout, AWP, SG550, G3SG1 for players without a flag But for admins they are free there is also an inscription [FREE FOR VIP] but after selecting a weapon from the above and then pressing 2 or 3 it cannot remember them and must be searched again in the menu. I am only talking about those weapons where for regular players they are with money and for administrators they are free Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (csdm_equip.sma - 55.3 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. DescriptionSimply set respawn health of defibrillator/rescue to custom value. Cvars PHP Code: // how many health will get after defibrillator used // - // Default: "30" // Minimum: "1.000000" respawn_health_defib "30" // how many health will get after rescued // - // Default: "30" // Minimum: "1.000000" respawn_health_rescue "30" Noteit's a very simple stuff. no planning for custom health buffer and revive count. Related PluginsSafeRoom Naps Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2023-03-16: init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (respawn_health.sp - 2.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Set a weapon as a bulletproof shield (from csgo) to protect the user and cover teammates.The plugin comes with a shield mod (it replaces elite). You can also replace other weapon with other model if you don't like them.In addition, you can also set whether police bots or terrorist bots can use the shield. Commands buy_shield - Buy a bulletproof shield.Because it is to replace elite, you can use this command when you join the police, Of course,if you use a plugin with a model, the shield has been added to the police buy menu, you can choose it in the menu without entering the command. Tested for css only and i don't know if it works for other games My English is not good, the expression may not be clear, please forgive me. Demo video: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files [Normal Version] Shield Plugin (16.63 MB) [Hardcore Version] Shield Plugin (16.65 MB) Get Plugin or Get Source (New_Shield.sp - 47.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (Bot_Use_Shield.sp - 6.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  21. [ND] Save Last Base Spawn Description If a commander sells the last spawn then players must wait until everyone on their team (including the commander) dies and then the game will end. Despite the game being updated to prevent a commander from selling the last spawn, enterprising commanders have found new ways of griefing by first selling all base spawns and then selling the power for all forward spawns. This plugin will detect and prevent the commander from selling the last base spawn. Server Installation - Install the [ND] Build Structure Intercept plugin ( - Ensure the latest file is in the addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ directory - Copy the nd_save_basespawn.smx to the addons/sourcemod/plugins directory Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (nd_save_basespawn.sp - 6.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  22. Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if it is possible to add to the equation the Shield, which would only come out when a Terrorist has the C4 in his hands (Only occasion in which the Shield magically disappears) (SideWeapons still doesn't include Primary Weapons (That theme is a bit abandoned)) Simulation: Plugin used: Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (backweapon3.sma - 5.4 KB) BackWeapons[Shield].zip (805.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Name: Find command Description: The plugin makes it easy to find the plugin that registered the console command. Instead of iterating through the entire list of plugins one by one using the sm cmds <plugin #> command, just send the sm_find_cmd <console command name> command to the console and the plugin will display a list of plugins with the name (if any) and file name (relative to the plugins folder). Plugins that use the interception of chat messages to catch commands cannot be defined that way, of course. This plugin is a simpler and less resource-intensive analogue of SourceMod Plugin Command Info plugin. Written on this request. Requirements: SM1.10+ Commands: sm_find_cmd <console command name> PHP Code: sm_find_cmd [SM] Usage: sm_find_cmd <console command name> sm_find_cmd sm_find_cmd [SM] 'sm_find_cmd' is registered to: "Find command" (file: 1234\sm_find_cmd.smx) -= 1 matches found =- Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_find_cmd 1.0.0_13.03.2023.sp - 1.8 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  24. Hello everyone! This is my second post in a few minutes. I am a newcome here and using plugins. Still figuring out how to do the most of it. I am loving it tho. It's for a CS:GO server. Like the title says, I've seen some good comunity servers with an option to cycle maps depending on the number of players. I've tried to search it on this forum but it's kinda BIG and I couldn't find it. Can someone tell me what kind of plugin or configuration do I need to do it? This will be the major thing about my server. Hope you can help me! Best Regards Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. [TF2] Fixed Friendly Fire Primarily made for free-for-all gamemodes and maps, this plugin attempts to fix the incredibly broken friendly fire in Team Fortress 2. Note: This does nothing if mp_friendlyfire is not enabled. 🡺 Source Code on GitHub 🡺 Download Latest Release Requirements SourceMod 1.11+ TF2 Utils What does this fix? The full list of fixes is far too big to write out in detail, but some notable ones include: GeneralFixed jar projectiles not coating teammates Fixed projectiles not colliding with teammates under certain conditions Fixed not being able to destroy friendly stickybombs with regular weapons ScoutShortstop: Fixed secondary attack not shoving teammates SoldierBuff Banner: No longer applies buffs to teammates PyroFlame Thrower: Fixed not being able to set teammates on fire Flame Thrower: Fixed not being able to airblast teammates Manmelter: No longer extinguishes teammates Scorch Shot: Fixed flare projectiles not applying knockback to teammates Gas Passer: Fixed gas clouds not coating teammates DemomanGrenade Launcher: Fixed grenades rarely bouncing off friendly buildings Stickybomb Launcher: Fixed not being able to knock around friendly stickybombs Scottish Resistance/Quickiebomb Launcher: Fixed not being able to detonate friendly stickybombs EngineerSentry Guns now shoot all players except the builder and spies disguised as the builder Dispensers and Teleporters now only work for the builder and spies disguised as the builder All buildings are now solid to all players Wrench: Fixed being able to repair friendly buildings SniperSniper Rifle: Fixed not being able to deal damage to teammates SniperFixed being able to see cloaked teammates Knife: Fixed the "backstab ready" animation not playing on teammates Sapper: Fixed not being able to sap friendly buildings Heavy did not need any special fixes, and Medic has been largely untouched. Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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